Friday, October 12, 2012

Vice Presidential Debate: Joe Biden Wins First Half; Paul Ryan Wins Second Half. But Tiebreaker Goes to Ryan, Given Biden Acting Like a Loony Lout Every Time Ryan Started Talking...

Gotta give Joe "They Gonna Put Y'all BACK in Chains" Biden some bona fide credit tonight:  Dude was like 10,000 times more engaged than Obama was in the first 2012 presidential debate.  You're never gonna get skunked in a debate when you're as "into it" as Biden was most of tonight.  But that said, the old guy faded down the stretch and did himself no favors with his split-screen, Beavis and Butt-head-style giggling behavior (often at very strange moments) seemingly every time Ryan had a chance to speak...

I thought Biden came out roaring to a certain extent and clearly won the first half of the debate.  But the old man seemed to get tired towards the end, while the young-un' Ryan (much like his gop-er convention speech) really picked up his game in the second half of the debate.  Might've called this a tie if not for that damn pesky split-screen, and Biden's highly visible and laughably rude behavior just about any time Ryan was speaking...

What we saw tonight on the split-screen -- whenever Ryan was speaking -- was Biden incessantly smiling, laughing, rolling his eyes, shaking his head, interrupting, talking under his breath, grimacing, panting, sneering and mugging for the camera.  In short, instead of acting like a sitting vice president, Biden acted like a jerk any time Ryan had a chance to speak.  I might've found this behavior funny on a pro wrestling telecast, but truth be told, we're talking serious stuff here when it comes to these debates and the current state of the country.

And not only that, but much of the jeering, smirking and laughing came at extremely odd moments, such as when Ryan was asserting that we shouldn't raise taxes on small businesses and that the American economy has been growing more slowly this year than even it did in the past two rotten economic years.

Now, while all the stupid grinning and that sort of third-grade-style foolishness will doubtlessly play big with the leftist 20 percenter base of the democrat party, I doubt it will garner much of a positive reaction from my fellow Independents and other swing voters who will decide this election.

It begs the question:  Did Biden even have any idea that there was a split-screen on TV for about 90% of the debate?  I think he probably did, and perhaps even came into the debate with a "strategy" to act like that for whatever reasons.  Maybe the leftists have been reading too much of This Blog: I frequently laugh at Obama for the crazy assertions he makes -- but I do that sitting in the privacy of my own home and not while appearing on a nationally televised debate.

Bottom line:  Leaving aside 1960, folks don't vote for vice presidential candidates, and vice presidential debates have little effect on presidential races.  Biden -- at least when he was speaking -- did better than I thought he would, and Ryan was uneven between the two halves of the debate (as referenced above). Still, I can't call it a slight Biden victory or even a tie given all Biden's smirking and laughing at very odd, strange moments. But very odd, strange leftists (and right-wingers) do tend to go around shooting themselves in the foot like that.  Can't help their zombie, group-thinkin' asses, it seems!

Postscript:  One substantive comment that I just can't ignore tonight:  Biden towards the end of things claiming that a Romney administration would appoint right-winger U.S. Supreme Court Justices who would "outlaw abortion."  I found myself yelling at the TV, "you freakin' Idiot!"  This ain't rocket science, folks:  If the Supreme Court ever overturns Roe v. Wade and its progeny of subsequent cases, that will return things to the pre-Roe v. Wade state of the law -- meaning every state will make its own determination of whether abortion is illegal, with a fair number of states saying "yes" and a fair number saying "no."  In that event, abortion would not be "outlawed" across the country by federal judicial mandate.  A sitting vice president of the United States asserting to the contrary is very sad stuff.  First-stage dementia from the old codger, perhaps?