Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Far Left wonders why I could never join them, given my disdain for the far right

Well, here's just another text book example: The constant references to tea party attendees as "teabaggers", which was featured very prominently on the CNN and MSNBC commentary (big surprise there), and now is featured on every far left blog in the galaxy (just look, e.g., at that pathetic Huffington Post -- BTW, Larry David, a man I idolize for your comedic genius -- shame on you for being associated with that extremist rag site). Here's the thing: In even the most simple of educated personal discourse, the act of hearing someone you disagree with and, in response, calling the person a derogatory name, equates to simple-minded, ad hominem, third grade sort of silliness. And the far left (and I'm being generous here) lives and inhabits the third grade level on a daily basis with all their hate and name-calling. You really think I could join up with you pathetic creatures, ever in my life? You gotta 'nother thing coming right there. For the record, for all of the ill-advised and pathetic republican interventions into these tea parties, there was a HUGE presence of folks like me attending -- folks just damn mad for a whole lot of reasons at BOTH of these two bull**** parties and how neither represents the majority of this country. It was truly, in primary part, a GRASSROOTS effort. Go teabag yourselves, far left, and if you have a problem with me saying that, go teabag that person lying beside you in mama's basement.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Zac Greinke w/ the 9 inning shutout of the Rangers & their bad*** offense

First Royals shut out of the ex-Senators in Arlington since 1985. Boy -- 1985 -- that sure has a good sound to it. I'm still under no illusions. The Royals have plenty of holes in starting pitching and in offense, but it's still fun for them to get off to a solid start for the second season in a row. It's much more fun watching the games when they aren't already buried come April 15! And Greinke now with something like 33 straight scoreless innings going back to last season -- if you watched him tonight, you had to think that this a dude with premier stuff in MLB and now poised to take that next step to actually being one the premier starting pitchers in MLB. And just under ink to a brand new Royals contract to boot. That was very nice watching that.

KC Royals' Mike Jacobs with another homer last night

I think this guy in the long run is going to annoy fans to no end with all his strikeouts and low on base percentage, but I have to say I enjoy watching him -- dude takes a monstrous cut every single time he swings. I think it's hilarious. 0-2 count -- shorten up your swing, try to make contract, right? Not with this guy -- if anything, Jacobs takes an even bigger rip in those situations. You have to admire that kind of devotion in a guy.

Israel stands to bomb Iran -- this is bad

Perhaps His Majesty could turn his attention to this rather serious situation, if only he can tear himself away from yucking it up with Hugo Chavez for a few moments. But as we continue to only increase our escalation in Afghanistan, I wonder if His Majesty really even cares is there's a new escalation and war breaking out in the middle east? I would think (based largely on his words during his campaign) that he might be more of a mind to try to, say, avoid these kinds of things occurring. Maybe? (But what do I know -- I'm just from a town...OK, I'm going to try not to run that one into the ground.)

Hugo Chavez -- what a guy!

I don't really think much commentary is necessary here. Some pictures truly do speak a 1000 words:,4644,7067,00.html#7_55

I'm fairly confident that I would not glad-hand, all smiles, with that particular individual, a totalarian dictator (see, e.g.,, but maybe I just don't get it since I'm from a town of 9000.

see also:

As a pop culture aside-my two fav videos...

of recent years -- appear below.

Journey with us into the life of a free thinking individual!

I invite any new visitors: Read ALL my posts below...

And then name me the person in your life or on the Internet somewhere who speaks this much truth. I'm waiting. No one says the kinds of things I say, no one pisses off as many people as I do once I get going, but alas, that's only because there is 60-65% of this country who inhabits the true majority and typically has better things to do than going around ranting and raving on the Internet like we see almost exclusively from the HATEFUL far right and far left. I'm an exception, because I'm so angry that I just like to spew the hate right back AT the far right and far left. But most of that same majority is a little better well-mannered than me (much to their credit, LOL!), but that doesn't mean that ALL OF US aren't still out here (sorry for the double negative) just THIRSTING for someone, ANYONE to purport to represent us! And many of us are not going to shut up, and not going to stop pissing you off, until we start getting some folks who represent us, thank you.

The teaparties are NOT evidence of repubs...

making some kind of comeback in this country. The far right and far left, as usual, have no concept of the truth when it comes to viewing the significance of these myriad tea party events. As I said earlier tonight on a politics discussion board, we're currently in a cycle that I've watched for 30 years now: The democrats have power, p*** everyone off, and the republicans look like fools for having no power. Then, a few years later, the republicans have power, p*** everyone off, and the democrats look like fools for having no power. It's an endless cycle of two bulls*it parties not representing much of anyone in this country except for the big money extremists who fund them. That's why the tea parties were so encouraging. Not because of the far right elements that had their little hooks into these events, which they did, but because there were so many other folks (YES -- FAR LEFT -- GRASSROOTS FOLKS -- GO F*** YOURSELF FAR LEFT) not aligned with the far right who were just out at these events because they (like me) are just ****ED OFF at these two pathetic parties and the extremes that control them. I see a potential for a new third party to possibly emerge. In a 2-party system, it's extremely hard for that to occur, and it only occurs when the third party basically replaces one of the two existing parties. But I'm open to all possibilities! Anything is better than the bull**** we have now.

Friday, April 17, 2009

National media bias -- out the ass

OK, now I'm going to address this topic. The national (note: not necessarily local) broadcast and print media are so pathetically biased in their news coverage and in their story selection and placement, that these slimeballs should absolutely be ashamed of themselves for ever using the letter J anywhere in their title. An overwelming majority of them are heavily biased to the far left -- most putridly, MSNBC, but also CNN, CBS, ABC and most of the so-called rags "of record" such as the NY Times and LA Times (will those two pathetic entities even exist a year from now? -- LMFAO!). BUT let's not forget the equally pathetic entity, FoxNews -- as much (or at least close) to as rabid far right as MSNBC is pathetically far left. These "news" organizations are not news or journalistic endeavors in any sense of those terms. All of these various entities are basically propaganda outlets, for whom Joseph Goebbels would be extremely proud. They are not journalists, they do not employ journalists; rather, they employ Propaganda Ministers. As a graduate of the oldest and finest J-School in this country (i.e. The University of Missouri-Columbia), I have to say -- MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, NY Times, LA Times, FoxNews, and all of your equally pathetic ilk -- a big go F*** yourselves is very well deserved. Because all ya'all SHAME me and shame true journalists going back in time for hundreds of years.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Old School AWA Rasslin' on right now

Pro wrestling has always been a nice escape for me. And particularly these days, a way to get away from the destruction and hate and chaos that these 2 parties want to thrust upon all of us. Right now, in this circa 1987 exhibition, we have this little beer-bellied guy with a thick beard known as Jake the Milkman Milliland (i do remember this guy from back in the day) who looks like a sad cross between Fidel Castro & and an Amish buggy driver. And he just got his ass kicked by Mr. Magnificent Kevin Kelley, whom I think later became Nailz or something in the WWF (a rabid, deranged ex-con coming back to stalk the Undertaker or Kaine or someone). By the way, for any of you other pro wrestling fans who happen to be in Missouri, I have on my calendar April 23 (I'm pretty sure about that date, but not 100%) as the evening when they will be showing a locally produced documentary on pro wrestling in Kansas City -- they will be showing it at good old Memorial Hall in KCK -- the famous situs of Bob Geigel's weekly Central States All-Star Wrestling shows back in the day. Harley Race, Geigel, and other old superstars of the Central States will be on hand. I'm hoping to make it. I think it starts at 6 or 7, although not certain about the exact time.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My take on the tea parties

I think an awful lot of how the folks who attended these things are much like me -- just plain angry at our current political system for a whole variety of reasons, and many of them Independents. I'm proud of those folks for getting out, showing up, and showing that it's not only the far left who can hold protests and make noise. That said, I was disappointed in the tenacles that the republican party had into these protests (even though I believe these protests were LARGELY true grassroots efforts) as well as by the appearance of republican politicians at many of the protests. And FoxNews basically being an advocate for these protests? That's not journalism, it's advocacy, and it's reason why I am always just as critical of FoxNews as I am of the far left media outlets like MSNBC and CNN. But I digress. The republican appearances and republican connection to many of these protests, in my view, really did a disservice to these events. For example, it gave the far left media outlets and far left blogosphere ammunition to claim that these protests were no more than republican-choreographed events attended exclusively by far right conservatives -- which clearly was not the case. I read several accounts from the far left media that did just exactly that, including a particularly disingenuous account on MSNBC. But that one criticism aside, I'm very proud of "the folks" tonight -- turning out in anger at our political system on such a widespread basis is really not something that I can remember occurring during my lifetime, and certainly not from a group of people that is not far left in persuasion.

DAMN it's wonderful to be Independent!

It's a freedom of mind that the 20-25% of this country inhabiting the far right and far left will never enjoy. And you know what, those pathetic people, if they read this, are just saying, "just another nothing moderate." Because that's how the two extremes think -- see my post a little bit below. Only problem -- i'm not a "moderate" and I'm damn angry at these two extremes and the two parties they control. And I have a feeling the same anger is very much out there (just right now percolating) amongst the majority of this country. Just sayin', we haven't gotten together or organized yet, but tens of millions of us in this country are just lookin' for the opportunity. And I'm very optimistic that the same will occur soon as the majority continues to rebel against the extremists who have so much power today in this nation. And as a shout out to some of my far left friends (even though we vehemently disagree on so many issues) -- Hey Rush Limbaugh, my fellow Missourian, as well as Sean Hannity -- Go **** Yourselves, you pathetic far right extremists, you. And to the David Lettermans, Elenoar Clifts, Keith Olbermanns and Bill Maher's of the world -- Go **** Yourselves Too, you out of touch leftist freaks!

Re socialism resurgence, DHS's "far right extremist" pronouncement

My post from earlier tonight on a wonderful Message Board known as pretty much sums up my views on those two issues, so why try to re-create the wheel here? Here's how I feel: My take is that something wicked this ways comes today in this country. There is an ill wind blowing around that I have not experienced in 38 years. it's suddenly becoming cool to think socialist, and to hate any person who goes out, works their ass off, and accomplishes something in their life. It's a sad state of affairs, trumped only by the concurrent demise of the popculture into incessant celebrity hero worship and YouTube high schooler fight viewing parties. This sure as f*** is not the country I grew up with. Although, I should keep my mouth shut, because I may be next target of a federal government open file -- since ObamaWorld is giving all the appearances of a complete and total reincarnation of the Nixon years -- i.e. investigate and harass anyone that criticizes you. I guess that ONE ASPECT of America is the same as it ever was -- but pretty sad when such gestapo tactics are my only source of nostalgia!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Kellie like EJ! We can't go wrong there!

Not in any way, shape or form!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Disregard my opinion. I'm from a town of 9000.

I still recall the first words out of the Obama campaign's mouth when Sara Palin was chosen to be McCain's running mate: "Senator McCain has chosen fit to select a former mayor of a town of 9000 people to be his running mate." As one of the pathetic lot who sort of grew up in such a to-be-loathed town of 9000 (by the way, how is it that I can actually put complete sentences together?), that was sort of the Death-Nell (much like that which befell the KU Jayhawker basketball program on 3/18/05) for any remote chance that I would vote for a far left liberal like Obama for president. Hey Obama campaign -- go F*** yourselves for that kind of sentiment. But for the record, I didn't vote for McCain. I like him (as I do Obama) on a personal level, but I think he was a tired old man who had no business being nominated for president. And Palin, I like her too -- Babe has it goin' on all the way hot! -- I could probably never vote for her, because she's far right to the last, but alas, the same had little to do with her being from a town of 9000 or a former mayor thereof. You lost me right there forever, Obama. Have a nice day, pal.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

There are things other than conservatives, liberals and moderates.

To the far right and far left, only two categories of other people exist in their pathetic, blinded, hateful world view: (1) The people on the other extreme; and (2) something they call "moderates". To these two bullshit extremes, they hate the something they call "moderates" even more (on many levels) than they hate the other extreme. To them, this ambiguous third category they call "moderates" consists of wishy-washy, stand-for-nothing, split-the-difference-for-no-good-reason, mealy-mouthed jelly fish. I haven't met many too people fitting that description in my life, have you? And yet, to the far right and far left, there is no other kind of human being that exists (besides their two extremes) except for such a pathetic, virtually non-existent creature. This all just reinforces how out of touch these two extremes (who CONTROL our two political parties) really are -- They have absolutely no inkling, in the doctrinaire little islands that they inhabit, that 60-65% of this country is NOT with them in any way, shape or form, and is (likewise) not "moderate" as they define that pathetic term. Rather, we have a majority of people in this country whom (like me) have some liberal views, some conservatives ones, and plenty of other ones somewhere in between. This is not a world of extremes or truths aligning up in some kind of magical totem pole on the far right, far left, or center. Free minded persons looks at every issue, become as informed as they can about the issue, and then let their viewpoint come out wherever the hell it comes out. To the far left and far right, this is an alien way of thinking that they can NEVER understand, grasp or accept. These 2 extremes hate the 60-65% of this country who is not with them, and they hate us with every fiber of their being. Well, as a part of the forgotten, non-represented majority, i Say, hate right back to ya, far right and far left. Go F*** yourselves, because you are doing absolutely NOTHING for us, The People.

Team didn't run up 100-0 score?

My main issue here is trying to decide who is the more pathetic -- this Micah Grimes "head coach" piece of slime, or the parent who refused to give the entire game tape to the media, claiming it would somehow be taken "out of context" (the desperate cry of last resort for every idiot who's ever said something dumb to the media). How exactly does an entire game get taken out of context, precisely? But I shouldn't be outraged -- not from a culture that glorifies grown men getting inside a cage and then beating another man's head into the canvas for 30 seconds before a stoppage comes, or from a culture that first videotapes and THEN puts on Youtube thousands of brutal fights between high schoolers. 100-0 and "it was just another game" and "we don't want this taken out of context" are just par for the course these days.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

An initial post re my angst

This is just a little blog that hopefully may develop into something. For now, will just be my random thoughts from day to day. But it is written from the perspective of a 30 something dude who grew up in the 80's and who feels that this country and this world remembles little of the very cool world I recall back in the day. I speak from the perspective of a person who is fiercely independent, and damn proud of it. I don't like conservatives. I don't like liberals. I don't like republicans. I don't like democrats. My "rage" grows out of the fact that our two political parties are completely controlled by the two extremes, which fund those two parties. As a result, 60-65% of this country, me included, are not represented by ANYONE. Here we are now, represent us! If there's a new way, I'll be the first in line. (Wink to Nirvana and Megadeth.) But alas, it is so DIFFICULT to make waves in our two-party system because all the moneypeople come out of the two extremes. I guess there's something to be said for the fact that only HATE motivates people to give up money and time to make political parties go -- just look at the democrats and republicans. The democrats get bankrolled by the far left, hate-filled freaks likes Soros, etc., and by the slimey personal injury plaintiff attorneys (they call themselves "trial lawyers"). Meantime, the republicans are bankrolled by the pathetic blue bloods who don't think they should be taxed anything as well as by the wholly zealot and out-of-touch religious right. To anyone reading this, I'm just speaking truth -- if only in my own little way through this little blog. But someone needs to be saying these things. And I intend to continue. And just hope I can pick up nice far left and far right hate along the way! I love it when those people hate me -- means I'm doing and saying something right and true. So here's hoping this is a start to a decent little blog!