Sunday, April 15, 2012
Look at the democrat party Dumpin' All Over My School, the University of Missouri: Is There No Part of Our Lives These People Can Just Leave Alone?
In the news in recent days is the new democrat party strategy to try to compare likely gop-er presidential nominee Mitt Romney to Missouri grad Jon Hamm's "Don Draper" character from the TV show "Mad Men" (link at bottom).
Leaving aside the second grade level of rhetoric trying to score points against a political opponent by comparing him to a pop culture character or TV show, what's WRONG with being like Jon Hamm? Hell, if anything, it's an insult to Hamm to compare him to Romney!
And if the democrat party next starts working Kansas jayhawker smack into its rhetoric (e.g., "Mitt Romney wants to return us to the days of the Missourah slavers"), I'm REALLY gonna get riled up over here.
SOME things should be off-limits in campaigns. Like family. Like educational records (if you're Obama, leastways). And methinks the voters' alma maters should be off-limits too. Lay off Missouri, democrat party. We've suffered enough already in recent weeks, years, decades, lifetimes, etc.
Friday, April 13, 2012
New Study: "Beer Makes Men Smarter" and Better Problemsolvers. Uh...
...I think I'm going to stick to the anecdotal counter-evidence pictured above. Put another way: I ain't buyin'.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
A Racist Under Every Bed, & Now Apparently the Communists Are Back Under There Too: Right-Winger Allen West Claims 80 House democrats Are Communists!
What is it about right-wingers and leftist 20 percenters that always instills in them the apparently incessant need and drive to spread ugly fear and hate-mongering and divisive name-calling 24-7 based upon not a shred of evidence? (Just take their word for it, they implore the mindless).
We've seen this with the constant rhetoric from the leftists over the past 3 years suggesting and/or implying that any opposition to Obama whatsoever must be based in some small or large part on racism. Never mind, of course, that all those racist Americans voted for and elected Obama in the first place by a majority vote.
And Wednesday deranged right-winger gop-er congressman Allen West got in on this unseemly action, saying that he's "heard" and "believes" that there are "78 to 81 members" of the democrat party in the U.S. House "that are members of the Communist Party."
In so doing, West ripped a putrid page from the playbook of disgraced gop-er senator Joseph McCarthy (pictured above) from more than a half-century ago -- the shameless right-wing nut who conducted a series of hearings, based upon little or no real evidence -- designed to "out" alleged American communists in the 1950s.
Now, are there plenty of far leftists in the U.S. House? Most def. But are all (or any, for that matter) of those idiots devout communists? Puh-lease. West's claim was so outlandlish that even the actual American communist party weighed in to object (second link below)! (You'd think said party would be embracing West's complete embellishment of the party's limited influence!).
So there you have it: My mandatory bi-weekly explanation of the big "X" that's struck through the names of both the democrat party and republic partisan party on the ballot at the top of this space. Even if it does apparently make me a racist communist over here.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Smoke Stacked: Nicotine Fiend Air Passenger Allegedly Strips Down Buck Naked When Airport Makes Her Put Down Her Smokes in the Terminal!
I get the addictiveness of smoking cigarettes. Take away them smokes, and a person's liable to get rather antsy and sometimes just downright mad-dog mean. But this has gotta be the first time I've ever heard of someone putting on a makeshift striptease in response to losing her cancer sticks -- not to mention, doing so immediately after she'd just had a damn cigarette (allegedly)!
They say she suffered a "breakdown." It was the Denver Airport, and a young woman was just minding her own business, tokin' on a butt near her Gate. But that plan went up in smoke only too quickly, as damn pesky airport workers soon pounced and forced this puffin' passenger to put out that cigarette in the alleged "non-smoking area."
That's where the "breakdown" came in, say the cops. Forced to ditch her smokes, this butt-lovin' broad (as pictured above from allegedly took to ditching all her stitches and britches, as cops say she broke into an impromptu exotic dance right there outside the Gate!
Faster than a hobo can ask for a light, this threadbare butt teaser was reportedly as naked as an off-brand cigarette carton and struttin' 'round the joint like some sort of underdone peeler. While still stark-naked, she even allegedly tried to obtain a new boarding pass up at the counter (bet she was probably just lookin' to upgrade to First Ass).
But party pooper cops quickly hammered in this little number's coffin nails -- covering up her leafless carcass and hauling it off to a local hospital (for some reason) for mental evaluation. And if I'm one of the shrinks down at that funny farm: First thing I'm doing is confiscating them smokes and just sitting back and enjoying the strip show, baby!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Breastfeeding Your Brat Out in Public: OK. Breaking Into a Home to Breastfeed Someone Else's Kid (Allegedly): Not So OK...
This has to be a new one in the annals of American criminal conduct: Wet Nursing Without Consent (allegedly). But that's exactly what cops in Brookings, South Dakota say happened last weekend. And for some strange unknown reason, cops think alcohol just may have been involved...
The 24-year-old suspect allegedly got an early start on her Sunday breastfeeding, forcing her way into a another mom's home (a stranger) around 5:00 a.m. to give some suck to someone -- anyone, apparently. Cops say this lactating lush intruder promptly scooped up the resident mom's two-month-old tike and started to give the little shit a damn breastfeeding!
When mama discovered this sorry sight, she reportedly called 911 and retrieved her tot from the wayward breastfeeding boozer burgle broad (allegedly). But the gratuitous breastfeeding apparently left this uninvited topless toper tata-feeder quite exhausted, as the intruder allegedly laid down to take a freakin' nap right there in the joint instead of hoofin' her hooters out the scene of the alleged crime!
And there she laid as the cops arrived, who slapped the "rogue lactating lady" with a criminal charge of unlawful occupancy. I just hope that's a misdemeanor charge, since I'd assume that getting one's drink (and breast suck) on down at the hoosegow is somewhat frowned upon.
Monday, April 9, 2012
You Hang in There -- And Don't Go Anywhere: Napping Nutjob Almost Takes a Five-Story Header from the Top of a Building in China!
I can see heading up to the roof of a building to catch a few afternoon rays and a few Z's at the same time. But notice I said on the ROOF: Not on the damn ledge surrounding the roof!
But no such overabundant caution, apparently, for 28-year-old female Yan Yan Ch'eng of the Zhejiang province in China last week (link at bottom). This yawnin' Yan Yan was reportedly so tuckered out that she saw fit to sprawl out on a roof ledge to take a little "nap in the sun."
Being as that she was asleep up there, however, Yan Yan was far more prone to pesky sleep-time behaviors, such as the unconscious rollover. Or, as the Daily Mail put it, she became "a little too relaxed in the midday sun [and] almost rolled off the ledge."
So as fast as one can say "WHOOPS" in Mandarin, this sleepy strange brew was hanging on for dear life from the top of that ledge. But "luckily for the Chinese sunbather," she was able to draw attention to her predicament by "wailing" up a big storm. (Not shouting or yelling, mind you, but "wailing").
Yan Yan's wails reportedly garnered the attention of hundreds of onlookers below, and cops and firemen weren't far behind to yank this Drowsy Daphne up to safety. Cops say her only injury was a skinned knee -- that, and her afternoon nap was positively ruined that day!
Friday, April 6, 2012
The $15.6 Trillion National Debt Is the Most Dire Issue Facing This Country, and Yet Obama Couldn't Care Less. Instead He Cares Most About...
...weighing in on and creating faux national issues out of such pressing matters as prophylactics, local open criminal files, and the policies of the Augusta National Golf Club (link at bottom) -- all as a part of his grand 2012 campaign strategy to divide and conquer the American electorate along racial, ethnic, gender and income "class" lines.
I really can understand people who can't bring themselves to vote for a gop-er (particularly in this year's weak-ass field) for president. Hell, I can only rarely (see 2010) bring myself to vote for one of those right-wing assclowns.
But what I can't get is how any person other than a brainwashed, non-thinking partisan zombie could ever possibly bring himself in 2012 to vote for the individual we currently have as president. He's that awful. The man is a walking Webster's Dictionary illustration for the term, P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C. He's one of the two absolute worst presidents of my lifetime, along with W Bush (and I was alive during Jimmy Damn Carter!).
Never forget: There are other options. Vote for a third party candidate as a protest vote, as I have in every presidential election in which I've voted after 1992.
Or hell, even: Stay home. I for one would rather hang out all day in an Alabama shithouse in early November than ever cast a vote for the individual we currently have as president. My only request would be for a big can of Febreze, if you please (both for said shithouse and for every time I have to listen to our current president's steady stream of horseshit).
Thursday, April 5, 2012
You Can Bang Me for a Burger: Florida Woman Allegedly Offers Up Sex to Undercover Cop In Exchange for a Few Dollar Menu Items from McDonald's!
She wasn't going to let him skate away cheaply. Cheap would've meant insisting upon no more than the "McDouble" from the value menu: Price one buck. But that just wasn't going to cut the mustard, since this alleged hooker wasn't gonna get jilted on that cheese: So she demanded the full-blown Double Cheeseburger -- two slices of cheese and all -- for $1.29! AND, she wanted TWO of them (allegedly)!
47-year-old Christine Baker (pictured above) was apparently one hungry Ho (allegedly). Cops in Florida say that when an undercover cop pulled up to Baker on Friday night and told her that he wanted "to f*ck" her, Baker was generally agreeable; however, that ass wasn't gonna come free!
So Baker allegedly made the cop pull through the nearest McDonald's drive through to order this burger broad a couple of Double Cheeseburgers (not "McDoubles," mind you, as referenced above). Total cost: $2.75 (nothing to cheese at).
Apparently not wanting to be seen as a cheap date (even if he was a narco), the cop also reportedly offered this famished fancy woman a couple of 20's as an optional "tip." Baker allegedly took the bills and the burgers and told the cop to meet her over in a parking lot to consummate the dirty deed (the one not involving the consumption of said burgers).
But before any pickle could be pulled, waiting cops minced the starving streetwalker's onions (allegedly) faster than a Quarter Pounder grill order holdin' the ketchup.
For her efforts, Baker got a ride to the hoosegow on a prostitution charge. At least this alleged cravin' call girl will get three hots and a cot down there.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
'Bout Time: Judge Takes Angry Obama to Task for His Stupid & Disturbing Statements Questioning Judicial Power to Find Obamacare Unconstitutional...
This Ragin' Independent criticizes Obama freely. Deranged right-winger pundits criticize him freely. [G]op-er politicians criticize him freely. But who the hell else ever does? And trust me, he needs and deserves it, as one of the two worst presidents (along with W Bush) of my lifetime and perhaps the most far left-wing president in American history. That's why I appreciated the linked story so much. To set it up...
On Monday, Obama took to the press to go on a dictator-reminiscent rant about the possibility of the U.S. Supreme Court finding to be unconstitutional the so-called "individual mandate" portion of the leftists' Obamacare monstrosity. During his diatribe, Obama nonsensically and disgustingly suggested that federal courts do not have power to review the constitutionality of federal (and state) statutes -- equating such an exercise of power with "judicial activism."
Never mind that the power of federal courts to review statutes for constitutionality has been established by over 200 years of precedent. Never mind that plenty of statutes that have been unpopular with leftist 20 percenters like Obama have been struck down over the years for being unconstitutional (were those instances of "judicial activism," too?). Never mind that I can never in my life recall a sitting president purporting to lecture the court system on its powers and what it "must" understand and do in a particular case. No lawyer in his right mind would ever do that in court or in a court filing. In short: Bully (and frankly, not so bright) Obama on full display.
But fast forward to yesterday in the (federal) Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, where a separate lawsuit is also challenging the Obamacare law. One of the judges on that court, Jerry Smith (yes, appointed by a gop-er president), had taken notice of Obama's outlandish Monday remarks and took to task the purported former constitutional law professor Obama by grilling one of his DOJ attorneys (for whom I actually feel sorry) in open court. Please enjoy this as much as I did:
-Judge Smith: "Does the Department of Justice recognize that federal courts have the authority in appropriate circumstances to strike federal statutes because of one or more constitutional infirmities?"
-DOJ attorney Dana Kaersvang: "Yes, your honor. Of course, there would need to be a severability analysis, but yes."
-Judge Smith: "I'm referring to statements by the president in the past few days to the effect…that it is somehow inappropriate for what he termed 'unelected' judges to strike acts of Congress that have enjoyed — he was referring, of course, to Obamacare — what he termed broad consensus in majorities in both houses of Congress. That has troubled a number of people who have read it as somehow a challenge to the federal courts or to their authority or to the appropriateness of the concept of judicial review. And that's not a small matter. So I want to be sure that you're telling us that the attorney general and the Department of Justice do recognize the authority of the federal courts through unelected judges to strike acts of Congress or portions thereof in appropriate cases."
-Kaersvang: "Marbury v. Madison is the law, your honor, but it would not make sense in this circumstance to strike down this statute, because there’s no –"
-Judge Smith: "I would like to have from you by noon on Thursday…a letter stating what is the position of the attorney general and the Department of Justice, in regard to the recent statements by the president, stating specifically and in detail in reference to those statements what the authority is of the federal courts in this regard in terms of judicial review. That letter needs to be at least three pages single spaced, no less, and it needs to be specific. It needs to make specific reference to the president’s statements and again to the position of the attorney general and the Department of Justice."
OUCH-O-Bama!!! And I'd take special care not to double space them lines, if I was you, DOJ!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
"How to Spot If Someone Is Lying to You? Just Ask Your Computer." But Sorry, I Don't Need Any Microchip or New Processor to Tell Me These Things...
I've got a real simple set of questions that will tell me -- typically to about a 99% degree of certitude -- whether something comin' outta someone's pie hole is an outright slimeball lie. Here are some basic questions to consider:
1. Does the person consider himself to be a member of the democrat party?
2. Does the person consider himself to be a member of the republic partisan party?
3. Does the person like to refer to himself as a "conservative," "liberal" or "progressive" (or, as I like to say, a deranged right-winger or loony leftist 20 percenter)?
4. Does the person call himself an "[i]ndependent" who actually claims the democrat party is too "moderate"?
5. Does the person call himself an "[i]ndependent" who actually claims the republic partisan party is too "moderate"?
6. Does the person actually maintain that the individual we currently have as a president is a "moderate"?
7. Does the person claim that Mitt Romney actually stands for anything?
8. Does the person claim that Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum could actually ever be elected president (even if Jimmy Carter was the opponent)?
9. Does the person claim to know the facts of the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman tragedy and has therefore purportedly taken up a "side"?
10. Does the person maintain that every single thing a public or private sector union does is either (1) peaches 'n cream 24-7 or (2) more evil than a Hitler-Stalin love child?
I could go on, of course, but these 10 simple questions (if the answer is "YES" to any of them) will implicate and rein in most of the liars. Is it 100% foolproof? No. But like I said, give me about a 99% accuracy rate over here (as usual).
Monday, April 2, 2012
Now THIS Was a Hardcore Match! Alleged Burglar & Florida Restaurant Worker Go At It with a Full Panoply of Crazy Weapons!
This story reminded of something out of the old Extreme Championship Wrestling program. You'd have some hardcore wrestler like Original Gangsta New Jack (pictured at top) lug a big trash can full of makeshift weapons to the ring (staple guns, guitars, bed pans, cast-iron skillets, railroad spikes, etc., etc.) and promptly start beating the shit out of the hapless opponent with said foreign objects. But at least that was the 'rasslin' ring, not the damn oyster bar!
Cops in Daytona Beach say it all got flowin' around 5:20 a.m. one day last week, when Captain Steamer's Oyster Bar worker Anthony Brisbane happened upon a masked man -- identified as 29-year-old suspect Trevor Pufall (mugshot above) -- in the joint's kitchen.
Brisbane reportedly got the initial drop on the alleged burglar, wielding a giant sword at the startled slug faster than Butch Coolidge down at the pawn shop. But the sleazejob allegedly made a quick comeback, beating Brisbane about the head several times with a tire iron.
After a fight over control of the medieval sword then ensued, Brisbane reportedly grabbed hold of big beer bottle and bashed the bungling alleged burglar right in the head with it!
And for an encore, his big finish, the coup de grace, this handy oyster man Brisbane had one more deranged weapon in his arensal: A nice sharp screwdriver, which he reportedly used to walk the suspect Pufall outside -- at screwdriver point -- until cops arrived at the scene.
Now promoters may have to book Pufall's next hardcore match inside of a cell down at the local hoosegow, since he's been busted on burglary charges. Better sharpen up them shanks, scuzball!
Friday, March 30, 2012
"Tiger Woods' Former Flings to Release Porn Film About Alleged Sexploits": Sounds to Me Like a Flick in Need of a Real Title...
...since the current title is so BORING: "3 Mistresses: Notorious Tales of the World's Greatest Golfer." What the hell is that? These three "Flings" (the above-pictured Devon James, Holly Sampson and Joslyn James) obviously have no concept of the first rule of porn, i.e. never bore them with the title.
So I'm gonna do them a favor and give 'em more than a dozen suggestions on far more appropriate titles for this particular porn piece of work. In (no particular) alphabetical order (and these babes can thank me later):
1. Back Door Ball Holed
2. Don't Pull Out the 5-Wood
3. Get the Yips Between My Hips
4. Give Me the Ol' Goose Neck in the Gallery
5. He Didn't See the Frontside All Night
6. He Gave Me a Lay Up on the Leaderboard
7. Fore!(Skin) Fairway Frolic
8. Matchplay with the Golf Ball Molls
9. Mired Down in the Muff
10. Par 3 Birdie Broads
11. Pump Me Fulligan Your Mulligan
12. Put the Ball in the 36DD Cup!
13. Sandtrap Slut Scramble
14. Twelve Strokes to Tee Off
15. That's Not a Divot Down There!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
They LITERALLY Put Him Through the Meat Grinder: Serbian Slugs Allegedly Murder Rival Gang Leader and Then Cook Him Up in a Big Stew for Lunch...
These are some sick slimeballs (allegedly). Please remind to stay the hell out of Serbia going forward, and I guess Spain for that matter. Cops in Madrid say a couple of deranged dirtbags (above-right pictured Luka Bojovic and and above-left pictured Sretko "The Butcher" Kalinic -- not sure why they call him that) trapped a rival gangster and went all medieval on this ass -- and then some.
First the two swinewads allegedly tortured 37-year-old Milan Jurisic (pictured below) within an inch of his life before taking a big hammer and finishing the job by hammering Jurisic to death. But that was just for starters...
Cops say these two crazed creepjobs next did their best impersonation of Ixion from "the Pits" in Spartcus, hacking off Jurisic's face to "make a macabre face mask from his skin." By this time, apparently, these two depraved scumbuckets had worked up quite the appetite, which tends to happen after a morning's worth of good, hard torturing.
And why order out for lunch when they had a big piece of meat right there in front of them? Cops say they whipped out a big sharp knife, "skinned and boned" Jurisic, and "then put him through a meat grinder" right there in their makeshift apartment torture chamber.
But since the consumption of raw meat may increase one's risk of food borne illness, these two crazy crumbs naturally cooked Jurisic's flesh, "turned him into a stew," and "ate him for lunch" (allegedly). Then they allegedly went down to the local river and tossed Jurisic's bones in the water.
Now "The Butcher" has been arrested and has reportedly confessed to the crime, although apparently Luka Brasi is still on the loose. Here's hoping Luka ultimately sleeps with the fishes out in that same river.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Right-Wingers Rejoice and Leftists Mourn ObamaCare After a Day of Tough Questions From Supreme Court Justices. But Here's Why I'd Do Neither...
It's been highly amusing over the past day watching the gop-ers wanting to throw parades -- and leftist 20 percenters in an absolute state of dejection -- after some tough questions posed to government lawyers on Wednesday by the Supreme Court's right-winger Justices (link at bottom). The question at issue: Is Obama & the leftists' monstrosity of a health care bill constitutional (and in particular, the "individual mandate"). But both the right-winger celebrations and the leftist funeral wakes should wait. More on that in a minute...
But first, I'm on record a 1000 times in this blog: I hate the leftist health care bill and the slimy way it was rammed down our throats and against the will of the American people. Never before in American history has such a sweeping piece of controversial, unpopular, ultra-partisan legislation been enacted on nearly straight party-line votes, and certainly not by use of procedural gimmicks such as "reconciliation" (note to Karl Marx from Facebook: I didn't say "nuclear option," as if that really matters). But all that aside...
When it comes to gauging the Court's likely ruling, the questioning from the right-winger Justices must be taken with a huge grain of salt. I like to think I have a tiny degree of experience in this area, and I'm here to tell ya: Never (Ever) read too much into the questions asked by appeals court judges (even from the USSC) during oral arguments, and never rely on such questions as any kind of reliably strong indicator (one way or the other) of how they will rule.
The job of appeals court judges is to play devil's advocate in oral arguments. Oftentimes, attorneys watching oral argument have no real clue whatsoever if the questions are indicative of the way the judge already thinks he/she will rule, versus the judges wanting to hear the arguing attorneys' responses to the best points raised in the other side's Brief (more often, it's the latter).
Put another way, very often the tone and direction of questions will heavily lean one way, only for a completely (and seemingly) contrary written ruling to ultimately be issued. That's happened a million times in American jurisprudence. Not to rain on the right-wingers' parade or anything. But rain, rain.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
"Miss Universe Disqualifies Transgender Contestant" Jenna Talackova: The Likely Reactions of the Right-Wingers & Leftists Differ in Complexity...
Deranged Right-Winger Reaction: "God Damn Right!"
versus (NOT that there's much demented difference):
Loony Leftist 20 Percenter Reaction: We need a short flowchart of sorts...
1. Is the transgender contestant in favor of gay marriage?
- IF SO, let 'em (her/him) compete! No further questions.
- IF NOT, move on to Question 2.
- IF SO, let 'em (her/him) compete! No further questions.
- IF NOT, move on to Part 3.
- Give 'em (her/him) the full Carrie Prejean treatment.
- And don't forget to break out the boycotts!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Thought He'd Make Him an Offer He Can't Refuse? Canadian Man Allegedly Hacks Off Horse's Head & Puts It in a Guy's Truck as a "Prank"!
Talk about perhaps watching an old movie classic one too many times. Cops in Canada say 28-year-old Darrell Mowat (pictured above) last week went full-out Don Vito Corleone from The Godfather. But let's not put the cart before the horse...
In the film, Brando's mob boss Corleone character sends consigliere Tom Hagen to try to convince pedophile movie producer Jack Woltz to cast Corleone's Godson, Johnny Fontane, in one of Woltz's upcoming pictures. After calling Hagen a "Kraut Mick" and refusing The Don's request, Woltz wakes up the next morning to find the head of his prized racehorse Khartoum in Woltz's bed. The Don had just made Woltz an offer he couldn't refuse, and Fontane got the part in the picture.
Now, almost 70 years later, life imitates art up Canada way, as this buckaroo Mowat allegedly hoofed it down to a farm near Niagara Falls and chopped off a horse's head faster than one could say, "Tell your boss that I ain't no band leader."
And this buck-bashing broncobuster Mowat allegedly couldn't hold his horses after his little horse homicide, as he was apparently champing at the ol' bit to get that damn horse's head into town! Spurred on by some unknown motivation, this unhinged horseman allegedly drove the head to an acquaintance's home there in town.
At the home, this suspected mustang murderin' Mowat allegedly felt like feeling his wild oats even farther, as cops say he deposited the horse head in the bed of the acquaintance's pickup truck right out there in the driveway!
But unlike the old movie, cops say they don't think Mowat meant the gelding gesture as a Don Vito-like threat, but instead they think it was probably just a "prank." That's since, after all, nothing says practical joke quite like axing off a domesticated animal's melon and tossing it in a man's ride!
Now Mowat may have to exchange his horse corral for the Bullpen, since he's facing a whole herd of criminal charges that include breaking, entering and animal cruelty. And if he was looking for this alleged stunt to help him land his own part in a picture, I think he hacked the wrong horse.
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