Monday, May 7, 2012

"Obama Tells Americans Not to Take Chance on Romney." Finally, Perhaps an Effective Campaign Talking Point from the Individual We Currently Have as President!

(1) For those Americans who typically vote for the democrat party while not being a part of that party's leftist 20 percenter base that includes Obama (and there are millions upon millions of such Americans), and (2) similarly for Independents like me who hate voting for anyone who has either an R or a D next to his/her name unless we feel it absolutely necessary (see 2010) -- Obama's latest campaign talking point is (all shitting aside) pretty damn effective...

Obama is one of two absolute worst presidents of my lifetime, but the underlying message to his talking point of "don't take a chance on Romney" is as follows: Why in the hell would you trust the right-winger gop-ers to do any better, if not worse, than even he has?  Frankly, it's fairly compelling point...

Because Obama's 8-year predecessor W Bush is the other of those two worst presidents of my lifetime.  Two individuals completely unequipped, ill-prepared, ill-qualified, and incompetent to be even so much as mayors of average-sized American cities, let alone damn Presidents of the United States.

These two fools are nearly solely responsible for placing this country on the brink of financial and economic ruin as a result of our nearly $16 trillion national debt.  They have spent money like drunken sailors to a near-Biblical destructiveness level, all the while presiding over the deaths of thousands of young American boys in half-baked neoconservative foreign incursions abroad aimed at effecting "regime change" in the places in which they see fit to do so.  In short, they both make me sick.  I would never shake either of their hands. I would run and hide in a sewer hole somewhere in order to avoid doing so (note that I did not say "manhole").

So this is an effective political talking point by Obama, even if its intellectual appeal is pretty much at a gutter rat level:  "Vote for the Devil you know, because the gop-ers have shown that their dude's liable to be just as bad if not worse than me."

What's this, Obama actually starting to get serious about this 2012 campaign?  Exhibiting some political intelligence for the first time since his 2008 campaign?  Honestly, I doubt it.  2012 Candidate Obama strikes me as a completely out-of-touch, desperate and pretty slimy politician flailing about in the wind. But like the broken watch, he strikes an accurate chord a few times a day.