Thursday, April 16, 2009

Old School AWA Rasslin' on right now

Pro wrestling has always been a nice escape for me. And particularly these days, a way to get away from the destruction and hate and chaos that these 2 parties want to thrust upon all of us. Right now, in this circa 1987 exhibition, we have this little beer-bellied guy with a thick beard known as Jake the Milkman Milliland (i do remember this guy from back in the day) who looks like a sad cross between Fidel Castro & and an Amish buggy driver. And he just got his ass kicked by Mr. Magnificent Kevin Kelley, whom I think later became Nailz or something in the WWF (a rabid, deranged ex-con coming back to stalk the Undertaker or Kaine or someone). By the way, for any of you other pro wrestling fans who happen to be in Missouri, I have on my calendar April 23 (I'm pretty sure about that date, but not 100%) as the evening when they will be showing a locally produced documentary on pro wrestling in Kansas City -- they will be showing it at good old Memorial Hall in KCK -- the famous situs of Bob Geigel's weekly Central States All-Star Wrestling shows back in the day. Harley Race, Geigel, and other old superstars of the Central States will be on hand. I'm hoping to make it. I think it starts at 6 or 7, although not certain about the exact time.