Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Giddy Up! Drunken Gramps Allegedly Drags Kid in Toy Car Behind SUV While Boozin' Granny Eggs on the Tot from the Back Hatch of the Vehicle!

This one just has big bowl of wrong written all over every single aspect of it.  And I haven't even mentioned anything yet about the dog leashes...

From the legendary website The Smoking Gun this week comes the story (link at bottom) of Florida grandparents Paul and Belinda Berloni (pictured above), their very unfortunate little granddaughter, and the tike's plastic Hot Wheels toy car (also pictured above). Let the deranged ride begin!

It apparently wasn't enough for Gramps and Granny just to get wasted while watching their seven-year-old granddaughter. After all, it's certainly possible to up the ol' child neglect ante a lot more than that. And what better way than to tie the kid to a moving vehicle and drag her behind it just for kicks?

For some reason, this sorry spectacle caught the eye of a passing cop, who promptly pulled over both the kid's car and Granny and Gramps' SUV.  And that's when the full dementedness of this situation finally began to become clear...

First, cops say the toy car was tethered to the truck by no more than a couple of damn dog leashes! (Maybe Gramps had to hawk off his tow chain down at the pawn shop in order to get his drink on that day?).

What's more, cops allege the little girl was wearing only a bathing suit "and had no protective gear on whatsoever" -- not so much as even a dog collar or muzzle.  (So this sad little caper would've been OK if only the little shit had been wearing a helmet and padding? Regardless...)

Cops say Gramps "reeked of booze" and "had watery and bloodshot eyes" with speech that was "slowed and slurred."  But Gramps was reportedly able to pull it together long enough to inform cops that his license had been "revoked for 10 years for a DUI."

For good measure, cops says Granny was sloshed back in the SUV's cargo area, where she was allegedly "cheering the child on" through an open back hatch before cops pulled this crazy caravan over.  Said Granny to the cops: "We were just having fun and have been doing this all day."

But now Gramps and Granny are facing child cruelty charges plus a rather perturbed son (the girl's father), who reportedly barked at Granny at the scene: "Are you fucking stupid, you should know better!" But Pot Meet Kettle, Daddy: Since you're the one who left your kid with these two twisted geriatrics in the first place!