Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Oh My, Mama-Cita! This Sure as Hell Ain't
Mrs. Robinson Going to the Candidates Debate...

Mexico's "electoral authority" formally apologized to voters yesterday after former Playboy model, "debate assistant," and all-around Latin firebrand Julia Orayen (pictured variously above) -- and her revealing, cleavage-spouting outfit -- completely upstaged the boring, stuffy presidential candiates at a debate this week!

Apparently Julia's role was to strut around in front of the camera to hand out some sort of card to the candidates.  But the main thing accomplished by this beautiful buxom broad was to create a big stir on the Net.  (How about this doofus presidential candidate staring at her ass!...)

I just don't get why anyone had to "apologize" for this.  They should likewise bring out a little number like Julia for the American presidential debates later this year.  And if the dame similarly needs to be Mexican, then I'd nominate the ultra-pouty Paulina Gaitan (pictured below) from ABC's "The River" (since She Be HOT!).

Yep, the American presidential debates will most def need a special added attraction, especially now that it's clear that The Trumper won't be joining the race.  I gots to be entertained, after all. And Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are about as entertaining and colorful as watching a hyena eat a damn vulture (and yes, I have seen such a thing play out before).

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

This'll Keep 'Em From Giving Me a Breathalyzer! Texas Woman Allegedly Drives Drunk & Bashes Her Car Into Cops' Blood Alcohol Testing Van!

It should be a whole new chapter in Law Enforcement Evasion 101: Just get rid of the instrumentality necessary for the cops to lower the boom on ya. After all, you can't serve jail time if you make sure there's no jail standing. You can't be tailed by that cop on the corner after pulling a bank job if his cruiser has four flat tires. And you damn sure can't blow a high BAC if you take out the breathalyzer van!

Cops in Montgomery County, Texas say that when they pulled over a suspected drunk driver last weekend, they ended up getting two for the price of one -- but at a terrible price well below the going rate (link to full story at bottom). They say that when Suspect #1 went berzerk and tried to hoof it, they had to call in the ol' BAC van as back up. And that's when all hell broke loose...
It seems that a second driver -- the above-pictured 25-year-old Calli Dretke -- was either really drunk and/or just really hates BAC Vans. Because cops say that as they tried to detain Suspect #1, Dretke drove up from behind, swerved onto the highway's shoulder, and violently deposited her car right into back of the BAC van!

And that was just as an Opening Attraction! Cops says this bombed breathalyzer opponent (allegedly) next took to task the other two cop cars on the scene -- bashing the hell out of them as well (maybe she thought there was a breathalyzer inside of them too?).

For her alleged efforts, cops say this bombed-out demolition derby broad (allegedly) broke one cop's leg and didn't do the three cop vehicles any favors either. Cops tossed her blitzed ass (allegedly) in the hoosegow on $50,000 bond. There, at least, I hope this pickled piece of work has finally found some peace in her life -- since there should be nary a breathalyzer in sight down in the can.

Monday, May 7, 2012

"Obama Tells Americans Not to Take Chance on Romney." Finally, Perhaps an Effective Campaign Talking Point from the Individual We Currently Have as President!

(1) For those Americans who typically vote for the democrat party while not being a part of that party's leftist 20 percenter base that includes Obama (and there are millions upon millions of such Americans), and (2) similarly for Independents like me who hate voting for anyone who has either an R or a D next to his/her name unless we feel it absolutely necessary (see 2010) -- Obama's latest campaign talking point is (all shitting aside) pretty damn effective...

Obama is one of two absolute worst presidents of my lifetime, but the underlying message to his talking point of "don't take a chance on Romney" is as follows: Why in the hell would you trust the right-winger gop-ers to do any better, if not worse, than even he has?  Frankly, it's fairly compelling point...

Because Obama's 8-year predecessor W Bush is the other of those two worst presidents of my lifetime.  Two individuals completely unequipped, ill-prepared, ill-qualified, and incompetent to be even so much as mayors of average-sized American cities, let alone damn Presidents of the United States.

These two fools are nearly solely responsible for placing this country on the brink of financial and economic ruin as a result of our nearly $16 trillion national debt.  They have spent money like drunken sailors to a near-Biblical destructiveness level, all the while presiding over the deaths of thousands of young American boys in half-baked neoconservative foreign incursions abroad aimed at effecting "regime change" in the places in which they see fit to do so.  In short, they both make me sick.  I would never shake either of their hands. I would run and hide in a sewer hole somewhere in order to avoid doing so (note that I did not say "manhole").

So this is an effective political talking point by Obama, even if its intellectual appeal is pretty much at a gutter rat level:  "Vote for the Devil you know, because the gop-ers have shown that their dude's liable to be just as bad if not worse than me."

What's this, Obama actually starting to get serious about this 2012 campaign?  Exhibiting some political intelligence for the first time since his 2008 campaign?  Honestly, I doubt it.  2012 Candidate Obama strikes me as a completely out-of-touch, desperate and pretty slimy politician flailing about in the wind. But like the broken watch, he strikes an accurate chord a few times a day.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Sisters Sledge: Slimeball Allegedly Pulls Stick Up Job on Two 90-Year-Old Sisters, Who Promptly Put the Kibosh on the Creep!

I love this kind of a story on a Friday: Scuzjob bully criminal (allegedly) gets stood up to and gets what's coming to his sorry ass.  And by the way, what kind of a slimebait tries to strong-arm a couple of damn 90-year-old ladies (links at bottom)?...

The 94-year-old and 92-year-old sisters live in Hamilton Township, New Jersey, where they were returning to their car last weekend after a visit to CVS. But as they got into said vehicle, little did they know that sleazebag was hiding in the backseat like some sort of gutter rat.

Cops says this skunkwad (27-year-old Sergio Fernando Solorzano-Vasquez; pictured above) and his four names came after the sisters with a big knife right there in the car!  But he picked the "wrong set of sisters" to jack around with, you see...

Working together not unlike a well-oiled wrestling tag-team, these two very senior citizen siblings reportedly made quick work of the crumb.  Cops say Sister #1 kept the lout at bay by pounding him with her elbow, while Sister #2 quickly exited the vehicle to shout for help.

This suspected swinebucket Vasquez then allegedly tried to scurry out of Dodge faster than a building inspector in an Alabama shithouse.  Cops say they quickly tracked down this running rat and tossed the beast in the hoosegow.

Neither sister was seriously injured, and this dirtwagon Vasquez (allegedly) faces robbery and carjacking charges. Maybe for his next piece of work, he can try putting the screws to some old life'r in the can. Betcha he'll get about far with that as he did with those two moth-eaten matrons out in the parking lot.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

"Occupy Wall Street Bums Are a Big Joke":
Big Apple Workers Laugh at the Antics of the Protesters, Liken Them to a Pack of Hobos!

Leave it to the New York Post to cut through the crap when it came to the leftist "occupy wall street" movement's last ditch attempt at relevancy this week in New York City:  Crows the Post's headline yesterday: "OWS Bums Are a Big Joke; Hard Workers Enjoy Good Laugh as May Day Skirmishes Fizzle."  Ouch-O-Bama!

Highlights from the O-W-Streeters' half-baked Big Apple effort included (link to full story at bottom):

-The Post reports that "occupy"'s latest NYC stunt "largely fizzled -- but at least provided a good laugh for hardworking people gazing from their office windows at the demonstrators' antics" (picture above).

-As one Wall Street bartender told the Post:  "How can anyone take them seriously? They look like homeless people . . . These people need a change of wardrobe and a shower." Double Ouch.

-The same bartender (named Kimberly Leo) also mused at the sight of one lady "occupier" who was ranting about not having a job while she strutted around in a T-shirt that said "NYMPHO." (That broad should head over to Jersey and hit up the Bada Bing for a job -- she might have a chance over there).

-"Occupiers" reportedly engaged in a handful of clashes with cops, including one group of 100 protesters toting a giant (and immensely clever) sign that blasted, "Fuck the Police!"  (The surviving members of rap group N.W.A. should be suing for royalties).

-The 50 arrests that occurred included a 19-year-old "occupier" named Elliot Epstein, who allegedly brawled, bit and spat upon multiple cops, including the NYPD Police Chief Thomas Galati. (At least his saliva aimed for the top).

-At the end of the day, the Post reports the protesters accomplished "little more than snarling traffic in [their] sporadic gatherings around the city."  But even that endeavor was largely a failure.  Said one Wall Street insurance company employee: "It's not working. People are going about their business. I got to work on time."

So with this week's "occupy" silliness now behind us, have we finally seen the leftist 20 percenter "occupiers" join the deranged right-winger tea partiers on the trash heap of irrelevancy?  Frankly, I hope not.  These fools have always been great entertainment.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Giddy Up! Drunken Gramps Allegedly Drags Kid in Toy Car Behind SUV While Boozin' Granny Eggs on the Tot from the Back Hatch of the Vehicle!

This one just has big bowl of wrong written all over every single aspect of it.  And I haven't even mentioned anything yet about the dog leashes...

From the legendary website The Smoking Gun this week comes the story (link at bottom) of Florida grandparents Paul and Belinda Berloni (pictured above), their very unfortunate little granddaughter, and the tike's plastic Hot Wheels toy car (also pictured above). Let the deranged ride begin!

It apparently wasn't enough for Gramps and Granny just to get wasted while watching their seven-year-old granddaughter. After all, it's certainly possible to up the ol' child neglect ante a lot more than that. And what better way than to tie the kid to a moving vehicle and drag her behind it just for kicks?

For some reason, this sorry spectacle caught the eye of a passing cop, who promptly pulled over both the kid's car and Granny and Gramps' SUV.  And that's when the full dementedness of this situation finally began to become clear...

First, cops say the toy car was tethered to the truck by no more than a couple of damn dog leashes! (Maybe Gramps had to hawk off his tow chain down at the pawn shop in order to get his drink on that day?).

What's more, cops allege the little girl was wearing only a bathing suit "and had no protective gear on whatsoever" -- not so much as even a dog collar or muzzle.  (So this sad little caper would've been OK if only the little shit had been wearing a helmet and padding? Regardless...)

Cops say Gramps "reeked of booze" and "had watery and bloodshot eyes" with speech that was "slowed and slurred."  But Gramps was reportedly able to pull it together long enough to inform cops that his license had been "revoked for 10 years for a DUI."

For good measure, cops says Granny was sloshed back in the SUV's cargo area, where she was allegedly "cheering the child on" through an open back hatch before cops pulled this crazy caravan over.  Said Granny to the cops: "We were just having fun and have been doing this all day."

But now Gramps and Granny are facing child cruelty charges plus a rather perturbed son (the girl's father), who reportedly barked at Granny at the scene: "Are you fucking stupid, you should know better!" But Pot Meet Kettle, Daddy: Since you're the one who left your kid with these two twisted geriatrics in the first place!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"COME All Ye Faithful"? Ex-Preacher Starts Online Sex Toy Shop, But Even I Wouldn't Use That Headline...

I get that the leftist website The Huffington Post enjoys playing up a story about an ex-Christian pastor who is now in the business of peddling sex toys, but "COME All Ye Faithful" as the headline? Really? That one's even beneath my standards, and I didn't know I had any! (Course, that doesn't stop me from REPEATING said headline)...

Regardless, how 'bout this dildo-doling Doctor of Divinity? He's 56-year-old Dutchman and ex-Parson Marc Angenant (pictured above). And after 23 years tending his flock, the good Reverend has now turned in the cloth for the vibrator (link to full story at bottom).

Angenant's operating a website called "Lief Destuin" (translated: Love Garden), which offers a whole host of sex toys "for Christians," some of which toys' function and purpose I've never even heard of...

That category would include such things as "erection rings" and "prostate simulators" (Rector? He damn near killed 'er), although Father Foreplay's website also offers plenty of your more garden-variety naughty instruments, such as the aforementioned vibrators and dildos.

But even this sex toy purveyor padre, reportedly, will only go so far. For example, if you're looking to give your lover a good beatin' with a buggy whip, Angenant's website ain't for you. Quoting THP: "He doesn't offer whips or other fetish items, but not because he finds anything wrong with them -- he just doesn't want to shock the Christian community."

And I can appreciate that: I'm sure few in the Christian community will be offended by Love Garden just so long as Angenant's website lays off the riding crops and bullwhips. But what about that stray Christian dude who REALLY NEEDS a knotted plow line for use in the bedroom? Where's he gonna turn?

Monday, April 30, 2012

"Illegal Dumping": Maryland Man Busted for Alleged Shitting Spree in Yards and Driveways All Across Town!

This guy needs to change his diet or something. Too much roughage. Because apparently he has difficulty ever going more than 15 or 20 minutes without taking a damn shit!

He's 48-year-old Kelly Ervin of Salisbury, Maryland, and he's suspected of doing the number two on people's property from one side of town to the other (link to full story at bottom). But wouldn't ya know, dude has a doozy of a doo-doo defense...

Ervin basically claims that he just can't help himself. He told cops that he goes running early every morning, and he says that whenever he hits the two-mile mark on his daily run, "he has to have a bowel movement."

Never after a mile-and-a-half or two-and-a-half miles, mind you. Nope,them bowels start 'a breakin' down right at that two mile marker every single time! Thus, he claims, he "defacates wherever his 2 mile mark is" and has been doing so "for over 20 years."

Cops reportedly bought that shitty story at first and let this dumpin' dandy off the hook late last month with only a warning. And he may have gotten away with that it too, if not for that pesky meddling home security camera...

All bets were off several days later, when Ervin was reportedly caught on tape exiting his Jeep to go lay down a cow patty on a local resident's driveway. (No word whether the vehicle had traveled exactly two miles from Ervin's home at the time of the incident).

This time, the proud pooper Ervin chalked it up to a "pain in his stomach" that forced him to pull over and take a dump at the nearest residence. And while Ervin reportedly did bring along (and use) some toilet paper on his little alleged poop patrol, he also allegedly tossed the feces-stained paper all over the owner's driveway after finishing his dirty piece of work!

Now cops have tossed the TP roll at Ervin, charging him with the misdemeanor crime of "dumping under 100 pounds." And I take from that description that if a person shat OVER 100 pounds, the crime would escalate to a felony.

So 100 pounds to up them charges, uh? He did admit he's been crappin' in yards for over 20 years, no? Sounds like some serious total poop poundage. Shit for thought.

Friday, April 27, 2012

"Mainstream" Media: Marco Rubio as VP Pick Would Be "Another" Sarah Palin. Translation: Please (PLEASE!) Pick Someone Else, Romney!

Expect in upcoming days and weeks a steady stream of leftist pundits and "mainstream" media members to liken gop-er Florida Senator and right-winger Marco Rubio to Sarah Palin -- advice posited as a good-faith "warning" that Romney would be wise to pick someone else for VP.  But as noted at the top, the very simple translation is as follows: The last person the democrat party wants to see as Romney's VP selection is Marco Rubio.

I've already spotted a couple such articles late this week (links at bottom).  CBS News' John Dickerson: "Marco Rubio is this election's Sarah Palin."  MSNBC's Joe Scarborough (and yes, I realize he's an ex-gop-er congressman): "Rubio is not ready to be vice president . . . just like Sarah Palin."

And truth be told, the left-slanted "mainstream" media, the democrat party, and such party's leftist 20 percenter base have plenty of reason to fear Rubio. In short: Comparing him to Palin is like the proverbial comparison of Chocolate Mousse to cow dung.

Say what you want about Rubio (he's way too far to the right for my tastes), but he sure as hell ain't no Sarah Palin. Dude's a true rising star in a business (politics) that's constantly anointing false "rising stars." He has consistently struck me as a very talented and smart right-wing speaker, thinker and politician (and I don't dole out compliments, even somewhat backhanded ones like that, lightly or very often). The deranged right-wingers are incessantly searching and clamoring about for their next Reagan. Rubio, when it's all said and done, might be it.

To me, the only valid comparison between Rubio and the nutty, shrill-voiced (yet very hot) Sarah Palin would be justified criticism and/or concern over youth and inexperience.  But let's see: Who's that individual who's been masquerading around the White House as a "president" for the past four years? Any democrat party attack campaign aimed at Rubio's experience level will be utterly laughable (not that the same will stop the leftists from said endeavor, because it won't).

Rubio's the real deal, and that (plus his Hispanic ancestry and the fact he'll energize the right-winger base) is the reason why (as stated) he's the last person the democrat party wants to see on Romney's ticket.  So let the "warnings" about Rubio begin and ensue from various media members and democrat partisans so seemingly concerned about Romney making a poor choice for VP. Such generosity and charity, these leftists!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kiss Of Death? democrat party Ex-Pres Jimmy Damn Carter Says He'd Be "Comfortable" with Mitt Romney as President! With Endorsements Like That...

...who needs political opponents? (Link to full story at bottom).

For the record, Carter does say that he'd prefer someone from the democrat party in the White House, but he also says he'd have no problem with the Mittster...

Said JDC: "I would be comfortable [with Romney]. I think Romney has shown in the past . . . as a moderate or progressive that he was fairly competent as a governor." The old guy tosses in that Romney is also "a good solid family man and so forth."

Carter -- who does not get along with the Clintons and always seems to be the most estranged member of the Ex-Presidents Club -- is sure to rile up both the leftist 20 percenters and the deranged right-wingers with his above comments...

I can already hear Markos Moulitsas at Daily Kos dropping F-bombs over Carter describing Romney as a "progressive." And the right-winger gop-ers aren't going to like that either -- nor the term "moderate," which is the very description that has made the gop-er right-wing base so slow to warm to Romney as the republic partisan nominee.

But at the end of the day, who really gives a rat's ass what any of those extremist partisan ideologue freaks on either side think. If I was Romney, I'd be a lot more concerned with the fact that I've just received a near-endorsement from the worst president of my lifetime not named W or Barry. That REALLY can't bode too well for November, I gotta thinks.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hot Under the Collar: Climate Change Leftist Calls For the Homes of Man-Made Global Warming Skeptics to be Burned Down. What an Awful Suggestion...

...Just think of all the extra carbon emissions that'll come spewing off those various house fires. Carbon Dioxide City. Carbon Monoxide Madness. Tell me, Steve Zwick (pictured above), as you do your best Talking Heads impersonation: Why not instead just take a Titanic-sized flamethrower and blast a giant hole through the damn ozone layer? And this guy claims to be an environmentalist.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"Obama Prepares to Campaign on Student Loans": Is There Any Political Action He Takes Not Aimed At 2012 Interest Groups Vs. Looking Out for Us All?

So much for the individual who ran (and won solely because of his BS rhetoric) as the "great ["moderate"] uniter" in 2008. The man who would bring all Americans together. No red states. No blue ones. Just purple ones, or whatever spew his minions barked out. The greatest political figure since sliced bread, as all my leftist 20 percenter family members and "friends" (NOT) all liked to describe him (still, I didn't vote for him, or for Tired Old Man McCain either, for the record).

But once inaugurated -- he's been everything but the "great uniter." Everything's been Chicago Way political machine, pure politics, pure divisiveness, pure ugliness, pure leftist 20 percenter, 24-7, ALL day, every day. NEVER ANY initiative, proposal or movement aimed at improving the best interests of the American people as a whole (such as any kind of serious deficit and debt reducing plan of any sort). Nope. Never ANYTHING like that from the "great uniter."

Instead, a whole lot worse: Some of the most bitter, extreme leftist, and country tearing-apart rhetoric and talking points that I have ever heard from any prominent political figure in my lifetime -- let alone from a damn sitting president. (I don't call him the equal worst president of my lifetime along with W Bush for nothing, after all).

Obama is these days a completely pathetic and sad political figure -- just clinging desperately to power, based upon the politics of hatred and trying to divide the country along ugly racial, national, sex, income and age lines. He takes no political action or position other than ones aimed at diverting attention away from his awful domestic policies and results of the past 4 years, in order to divide and conquer the American electorate. And I repeat: NEVER anything aimed at the best interests of the American people as a whole, even as a matter of conscience from a decent man of good will (which he clearly is NOT).

The sad part? The "great uniter" doesn't even need to get so ugly. Running against an extremely weak and stand-for-nothing gop-er opponent like Romney, the individual we currently have as president could easily win without inhabiting in 2012 the putrid leftist gutter that has been his presidency for 4 very long years. But guess that's the way the leftist (or right-winger, as the case may be) swings: Just can't help his slimy-ass self.

Monday, April 23, 2012

I Gotta Give One Thing to These Secret Service Agents: They Do Have an Eye for the Hot Broad & the Nice Rack...

...This after the revelations in recent days of (1) the Secret Service agents' Colombian hooker scandal involving "escort" Dania Suarez (first and third pictures above) and other hoes, and (2) one of those same agents admitting that he liked to "check out" and stare at Sarah Palin's ass when assigned to protect her. (Links at bottom).

Hell, I'd be checking out those two little numbers (Palin and Suarez) too if given the opportunity. They Be Hot! Hotter than a brown dog tick in an Alabama shithouse in the middle of August. To Protect and Serve, baby! Damn pesky security breaches.

Friday, April 20, 2012

After Lesbian Kiss Pic, You Should "Trash Your Teen's New Urban Outfitters Catalog Today"? Screw That. I'd Be Looking Forward to the Next Edition!

The young models smoochin' above (and below) are from Urban Outfitters' new April catalog, and there's no indication whatsoever that either of the ladies is underage. So what's the big damn deal? But don't trying telling that to right-winger group "One Million Moms"!

The social conservative group is going after Urban Outfitters with all of its right-wing gusto (link at bottom), urging parents across the country to "trash your teen's new Urban Outfitters catalog today!"

The quasi-boycott movement (amazing how much right-wingers and leftist 20 percenters alike seem to love business boycotts) is also imploring people nationwide to flood Urban Outfitters with angry e-mail complaints.

This deranged right-winger outfit OMM (which previously tried to boycott JCPenney for using a lesbian as a spokesman -- can't have that!) is also asking e-mailers to threaten a boycott of Urban Outfitters and is demanding that Urban Outfitters "apologize."

OMM complains that the catalog targets teens and therefore shouldn't use any girlie smoocheroo pics. Hey, if you have a problem with homosexuality and/or with your teen being exposed to the fact that homosexuals kiss each other, that's your prerogative: You're free to prevent your teen from taking or keeping the catalog. But why would you feel the compelling need to impose that outcome and viewpoint on every other parent out there through a boycott?

It's a parent's job to filter the images and speech to which his/her kids are exposed. So do your job, and worry about your own damn kids. And let other parents worry about theirs. Believe it or not, right-wingers and leftists: You really DON'T know what's best for everyone else's kids.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Whiskey Bottles, Baseball Bats, and a Good Running Over: New Mexico Woman Allegedly Goes Ape on Boyfriend (With Truck & Weapons) Over a Damn T-Shirt!

He just wanted to get his drink on with the old lady. But apparently there was something about his shirt she didn't like. Or there was some shirt he wouldn't give her. Or he failed to compliment her on her shirt. Regardless, a T-shirt was involved -- and it was for some reason at the heart of things when all hell broke loose...

The boyfriend of 34-year-old Agapita Ramos (pictured above) was reportedly sipping on a few brewskies in Ramos' Chevy pickup truck late last month when the shirt-shit hit the fan. The disagreement over the shirt allegedly became so heated (as most shirt arguments tend to do) that Ramos told her old man to get the hell out the truck and hoof it home himself.

That seemed OK with boyfriend, although he sure as hell wasn't going to leave that 18-pack of beer and whiskey bottle in the ride! But when he went to grab the booze, Ramos instead allegedly grabbed the whiskey bottle and clocked the boozin' boyfriend right in the mush! And that was just for starters...

Boyfriend was at least able to retrieve his beer, but as he started to walk home with his brew, he says he "heard the revving of the truck's engine" behind him. Eventually satisfied apparently that the truck was fully "revved up," Ramos next allegedly drove the truck right at boyfriend and ran him right over! (No word whether she got the 18-pack too).

The run-over left boyfriend with a leg pinned under the truck -- the sort of prone position which Ramos was allegedly prepared to take full advantage of. Cops say Ramos then grabbed a big baseball bat and started beating the helpless, trapped boyfriend about the head with it!

Boyfriend for his trouble reportedly got messed up something real bad, requiring reconstructive surgery on his right arm. Meantime Ramos is being held down at the hoosegow on aggravated battery charges. And good news for the hacks down there who will have to dress Ramos: Those orange jumpsuits are all one piece -- no shirt involved.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Angry Roman Centurions Besiege Colosseum"!!!

Looks like I picked the wrong damn week to start attending gladiator events.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Civility: democrat party Head of the Maine Legislature's "Moderate Caucus" Calls for Former republic partisan V.P. Dick Cheney to be EXECUTED...

Now if that's what the democrat party calls a "moderate," I'd hate to meet in person one of their more left-leaning members!

Maybe that's why the leftist 20 percenters will argue all night long that Obama (arguably the most left-wing president in American history) is a "moderate" -- which to me (and any other reasonable human being) is a statement as psychotic as claiming to be Napoleon Bonaparte.

And that's why it's largely a waste of my time to ever try speaking with a leftist. Try communicating sometime with a person who has completely different definitions for the most common of words (see, e.g., "moderate" and "is") than 80% of the rest of the population...

It ain't easy, I'm here to tell ya. So I've largely retired from the endeavor. Time can be spent on so much more productive uses. Such as swallowing hemlock or trying to carry on a conversation with a Mississippi shithouse.