Monday, October 15, 2012

What Gives? "Disgusted Passengers Share Photos of Their Airline Food Disasters." But These Look Perfectly Good Enough to Eat to Me...

I mean, what the hell's wrong with these?  What are they expectin' on an airline flight, filet mignon with foie gras and truffle sauce served up by Giada De Laurentiis?

Now, some might say that my overall standards with respect to the culinary graces are a tad bit lower than your Average Joe.  And yes, for example, I do have a Sunday dinner tradition of boiling up a big pot of Ramen noodle soup (Maruchen brand Lime Chili Shrimp's my favorite flavor) as I watch all my DVR'd TV shows from the prior week.  Not to mention, I also invented the Slimeball Sandwich (

But again, I come back to the point:  Location, location, location -- Where are these people?  On a damn airline flight, thank you!  Just as you wouldn't try to dial up a Caille en sarcophage platter in an Alabama shithouse, likewise you shouldn't expect 5-Star cuisine on American Flight Number Nine.  That is, leastways, unless you're some kind of Mitt Romney or Barack Obama aristocrat over there.


Friday, October 12, 2012

Vice Presidential Debate: Joe Biden Wins First Half; Paul Ryan Wins Second Half. But Tiebreaker Goes to Ryan, Given Biden Acting Like a Loony Lout Every Time Ryan Started Talking...

Gotta give Joe "They Gonna Put Y'all BACK in Chains" Biden some bona fide credit tonight:  Dude was like 10,000 times more engaged than Obama was in the first 2012 presidential debate.  You're never gonna get skunked in a debate when you're as "into it" as Biden was most of tonight.  But that said, the old guy faded down the stretch and did himself no favors with his split-screen, Beavis and Butt-head-style giggling behavior (often at very strange moments) seemingly every time Ryan had a chance to speak...

I thought Biden came out roaring to a certain extent and clearly won the first half of the debate.  But the old man seemed to get tired towards the end, while the young-un' Ryan (much like his gop-er convention speech) really picked up his game in the second half of the debate.  Might've called this a tie if not for that damn pesky split-screen, and Biden's highly visible and laughably rude behavior just about any time Ryan was speaking...

What we saw tonight on the split-screen -- whenever Ryan was speaking -- was Biden incessantly smiling, laughing, rolling his eyes, shaking his head, interrupting, talking under his breath, grimacing, panting, sneering and mugging for the camera.  In short, instead of acting like a sitting vice president, Biden acted like a jerk any time Ryan had a chance to speak.  I might've found this behavior funny on a pro wrestling telecast, but truth be told, we're talking serious stuff here when it comes to these debates and the current state of the country.

And not only that, but much of the jeering, smirking and laughing came at extremely odd moments, such as when Ryan was asserting that we shouldn't raise taxes on small businesses and that the American economy has been growing more slowly this year than even it did in the past two rotten economic years.

Now, while all the stupid grinning and that sort of third-grade-style foolishness will doubtlessly play big with the leftist 20 percenter base of the democrat party, I doubt it will garner much of a positive reaction from my fellow Independents and other swing voters who will decide this election.

It begs the question:  Did Biden even have any idea that there was a split-screen on TV for about 90% of the debate?  I think he probably did, and perhaps even came into the debate with a "strategy" to act like that for whatever reasons.  Maybe the leftists have been reading too much of This Blog: I frequently laugh at Obama for the crazy assertions he makes -- but I do that sitting in the privacy of my own home and not while appearing on a nationally televised debate.

Bottom line:  Leaving aside 1960, folks don't vote for vice presidential candidates, and vice presidential debates have little effect on presidential races.  Biden -- at least when he was speaking -- did better than I thought he would, and Ryan was uneven between the two halves of the debate (as referenced above). Still, I can't call it a slight Biden victory or even a tie given all Biden's smirking and laughing at very odd, strange moments. But very odd, strange leftists (and right-wingers) do tend to go around shooting themselves in the foot like that.  Can't help their zombie, group-thinkin' asses, it seems!

Postscript:  One substantive comment that I just can't ignore tonight:  Biden towards the end of things claiming that a Romney administration would appoint right-winger U.S. Supreme Court Justices who would "outlaw abortion."  I found myself yelling at the TV, "you freakin' Idiot!"  This ain't rocket science, folks:  If the Supreme Court ever overturns Roe v. Wade and its progeny of subsequent cases, that will return things to the pre-Roe v. Wade state of the law -- meaning every state will make its own determination of whether abortion is illegal, with a fair number of states saying "yes" and a fair number saying "no."  In that event, abortion would not be "outlawed" across the country by federal judicial mandate.  A sitting vice president of the United States asserting to the contrary is very sad stuff.  First-stage dementia from the old codger, perhaps?


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Well, Wasn't Expectin' THAT: "Nashville" on ABC Is Easily the Best New TV Show I've Seen This Fall Season (Including "Last Resort"). What a Piece of Work!

"Dallas" On Steroids -- that's my best pithy description of this new show "Nashville" on ABC (season premier last night). But please allow me to back up just a bit...

Despite something I read today about "Nashville" being one of the most heavily promoted new fall TV series over the past few months, I'd didn't even hear about this show until the past week (and little escapes the Rager's ear).  Even that said, I made a note of the new show, but I didn't have much in the way of expectations from the trailer I saw.  Figured I'd give it a one-episode watch and then forgettaboutit like so many other shows that I sample. But then I watched the damn thing Wednesday night...

And I must admit I was somewhat blown away.  Talk about a Tennessee Tour De Force!  Well-written (with plenty of laughs like any talented drama will always provide), exceptionally acted, quickly paced and edited, artfully shot (loved the use of hand-held cams, not to mention all the shots of old Nashville river bridges!), and great-sounding country music blaring throughout.

In a capsule, the show tells the story of three established or soon-to-be country music divas:  (1) A legendary aging one (Connie Britton/pictured at top -- I'll miss her from the new season of FX's "American Horror Story"); (2) a rival conniving, hot and young "crossover" one (Hayden Panettiere/pictured immediately above) whom oftentimes seems like she can barely sing a lick; and (3) an upstart cocktail waitress (Clare Bowen, playing the niece of the Britton character's ex-lover) who can probably out-sing (and write) 'em all.

Dotting the landscape of the male actors on the show are various pretty faces that I know I've seen before, even if I can't place them.  With two exceptions: First, Powers Boothe has a prominent role on the show, heapin' plenty of helpings of his prototypical larger-than-life (and completely scummy) self (classic!).  Second, "Bunny" from "The Wire" playing a mayoral candidate!  (Great to see that actor again).

I'll close with my favorite line of the first episode:  "Thank God for Auto-Tune!"  Is there perhaps a more appropriate phrase that could be uttered for the sorry state of popular music in the 21st Century?  Viva la Nashville!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Only the News Fit to Print: "Mitt Romney Poses for Photographs with Students of Fairfield [Va.] Elementary School," Crows the Associated Press...

No, "Mr. President," the Mittster was not giving that teen the full moon, nor (apparently) was the girl even staring at his posterior (but rather to the right of it).  But that didn't stop the left-slanted Associated Press from giving that very impression this week with the above picture and caption (appearing in quotes at the top).

A very big deal?  I don't think so, not really.  I suspect little more was involved here than a few non-Romney-fan AP employees (i.e., just about anyone working over there) trying to get in few chuckles down at the ol' copy desk.  However, would the Associated Press ever run with such a picture and caption portraying Obama in a similarly unflattering light?  Methinks: Not in a million freakin' years.

Consistency and non-advocacy: It's about all I ask from the news media. So sad that we rarely get anything even close to that anymore.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Twitter Erupts Protesting Hottie African-American/Latina Actress Stacey Dash For Endorsing Romney for President. Women & Minorities Voting ANYTHING Other Than democrat party: Can't Have That! [PLUS Independents Favor Romney By 16 Points?!?]

Good Grief, That Broad's Hot!  But if there's anything a staunch democrat party voter or devoted leftist 20 percenter absolutely cannot stand, it's a woman or minority in the public spotlight daring to vote for anything other than the democrat party (i.e. those special folks with the "D" Next to the Name!).  Women and minorities aren't "supposed" to do that, you see.  And when they do, they best get ready for a bona fide shitstorm!

For the lastest example, just look at the venom that Clueless Obama supporters heaped upon this hot little number Stacey Dash -- an African-American/Hispanic actress who had the unmitigated gall to endorse Mitt Romney for president Monday on Twitter.  Here's a sample of the brilliant, high-level responses that came back Dash's way (link below):

-Several suggested that Dash should just "kill herself."

-"She's an indoor slave . . . You ready to head back to the fields, jiggaboo?"

-"You a Romney lover and you slutting yourself to the white man only proves why no black man married u."

-Several tweet responses said that Dash isn't "black enough."

-"She's probably been thinking that she's a white woman since her 'Clueless' days."

-"So Stacy [sic] Dash buck tooth ass really voting for Romney!!"

BTW, "jiggaboo"?!?  Sounds like Archie Bunker and George Jefferson have risen from the grave just in time to join the other mindless zombies on Sunday night's season premier of "The Walking Dead."  And when the hell did we lapse back to 1972, anyway?

[Postscript: On a different topic, I saw a national poll today saying Romney leads Obama amongst my fellow beloved Independents by 16 points.  If that's accurate, and if it holds true, then Obama's toast.  Because We Independents decide your elections.  But I have reason to question that particular (Pew, I believe) poll and its numbers.  My own gut (and reading) tells me that Independents probably more likely favor Romney by 5 to 9 or 10 points, which won't necessarily tip the election.  Regardless, I at least wanted to say a word about that Independent-related headline this day since being an Independent is the whole basis of this highly original, must-read Blog, of course.]


Monday, October 8, 2012

Brain-dead Blame Game: Leftist 20 Percenters Blame Obama's Poor Debate Performance on Everything But Bush! (And Why Not Bush Too?!?)

As the old Don in The Godfather was accused by The Turk, I think they're "slipping."  They've always had a most talented penchant for blaming awful president W Bush for just about anything bad that ever happens, but they can't even conjure up a Bush excuse for Obama's rotten performance in the first debate?  Regardless, however, these leftist 20 percenters sure as hell conjured up everything else under the sun as an excuse in recent days!

Here are just some of the completely preposterous leftist excuses that I've heard (going from memory):

1.  Romney "cheated."  Something or another about him slipping a foreign object into and out of the fray when no one was lookin'!  More specifically, a phantom sheet of "crib notes"!  The sneaky stand-for-nothin' bastard!

2.  Blame the Moderator!  They've also attacked moderator Jim Lehrer for this, that and the other -- which I can only assume reflects their disappointment that he actually acted even-handed and not like a total media shill advocate for the democrat party person, as we often see from these debate moderators.  I credited Lehrer for his work after the debate, and I stand by my comments.  [Course, the deranged right-wingers also attacked Lehrer for their own bullshit reasons, but hey -- that's what blinded partisan extremists go around doing, regardless of side.]

3.  Blame the Debate Prep Guy!  Over the weekend, the leftists ate one of their own, blaming Massachusetts Senator (and former democrat party presidential nominee) John Kerry for not adequately preparing Obama for the debate (Kerry played the role of Romney in debate prep sessions).  The leftists say Kerry has his eye on a cozy cabinet position and therefore took it easy on Obama in debate prep.  It would say "laughable," but that would be an insult to that particular word from the Queen's English.

4.  Blame the Altitude!  Another fairly recent assclown democrat party presidential nominee was also involved here, in the form of Al "Take Care of This" Gore.  The bloat-faced buffoon Gore actually took to the TV airwaves to blame the "Mile High" Denver altitude for Obama's zombie-like, non-engaged, mail-it-in performance!  Obama didn't have enough time to get acclimated, suggested Gore!  Gotta say -- W Bush started the process of running this country into the ground, but would that idiot Gore have been any less destructive?  Doubt it.

At the end of the day, is there any bad result, bad performance, bad event, or case of the common cold that these democrat party leftists 20 percenters won't blame on anyone, anything other than themselves?  It's a rather scary way of going through life, and it's one small part of why that group scares the living hell out of me.  The right-winger gop-er partisans aren't any kind of reasonable alternative, but that still doesn't make the American left of 2012 any less scary.

For-example link:


Thursday, October 4, 2012

First 2012 Presidential Debate: No Knockdowns; Rather Romney Wins By Decision. But Is That Good Enough for Him? Or Is It All He Really Needed to Accomplish?

So much for the pundits predicting we "might see some fireworks tonight!"  No real fireworks.  (Also no major gaffes by either guy).  You might even call the whole affair a tad bit boring (except for Obama making me laugh several times as usual -- more on that later).  I thought both men were way too wonkish and "down in the weeds" much of the time, and that sort of thing is always going to favor the incumbent...

That said:  Overall, I give Romney a win here because he seemed more engaged and a fair amount less stiff than Obama.  Yet, I thought the Stand-for-Little gop-er Mittster missed a huge opportunity to hammer Obama a lot more over so many of the rotten attributes of the Obama presidency.  A bit too nice, Romney was (although admittedly with a number of good lines aimed at swing voters, which lines are likely to resonate)...

But is this (a workmanlike win) all that Romney really needed to accomplish tonight?  There's a school of punditry thought (primarily from the right-wingers) that all Romney needed to do tonight was show up and reassure the American audience that he's not (in contrast to the Obama campaign machine narrative) a scary Dick Cheney or Newt Gingrich-like Darth Vader figure.  Well, as W Bush might say: "Mission Accomplished" on that front.  But...

Not sure that's nearly enough, given that Romney, while close to Obama in national polls, is still distinctly behind (though only slightly or "not overcomingly" -- I just invented a new word) in several of the so-called "battleground states" that will ultimately decide this election in the electoral college.  Regardless, I do predict Romney will get a small bounce from tonight in those same states.

And speaking of missed opportunities as I did above, Obama missed a huge one by not even alluding to Romney's prior statements seeming to write off 47% of the American population as not being worth the effort to try to connect with (sorry Jeeves for ending sentence on a preposition).  However, I think that may (who knows) have been because Obama didn't want to open the door to Romney commenting on newly released portions of a highly divisive Obama Virginia college speech in 2007 (see last night's post).

Final thought:  Although I did find Obama to be fairly stiff tonight, I'm still hesitant to trash his performance to any significant degree since (as those who've read me know that I always appreciate) he made me laugh out loud (literally LOL) several times tonight, albeit completely unintentionally on his part.  It ain't easy makin' me laugh, and you score brownie points when you pull that off (again, sorry Jeeves).  I mean, this leftist 20 percenter Obama had me rollin' over here!  To wit (based on my notes; not precise word-for-word):

-"I share a deep interest in encouraging small business growth."

-"We don't want to blow up our deficit."

-"The basic structure of Social Security is sound."

-"Private insurance companies have to make a profit. There's nothing wrong with that. That's what they do."

-"I had 5 seconds before you interrupted me, Jim" [prior to Obama going on for another 30 plus seconds].

-"Governor Romney has not had the ability to say 'no' to some of the most extreme people in his party."

Thanks, Obama, for the comedic relief!  The Good Lord knows we can all use it these days!,0,3871379.story


POSTSCRIPT:  A Final, Final important note:  I didn't come into this debate having an overly high opinion of the debate moderator, Jim Lehrer.  He's a devoted leftist, in my view, who often wore that slant on his sleeve as a PBS "anchor" and commentator.  But I thought he did a great job as moderator tonight!  He did the job any debate moderator (or any decent journalist) should do:  Checking his own viewpoints at the door.  And also loved the debate format that Lehrer presided over:  No rigid rules and plenty of unscripted back-and-forth between the candidates.  That's called a debate, and quite unlike the way most of these events unfold.  A BIG Rager Kudos to old battle axe Jim Lehrer on this night (very seriously).

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Right-Wingers Go Ape Tuesday Night Over Newly Released Portions of Obama's So-Called "Other Race Speech" from 2007. But as to Both Obama's Remarks & the Right-Wingers' Behavior Here, Only One Word Comes to Mind: Ugliness.

The joint, mutual release of this video (from a 2007 Virginia college speech) was an ugly, highly coordinated effort among several different right-winger "news" outlets (aren't they supposed to be competitors against each other to break news?), including Fox News/Sean Hannity (noodle pictured above), The Daily Caller (link at bottom), and The Drudge Report.  And these same right-wing goofs go around complaining daily about the "mainstream" media's obvious leftist bias and conspiratorial behavior!

Not only that, but I'm sure (not) these right-winger outlets just happened to stumble on these "new" portions of the 2007 speech in the past few days!  Had nothing to do with the election being about a month away or the first presidential debate being one night away, of course!  Please.  [Legitimate news outlets report news (which this is, since we haven't heard it before) when they first have the story; in contrast, partisan advocates hold on to news until a politically propitious moment to release it.]

And then there's Obama's actual remarks here, which contain plenty of ugliness in themselves.  Although, to me, there's nothing highly shocking or surprising about them.  Obama's a far leftist, and he's (albeit typically through his minions and surrogates) a blatant race baiter.  He's not a "uniter." He's not a man of high moral conviction. He's not a hero.  He's just another slimy politician who constantly tries to hide what he really believes and wants to do. Like there's anything new about any of that (as least to me).

In Obama's remarks, he talks (frankly, often rants and wildly gestures) in this exaggerated Southern-style accent that he rarely (if ever) has used in his public speeches, sounding like something out of a bad pro wrestling Rock interview ("Where's yo' dolla's?!?, screams Obama!) -- I was just waiting for Obama to break into a "Can Ya Smell What Barack Is Cooking" catchphrase!

As for the content (his words, not mine):

-"The people down in New Orleans [Hurricane Katrina victims] -- they [the Feds] don't care them about as much!"  This insinuation here was that the federal government under Clinton and W Bush cared more about disasters where more white people were allegedly involved -- Hurricane Andrew and 9-11 (both referenced by Obama).  But of course!  White man presidential administrations are always gonna care more about their own race!  It's only natural.  But so much for Bubba being the first black president, I suppose.

-Obama then accuses the feds under those prior administrations of only paying attention to disasters affecting African-Americans (e.g., Katrina, the LA Riots) when "they wake up" and suddenly realize that "black people angry!"  Even then, according to Obama, the federal response is just a wink and a nod and "some aid money [that] we don't always know where it's going" until "the news coverage quiets down."  Again, any prior administration (whether gop-er or democrat party) inherently hates black people as a fact of life, Obama insinuates.  But also again, the "Big Dog" (Clinton) gets tossed under the bus -- the same slimeball (Clinton) who was Obama's featured speaker at the democrat party national convention last month!  And I like to call Romney Mr. Stand-For-Nothin'!

-Obama makes a point to give a "shout out" to his "friend" and reverend, Jeremiah Wright, whom Obama credits with providing "counsel" to him and the Obama family.  Wright -- best known for his previous radical "white racist under every bed" and "God Damn America" rhetoric -- has always been claimed by Obama and his surrogates to be little more than an irrelevant local preacher whose church Obama just happened to attend for many years:  As the democrat party narrative went, Obama wasn't particularly close to Wright, and there shouldn't be any "guilt by association."  Two words:  False narrative.

-For good measure, and in classic leftist world-view style, Obama insults lower income Americans as being too stupid to ever possibly look out for themselves, even needing training and help with the most mundane of everyday lifestyle tasks, such as "showing up for work on time."  Said Obama: "We can't expect them to have all the skills they need to work. They may need help with basic skills, how to shop, how to show up for work on time, how to wear the right clothes. We have to help them get there!"  And I thought Romney was (and have criticized him for being) the one who writes off huge swaths of the population as being utterly helpless!

-Finally, for an infrastructure sort of guy who believes that government-funded roads, bridges and highways built your small business rather than you, Obama sure seems to dislike certain aspects of that same infrastructure:  "We don't need to build more highways out in the suburbs [insinuation: where all the white folk live] . . . We should be investing in minority-owned businesses, in our neighborhoods, so people don't have to travel from miles away."  Right!  No minorities live in suburbs!  And only minorities live in "our neighborhoods" -- where they're forced to drive around on mud roads sans even a mere sprinkle of gravel!  No damn wonder they need training in how to get to work on time.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chinese Joint in Kentucky "Forced to Shut Its Doors After Allegedly Serving Up Roadkill"! Would Sure Hate to See that Menu...

While I'm certain this joint didn't put any of its culinary roadkill delights (allegedly) on the published menu, I can only imagine the "Off-Menu" cuisine one could've specially ordered at the now-shuttered "Red Flower" Chinese restaurant in Williamsburg, Kentucky (last seen with an employee allegedly wheeling a dead deer in the back before it closed) (link below).

Indeed, here's a potential sampling of some of the putrid possibilities:

Just For Starters:

-Crab Raccoon
-Cantonese Cat Splat
-Frog Leg Rolls
-Lemon Buzzard Lo Brien
-Mu Shu Muskrat
-Snake Dropped Soup
-Curry Furry Back

Dinner Entrees:

-Garlic Goose Gullet
-Beijing Beaver with Broccoli
-General Tso's Just Like Chicken
-Double Dog Delight in Chef's Hot Pepper Sauce
-Sweet and Sour Skunk
-Sesame Street Carcass
-Twice Killed Coyote
-Deer with Roadster Sauce
-Ginger Dead Rabbit
-Cashew Rat-chew
-Kung Pao Possum

Little wonder I always spend half the next day in the shithouse anytime I eat Chinese for dinner.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Good Thing He Didn't Have a Glass Eye: Florida Broad Allegedly Snatches Off Ex-Boyfriend's Prosthetic Leg & Gives Him a Good Beatin' With It in Custody Fight Over Son!

I'm not pulling your leg: This dame's cold. Not only does she give the Ex a major league beatdown with a blunt, heavy object, but she reduces him to hoppin' around on one leg to defend himself (allegedly)!  Talk about employing dirty tactics to garner a leg up...

The first leg of this story (links below) began with 23-year-old Jadian Hatfield (pictured above/below) being none too happy with the ol' custody arrangements with respect to the two-year-old son of her and ex-boyfriend Brandon Fleming (pictured above). So Jadian allegedly fired off a text threatening to put the Ex "six feet under" if he didn't shake a leg and turn the boy over to her.

And when that didn't work, Jadian reportedly tried the more personal approach to get a leg over on the Ex. That meant showing up at Ex's joint at 11 p.m. with a couple of goons to try to take Sonny away (allegedly).

Then, like something out of a bad episode of Monday Night Raw, Jadian allegedly had her two louts wrestle around with the Ex and hold him "while she pulled off his prosthetic leg."  From there, this hotheaded little number allegedly beat the living hell out of the Ex with his own leg!

When even that apparently didn't persuade the Ex to give up Sonny, Jadian for good measure allegedly pulled out a 12-gauge shotgun from her car "and threatened to kill the 25-year-old [Ex] if he did not let her leave with their child."

With the kid then finally in tow, Jadian and her two creeps allegedly legged it the hell out of there before cops could arrive.  But this sick incident is still likely to cost Jadian both an arm and a leg, since cops have slapped her with a whole string of criminal charges.  And from the sound of things, it may be her, ironically, who has nary a leg to stand on if this thing goes to trial.

Friday, September 28, 2012

"Going Down, Party Time": Woman Busted 4 Times in 26 Hours For Allegedly Blasting AC/DC Song "Highway to Hell" Over and Over & Tossing Frying Pan at Nephew!

(FIRST Hit PLAY on the video immediately above -- it'll enhance your reading experience.)

Season ticket on a one-way ride -- to the hoosegow, that is? 53-year-old New Hampshire broad Joyce Coffey (pictured above and below; "look at me!") is allegedly quite enamored with AC/DC's old hard rock standard "Highway to Hell" -- apparently even to the extent of blarring it (and other songs) out her house over and over despite already having been arrested multiple times that day for "loud music" (link below)...

Cops weren't taking everything in their stride and say that at the end of this 26-hour rock'n'roll ruckus, Coffey was busted a total of four times.  Ain't nothing this dame would rather do, apparently, than blast "Highway to Hell," as cops first issued her a warning before being called back an hour later to slap her with her first arrest of the day.

At some point, Coffey reportedly started mixing in some Guns N' Roses on her play list, and she was arrested a second time some five hours later.  Garnering another release, Coffey -- seemingly needing no reason nor rhyme -- reached the arrest trifecta just "before dawn" (again, for alleged loud music).

And like any great hard rock or heavy metal artist, this rockin' little number knew how to work in a big encore with no stop signs or speed limit -- meaning a fourth arrest after she allegedly clocked her nephew right the melon with a big frying plan (with the music still thumpin', apparently).  Nobody was gonna mess her 'round!

Curiously and for some odd reason, following that last arrest, a local judge reportedly ordered that Coffey BOTH (1) undergo a mental health evaluation and (2) start using headphones.

For the moment, she'll be livin' easy and livin' free at home -- albeit under "electronic confinement" -- as long as she passes that psych exam. But she ain't askin' nothing; I'd leave her be.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

"Give Me MY Cake, & Let ME to Eat It Too!" Memo to Egyptian "Presidents" and "Minnesota Gays": There Are Actually Bounds of Human Decency that Should Apply to Pursuing Self-Interests...

To wit:

1.  "Egypt leader demands U.S. aid, censorship [of Islamic criticism], plus end to Israel 'occupation.'"

2.  "Minnesota gays upset over pro-gay-marriage ads featuring straight people [actors]."

Since being an imbecilic, I-deserve-everything-for-no-good-reason deranged freak is apparently now very much en vogue in the rotten chatter which now comprises American and worldwide "political discourse" on both the left and right, I shall now lodge my own Me-First demand:

"I demand that everything I desire be provided to me free of charge, that anyone with a problem with that be tossed in the hoosegow, and that only good-looking Kraut-Mick actors [Colin Farrell comes to mind, even if he has no Kraut to him] be legally permitted to express my viewpoint on television."

I deserve that kind of treatment, after all.  Because I'm just that special.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"Y'all Better Vote For Fuckin' Obama," Screams Really Old Broad Madonna, Also Promising to Strip Down Buck Naked If He's Reelected! Now THAT Did It...

I don't wanna see that old battle axe in the buff.  That sight wasn't exactly so hot in the 80s (Playboy pics), and that was 30 years ago, when she used to have to some show (apologies, Barry -- M, not O).

So given that rather vile threat by the faded, near-ossified pop star (who for brain dead good measure also referred to Obama as a "black Muslim"), I'm over here saying -- screw all my prior pledges to vote third party for president yet again in 2012...

The stakes (i.e. having to see that old prune in the raw) are just too high this election season.  'Fraid I'm gonna just have to bite the 'ol bullet and vote for Stand-for-nothin' Romney.  (Or, well, I'm currently of a mind, leastways, given the frightening current threats of the "Old Material" girl).


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Doesn't Anyone Use Fists Anymore? Vegas Man Allegedly Goes to Town on Neighbor's Skull with a Guitar and a Toilet Seat!

You know, you're not likely to end up facing attempted murder charges by just putting up your dukes -- absent perhaps (1) being a world class MMA or prize fighter cleaning the clock of some street putz or (2) continuing to beat the hell out of a dude after he's down. But once you introduce some household hardcore wrestling weapons into the brawlin' mix, all bets are off...

And so it is that 41-year-old Ronald Hetzel (mugshot above) of Las Vegas is (indeed) currently facing charges for allegedly attempting to whack out his neighbor with an odd assortment of household items -- and apparently for no good reason other than the fact that the neighbor was standing there.

Cops say they tried to slap the ol' cuffs on Hetzel when they found him shirtless and raisin' a ruckus out on the street near his house.  But Hetzel allegedly managed to scurry away, leap a fence, and duck down into his neighbor's backyard.

Hetzel next allegedy broke into the house to try to hide but found the neighbor at home. And while a bad turn of luck like that might lead many a fleeing criminal to head back outside and just keep running, Hetzel reportedly had a little something different in mind: Like passing the time by starting a pier-six brawl with the neighbor!

First Hetzel allegedly grabbed a big wooden guitar and proceeded (like some sort of poor man's New Jack) to bash the neighbor right over the head with it. But since guitars are seemingly prone to splitting into a million pieces when wielded as a weapon, Hetzel quickly needed to get his grubby paws on another blunt trauma device (allegedly)...

And where better to look for a good bludgeoning object than the nearest shithouse?  That's where Hetzel allegedly ripped out a heavy porcelain toilet lid and started tatooing the neighbor right across the mush with that weapon as well!

After some gratuitous strangulation attempts on the neighbor thereafter (allegedly), cops -- exhibiting all the one-yard-to-the-next tracking skills of a Stevie Wonder/Ray Charles tag team -- reportedly finally arrived in the house some 20 minutes later to haul Hetzel off to the hoosegow. And that's where this hot-headed hardcore hack is likely to rot for some time to come, given that he's facing a string of felony charges that include attempted murder.

Which gives me some concern. Because while I believe most toilets in the Joint don't have removable seats or lids, cons are often allowed musical instruments. Can you imagine if this Hetzel character got a hold of a damn sousaphone?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Millionaire Mitt Romney Out of Touch with Average Americans. An Average Joe Carries Around & Flashes a Big Wad of Jack in a Giant Roll...

Over the weekend, "Mr. Obama pulled out a wad of bills that looked almost large enough to make a dent in the national debt as he browsed for pork treats [again with the pork this month] alongside Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett."


Friday, September 21, 2012

Who's the "Boss"? Hot Pics of Ex-Wife Camille Turn Kelsey Grammer Into a Real-Life Version of His Hot-Headed Chicago Mayor TV Character!

He's Mayor Tom Kane. And he's one of the craziest and most ruthless and hot-headed politicians you'll ever want to see.  When his Chief of Staff leaks some unfavorable information to the media, the Mayor has the guy whacked out!  When a local union leader won't play ball, the Mayor tries to twist his damn ear off!  When his daughter is using drugs, the Mayor rats her out and sends her ass to the hoosegow, just because it benefits him politically.  What a piece of work, this guy!

And in a classic case of life imitating art, actor Kelsey Grammer this week became his Mayor Kane character from Starz' "Boss" series after getting a load of some hot photos of ex-wife Camille Grammer (pictured above and below; link below).  It seems that Kelsey was in the CNN Building getting ready for an interview on Piers Morgan when he took a gander at some hot Camille pics (used in the show's open) and reportedly stormed his way right out of the joint and out on to the street!

The tantrum left Morgan completely in the lurch, without a guest to interview in his next segment.  Meantime, Kelsey was outta there, never to return.  "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star Camille, BTW, is 13 years Kelsey's junior.

And it seems pretty clear to me why he got so hot under the collar over there at CNN:  Dude must have thought, "WTF was I thinking when I divorced those -- errrr -- that broad!"  But I can't blame him for going ape.  Hell, who wouldn't blow their stack over that rack?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Call Her Big Fatty with a BAD Case of the Munchies: Lady Gaga Tokes on Marijuana Joint, Gets Really Fat in Holland. Good Grief!

For cryin' out loud, she could give us a break, get a bigger outfit, and try to hide it like Elvis did! I was shocked to see these pictures from a concert in Amsterdam this week showing a big fat Lady Gaga struttin' her portly new stuff after taking a big drag off a damn doobie! (Links below; pics above)

The Tuesday concert first had the 26-year-old Gaga up there on stage rifling through a sack of presents from fans and finding a baggy with a big, long Reggie inside. "Is it real?," Gaga reportedly asked the crowd.

And since there was only one way to find out, apparently, Gaga fired up that Fatty faster than George Foreman ordering a platter of cheeseburgers and "took several long drags before throwing it back into the audience."

Pictures from later in the concert (she changed costumes several times) appear to show the frightening consequences well known to any devoted la la, limbo-likin' Lord of the paca lolo: Those damn pesky post-Pato munchies! 

From the sorry looks of it, Gaga has recently packed on dozens of extra pounds to her formerly short, skinny frame. At first blush, I thought this was actually a Kelly Osbourne concert before reading the UK Daily Mail's headline. At least Kelly was Born This Way.