Sunday, April 15, 2012

Look at the democrat party Dumpin' All Over My School, the University of Missouri: Is There No Part of Our Lives These People Can Just Leave Alone?

In the news in recent days is the new democrat party strategy to try to compare likely gop-er presidential nominee Mitt Romney to Missouri grad Jon Hamm's "Don Draper" character from the TV show "Mad Men" (link at bottom).

Leaving aside the second grade level of rhetoric trying to score points against a political opponent by comparing him to a pop culture character or TV show, what's WRONG with being like Jon Hamm? Hell, if anything, it's an insult to Hamm to compare him to Romney!

And if the democrat party next starts working Kansas jayhawker smack into its rhetoric (e.g., "Mitt Romney wants to return us to the days of the Missourah slavers"), I'm REALLY gonna get riled up over here.

SOME things should be off-limits in campaigns. Like family. Like educational records (if you're Obama, leastways). And methinks the voters' alma maters should be off-limits too. Lay off Missouri, democrat party. We've suffered enough already in recent weeks, years, decades, lifetimes, etc.