Thursday, April 26, 2012
Kiss Of Death? democrat party Ex-Pres Jimmy Damn Carter Says He'd Be "Comfortable" with Mitt Romney as President! With Endorsements Like That...
...who needs political opponents? (Link to full story at bottom).
For the record, Carter does say that he'd prefer someone from the democrat party in the White House, but he also says he'd have no problem with the Mittster...
Said JDC: "I would be comfortable [with Romney]. I think Romney has shown in the past . . . as a moderate or progressive that he was fairly competent as a governor." The old guy tosses in that Romney is also "a good solid family man and so forth."
Carter -- who does not get along with the Clintons and always seems to be the most estranged member of the Ex-Presidents Club -- is sure to rile up both the leftist 20 percenters and the deranged right-wingers with his above comments...
I can already hear Markos Moulitsas at Daily Kos dropping F-bombs over Carter describing Romney as a "progressive." And the right-winger gop-ers aren't going to like that either -- nor the term "moderate," which is the very description that has made the gop-er right-wing base so slow to warm to Romney as the republic partisan nominee.
But at the end of the day, who really gives a rat's ass what any of those extremist partisan ideologue freaks on either side think. If I was Romney, I'd be a lot more concerned with the fact that I've just received a near-endorsement from the worst president of my lifetime not named W or Barry. That REALLY can't bode too well for November, I gotta thinks.