Monday, October 1, 2012

Good Thing He Didn't Have a Glass Eye: Florida Broad Allegedly Snatches Off Ex-Boyfriend's Prosthetic Leg & Gives Him a Good Beatin' With It in Custody Fight Over Son!

I'm not pulling your leg: This dame's cold. Not only does she give the Ex a major league beatdown with a blunt, heavy object, but she reduces him to hoppin' around on one leg to defend himself (allegedly)!  Talk about employing dirty tactics to garner a leg up...

The first leg of this story (links below) began with 23-year-old Jadian Hatfield (pictured above/below) being none too happy with the ol' custody arrangements with respect to the two-year-old son of her and ex-boyfriend Brandon Fleming (pictured above). So Jadian allegedly fired off a text threatening to put the Ex "six feet under" if he didn't shake a leg and turn the boy over to her.

And when that didn't work, Jadian reportedly tried the more personal approach to get a leg over on the Ex. That meant showing up at Ex's joint at 11 p.m. with a couple of goons to try to take Sonny away (allegedly).

Then, like something out of a bad episode of Monday Night Raw, Jadian allegedly had her two louts wrestle around with the Ex and hold him "while she pulled off his prosthetic leg."  From there, this hotheaded little number allegedly beat the living hell out of the Ex with his own leg!

When even that apparently didn't persuade the Ex to give up Sonny, Jadian for good measure allegedly pulled out a 12-gauge shotgun from her car "and threatened to kill the 25-year-old [Ex] if he did not let her leave with their child."

With the kid then finally in tow, Jadian and her two creeps allegedly legged it the hell out of there before cops could arrive.  But this sick incident is still likely to cost Jadian both an arm and a leg, since cops have slapped her with a whole string of criminal charges.  And from the sound of things, it may be her, ironically, who has nary a leg to stand on if this thing goes to trial.