Friday, September 9, 2011
Never Mind the Bullock: Utah Man Frightens Neighbors By Reportedly Butchering a Damn Cow in His Driveway!
Holy Cow! This story's no bull; rather one big cow-tastrophy: Cops in Ogden, Utah this week were called to a residential neighborhood after receiving an udderly outrageous report of a local man slaughtering a cow out in the front yard in the middle of the afternoon. And now every calf and its mother are having a cow over this whole beef.
The Longhorn of the Law
Cops were called to the home after the mad cowman had started "harvesting the animal" and while "the cow was in the process of losing its head." In short, the man was reportedly "sawing at the animal's neck" as officers arrived. No word whether the man offered cops a few choice hock and jowl cuts while they were there.
The man apparently freely admits until the cows come home that he did, in fact, try to carve up the bovine right there in the driveway. The dispute, however, centers on whether he actually whacked out the critter there at his house or someplace else.
Whose Cowbell You Gonna Believe?
A neighboring family told cops that the male homeowner had transported the live cow to the home in a trailer ride. The neighbors reportedly heard "the cow's audible mooing, followed by what sounded like a gunshot." Then, in an unexpected turn of events, "the mooing stopped."
The family says it quickly snatched all the kids off the street and hoofed it into the house before bringing in the fuzz. The family "suspected something unusual was taking place," said the cops. Now, why this family would become so riled up over a little harmless mooing and gunplay next door, I have no freakin' clue.
Regardless, the homeowner claims he didn't knock off the sacred cow there at the house, but instead bumped it off "outside city limits" before trailering the cow to his home. After all, I would assume, the man probably didn't have ready access to his saws, cleavers and other butchery utensils out there in the pasture.
Will His Meathooks Have to Walk the Final Mile?
If it turns out that the man snuffed out Daisy there in the driveway, he may face charges (and perhaps some hard time in the bullpen) for discharging a firearm inside the city limits. And cops aren't kowtowing from other possible charges, either, which could also transport this meatlover from the slaughterhouse to the big house in two shakes of a heifer's ass.
For example, there may also be a disorderly conduct charge in this domestic butcher's future feed bag -- especially if any of the neighbor's kids "witnessed the butchering and become upset." An animal cruelty charge may also be within the bounds of the stockade, which could really put this meatman out to pasture for awhile to come.
I Hope He Cleaned His Butchers Apron First
The local health department is also apparently in a foul mooood over this whole moo-ha-ha and is looking into the possibility of health code violations. It sounds to me like like they're ready to put this guy's rump roast on the butcherblock faster than a newly fixed steer moves down at the feedlot.
I just hope this sirloin-sawing steak aficionado didn't try to milk this cow for all it's worth by unloading any of those chumpchops to the public. That's because trying to turn this critter into a cash cow would reportedly garner the man a nice fat citation for selling meat without a proper permit.
And that's not even the burnt end of it: There could also be violations relating to the "debris from the slaughter" and the "disposal of the carcass." As they say, all is not butter and methane that comes from the cow.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Twisted Sister: Old Lady Falls & Dies While Sis & Nephew Allegedly Tell Her to Shut the Hell Up, Then Leave the Dead Lady at Home & Go Out for Pizza!
And that was only the tip of this demented iceberg. In addition to cursing at Auntie and heading to the pizza parlor instead of taking Auntie to the funeral parlor, Sis and Nephew also found time to allegedly hide Auntie from a nurse, deprive her of food, and even (ultimately) turn her into a damn mummy! (Link to full story at bottom).
The Sickness
This sordid tale began when Auntie (70-year-old Mary Coleman of Madison, Wisconsin) got sick on May 6, 2011 AD. That was a problem, you see, since Auntie's damn pesky sickness conflicted with that day's birthday for Nephew (45-year-old Steven King -- a different horror show than the famous writer).
Specifically, the birthday boy reportedly told cops that he and Sis (71-year-old Veronica King) "wouldn't take [Auntie] to the doctor because it was his birthday."
And apparently the birthday celebration continued on the next day, when Nephew and Sis allegedly "hid [sick Auntie] from a nurse who visited" the home. That's when all hell broke loose.
The Fall
Auntie reportedly took her bad fall right after the nurse left the house. Auntie's doc says the old woman wouldn't have died if Sis and Nephew would have taken her to the hospital after her fall. However, that particular course of action just didn't seem to fit on their very full calendars in the two days that followed.
In lieu of medical treatment, the compassionate Sis Veronica, "as her sister lay dying," reportedly gave the fallen old lady "only liquids and not foods." And the old woman wouldn't just shut up already!
Auntie reportedly laid there on the floor, "talking now and then." Said Sis: "I told her quite frankly to shut up!"
The Death (and the Pizzeria)
When Auntie finally keeled over on May 9, Sis and Nephew still reportedly had difficulties blocking out any time for Auntie on their busy schedules. And Auntie's demise sure as hell wasn't going to get in the way of them stuffin' some greasy eats down their pieholes (allegedly)!
Sis reportedly told cops that she and Nephew "didn't call to have [Auntie's] body removed 'because we had other things to do that day.' " Moreover, they allegedly "decided there was nothing they could do about it and went out for pizza"!
The Mummification
While it's not clear if it happened at the pizza parlor or somewhere else, right about this time Sis and Nephew allegedly hatched a little scheme to take full advantage of Auntie croaking. First they allegedly hid Auntie's corpse down in the basement before later stashing it away in a big plastic bag in the garage.
There Auntie's body stayed for months while Sis allegedly rifled through Auntie's bank account -- in which Auntie's "pension and Social Security payments were automatically deposited."
Three months later, a concerned friend of Auntie called cops to the house, where cops reportedly smelled the stench of death on the joint. They found Auntie's bag in the garage, where Sis and Nephew had reportedly turned Auntie into a damn Mummy!
The Aftermath
Cops say they believe that Nephew Steven is mentally deranged, although I personally find that one very difficult to believe. Regardless, he and Sis may now have to cook up their own recipe for hoosegow pizza, since I see a big buffet of bread and water in their foreseeable futures.
That's because cops have busted them on a plastic bag full a' charges that include reckless homicide, "hiding a corpse," bank fraud, and abuse of Auntie.
But Sis and Nephew's date with the big house, of course, is conditioned upon the whole affair squaring with their hectic personal schedules. I hear Nephew may have a brief opening in February, but forget about May 6 -- total non-starter.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
I Wonder What the Scalpers Outside Will Be Asking: Arizona to Charge Admission If You Want to Visit Your Family Member Down in the Hoosegow...
What's next? A service charge before you'll be allowed entry into the morgue to identify a stiff?
It's amazing to me the life-or-death resistance from a loudmouthed, non-majority portion of the American population when it comes to getting state and federal budgets and debt under control through the obvious solution -- cut the damn spending! (And that, BTW, AIN'T some right-wing principle. Rather it's a common sense one, upon which the majority of American Independents are completely onboard).
Instead, the solution from that non-majority group is always the same: "Raise revenues." Translation: Tax, charge and impose fees on anything that moves, exists, whimpers or shits (so that spending can just continue to grow). And now the State of Arizona is taking that principle to all new lows.
Whatever you do, don't get tossed in the joint down Arizona way. Because that might be the last time you see your family until your bit's up. Arizona is now making family members of cons buy a $25 ticket in order to visit them in the can. (I'm just wondering how man C-notes they charge for a conjugal? And can an extra $50 get you a special VIP seat?)
One woman whose brother is locked in an Arizona freezer told the New York Times that the new fee -- even though allegedly "one time" in nature -- is going to be one tough ticket since the travel costs of visiting the big house are already a financial strain in these rotten economic times. "People will just stop visiting," the woman said.
And I can only imagine that there's nothing more constructive for a con than to be completely locked away from his family for years on end. He's making all those wonderful new friends on the inside, after all.
Probably the most despicable aspect of this rotten story is the completely disingenuous pretext under which the State of Arizona has imposed the new ticket system. This phony pretext almost makes George W. Bush's baloney about "weapons of mass destruction" seem palpable:
Arizona is calling the new ticket system a "background check fee." Sounds nice. Only problem? When pressed, one state bureaucrat actually admitted that the money won't go towards any "background checks" at all.
Instead, the state intends to use the money to help make up a $1.6 billion state budget deficit. That means sticking the dough in some general fund that might be used for prison upkeep -- or just about any other damn thing the state ultimately wants, if you read between the lines. But they're still gonna call it a "background check fee" even though nary a "background check" will actually be performed. Slimeballs.
And coming back full circle to my idea at the top about a morgue identification fee: I wonder what they'll call that one once they get around to imposing it? No doubt something like a "He's Already Dead But We Paid for the Bed" fee. But one time only!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
More democrat party Lessons in Civility: Teamsters' Jimmy Hoffa Jr. Tells Obama to Enlist Hoffa's Forces to "Take Out" Obama's Political Opponents...
Teamsters president Hoffa was reportedly tasked Monday with "warming up the crowd" for a speech by Obama in Detroit. And what better way to conjure up a little crowd enthusiasm than a good call to arms or two, not to mention some nice over-the-top rhetoric that could be easily construed as a call for violent action against people who don't agree with Obama and the democrat party agenda.
Specifically, Hoffa told those in attendance that "we like a good fight" and need to go to "war," calling for Obama to enlist Hoffa's "army" of Teamsters members to "march" and "take out" the "sons of bitches" such as the right-winger republic partisans and tea partiers who disagree with Obama and democrat party interests.
But therein lies the trap that Obama might want to avoid falling into. Obama's 2012 AD reelection team has previously declared a solitary focus upon a strategy to "kill" Mitt Romney or whomever the republic partisan nominee is.
Thus, if Obama and the leftist 20 percenters shift their focus now and change horses in midstream to the much broader focus of "taking out" all "sons of bitches" who oppose or disagree with them, then they may just overextend themselves in the process (and even sweep onto their enemies list many of those damn pesky Independents).
Napoleon in 1812 AD (not to mention the Roman Empire earlier and others later whom I will not name specifically) historically learned the same lesson only too late: You can't carry out a good death wish against the entire universe of dissent, after all, without first shoring up the earthly demise of all the opponents who are immediately in front of you. That, and those Russian winters (which always start in early November) can be particularly harsh.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Labor Day Lunacy: Australia Bans Term "BC" From Schoolbooks Because It Refers to Christ. How Long for American Leftist 20 Percenters to Think of This?
...I'll give them about five minutes. Oh, and for good measure, Australia has also banned the term "AD" in schoolbooks since the demented country apparently views that term as a veiled reference to Christ. Can't have that, now can we?
And get a load of the stupid-ass politically correct replacements for these centuries-old terms: In Australia, years preceding the birth of Christ will now be referred to as "Before Common Era" (or BCE) and years following Christ's birth will be referenced as "Common Era" (CE). Does that mean that September 11, 2001 AD never really occurred?
I personally would have gone with Bullshit (BS) and Cow Dung (CD) as the replacement terms, but who listens to me. Plus, when it comes to the ridiculous terms that were chosen, we are talking about penal colony descendants over there. Not to mention, there is a small silver lining to all this leftist kookiness. Because it gives me an idea:
I love using terms that people don't want me to use. And since the leftists apparently have a problem with "BC" and "AD," I'm going to make a point henceforth to start referring to dates and years on this blog with an "AD" suffix. To the Aussie embeciles: You can stick that one on your barbie and smoke it until the Year 2525 AD for all I care.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Holy Pop a' Shot: Paintball Blast Causes a Woman's Fake Boob to Explode!
What's worse? Getting busted by a high-speed paintball right in the jowels or having your fake bust busted instead? I'm posing this inquiring to a 26-year-old British woman who just experienced such a rack impact this week. At least the other fake knocker is still intact.
In what's being described as an "unusual risk" attendant to playing paintball, the woman's fake jug reportedly "exploded after she was hit in the chest by a paintball, which can travel at 190 mph." (Link to full story at bottom)
The incident is thought to be a "first of its kind" -- at least on the other side of the pond -- although it come on the heels of another European story previously covered in this space concerning a snake that died after puncturing a woman's fake boobie with its fang and swallerin' a big snout full a' silicon (pic below/link at bottom). Bad thing for a snake.
As for the paintball broad, she had to seek medical treatment and is reportedly resting herself and her collapsed balcony at home this weekend. I just hope some slippery serpeant doesn't come calling for the other fake fun bag.
Meantime the "UK Paintball" association says it's all over this case like a tight bra on a big set of fake melons. The organization's website is imploring all future paintball participants to fess up if they have fake cans so that they can "be given special information on the dangers of paintballing with enhanced boobs and [they'll be asked] to sign a disclaimer."
They'll also be getting some special bosom armor, as the organization promises to "issue extra padding to protect your implants while paintballing."
The British incident has also apparently caused new concerns that some woman view their fake honkers as some sort of indestructible cushion against everything the world might throw at them. This follows a shooting victim in Cali whose "implant kept the bullet fragments from reaching her heart and vital organs." But don't be fooled, experts say -- just ask the babe in Britain.
And as one firearms instructor with the LAPD advised: "I don't want to say a boob job is the equivalent of a bulletproof vest. So don't go getting breast enhancements as a means to deflect a possible incoming bullet."
Fair enough. But how are the fake dirty pillows at deflecting sword thrusts and railroad spike stabbings? That, seems to me, is the real question here.
Regardless, the notorious LA Times says there is a "moral of this story": "If you absolutely have to get breast implants, avoid any potentially high-impact activities." So paintball's out. But what if the fake bazongas do windows?
Saturday, September 3, 2011
That Ain't No Midget: Bosomy Four-Year-Old Impersonates Dolly Parton in Child Beauty Pageant! Now, Does THIS Maybe Go Just a Tad Too Far?
The tot has tatas, but only problem -- she shouldn't for at least ten years. This rather shocking (not to mention slightly sickening) scene comes courtesy of TLC's "Toddlers and Tiaras" -- the caring network's effort to encourage and sensationalize "the bizarre world of child beauty pageants."
This week's episode has reportedly "sparked outrage and disbelief" (I really can't understand why), as it features four-year-old tike Maddy Jackson of Tennessee "emulating buxom country singer Dolly party -- complete with fake breasts"! C-cup, to be precise.
This little punk can't even read yet and "can barely string sentences together," but that didn't stop her mama Lindsay from hanging a fake rack on the little shit and (get this) butt job enhancements! I've heard of "Baby Got Back," but this just may go a bit too far.
And how 'bout the little exhibition put on by this madman mama during the show (photo below): Other little girl contestants on the show are seen becoming "perturbed" at the sight of mama and baby in the dressing room screwing around with baby's enhancements. In particular, they had to watch mama Lindsay "rearrange her daughter's fake breasts."
One of the other little rotten contestants even tried to get in on the act, "probing [Maddy's] chicken fillets before Maddy crosses her arms" as a rudimentary sort of defense, apparently.
But alas, some sanity: There's reportedly a Facebook campaign being waged by concerned adults to try to force this deranged show off the air -- particularly after the Dolly Parton bit.
Normally I laugh at curmudgeony TV boycott efforts, but not here. This example involves shameless exploitation of little kids, and this crap should be yanked from the air, although it almost certainly won't be.
One TV columnist at named Tim Surette said enough's enough already: "I'm drawing the line of arguable decency at [kids with] fake tits," fumed Surette.
But in an appearance on the "Today" show earlier this week, twisted mama Lindsay is defending her choice to bust out the makeshift boob and butt job on her infant daughter:
"To some people, it's over the top, but to us it's just what happens. It's just normal. When she wears the fake boobs and the fake butt, it's just like an extra bonus . . . Everybody thinks it's hysterical!," hissed the maniacal mama. Yeah. Little tiny girls with fake cans -- a regular barrel of laughs.
And mama's second defense relies on a sickeningly strained comparison to "gymnastics, dance and cheerleading" -- where mama says they also "wear hair and make up." How about fake melons and ass pads? The cheer gals wearing those too, mama? [Little Maddy, sans her enhancements, is pictured immediately below]
Even the little girl's Granny is weighing in with a cliched defense, trying to justify this creepy craziness by reference to the "cash prizes" that the little toddler may someday be able to put toward "schooling fees."
RIGHT! As if the lunatic and loon known as Granny and mama can be trusted to put that money away for baby's future welfare. Two words: Gary Coleman. Although at least Arnold Drummond was never made to wear strap-on appendages on "Diff'rent Strokes."
Friday, September 2, 2011
That's the Ticket! MSNBC Pundit Says gop's Opposition to Obama Scheduling "Jobs" Speech on Same Night as gop Debate "Possibly Based on Skin Color"...
I sometimes wonder: Does the democrat party and its myriad media mouthpieces ever contemplate that (1) whenever you liken republic partisan or tea partier disagreement or opposition to being a racist, a fascist, a terrorist, a lyncher, a nazi, Jim Crow's grandson, satan himself, an individual who needs to "go to hell," or a person who wishes to have a race of human beings hung from trees, (2) then you necessarily sweep into those vile descriptions anyone and everyone who disagrees with some or much of the leftist 20 percenter democrat party agenda -- such as many Independents?
It's always struck me as rather dumb politics. I doubt the perceived benefit of riling up the leftist base to want to vote, make noise and contribute dough comes close to outweighing the fair amount of offense that many of us Independents (the people who decide your elections) take to such romper room rhetoric.
Exhibit 1: November 2, 2010. Might we see Exhibit 2 introduced into evidence here in about 14 months? Only time will tell.
But this Independent, for one, does tend to have a very, very long memory. Or you just can just tell me to go to hell. Whatever floats your boat, leftist 20 percenters.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
She Just Wanted to Paint the Town Red. And Purple. And Green. And Yellow... Buck Naked Paint Broad Busted in Birthday Suit!
Just call her the human paint stripper. Do I have to paint a picture for you? OK then, she's 21-year-old Zoe West, and cops in the Big Apple aren't exactly painting the most flattering picture of her. They say they busted her denuded ass this week for walking through Times Square wearing nothing but a damn paint job!
Zoe is the "human canvas" for one "flesh-obsessed painter" named Andy Golub, who reportedly starting "touching up" the topless Zoe around 2:30 p.m. Tuesday. Golub apparently put the finishing touches on his leafless landscape an hour or so later, meaning it was time for Zoe -- by now bottomless as well -- to hit the street for a free public exhibition.
But it wasn't too long before the painted peeler had a "brush with the law." I guess these cops never took Art Appreciation, because they painted Zoe with the same brush as so many common criminals -- slapping the ol' cuffs on her and hauling the walking paint palette down to the hoosegow.
Golub, for his part, is trying to varnish over any suggestion that he shouldn't have sent his art "piece" out into the world wearing nothing but a smile and a fresh coat of paint. "I explained all this [risk of arrest] to my model, so she was completely aware," gushed Golub. This guy sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry.
And apparently this sort of thing is nothing new for Golub the galoot, who was glossed with public lewdness charges earlier this summer when he dispatched two of his other mammary mural models to "strip down in their birthday suits," also in Times Square. (One of those painted ponies is pictured immediately above).
Meantime Zoe claims she did nothing wrong when she traipsed around in the Square sporting only a licked finish. "I don't believe there is truly anything wrong with what I did and with what [Golub] was doing," Zoe maintained after putting some clothes on.
She can also consider herself very lucky to be coming out of this smelling like a rose rather than a old can of lacquer. It seems that cops have dropped all charges against her. But somehow I think the cops will be feeling less than charitable if she ever paints herself into a corner like this again.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
It Wasn't Anthony's Weiner Down There: TSA Efforts Discover That Man Has Big Snake in His Trousers. And Before You Say Of Course They Did... least this time the TSA agents, for a change, didn't even have to grope the man up to discover his long trouser snake. The strange thing was -- this snake had two eyes. And there were a whole lot more.
The feds busted a Florida man this past week for allegedly trying to smuggle a gaggle of snakes and turtles (pictures below) aboard an international flight by stuffing the repulsive reptiles right down his britches! After this bestial bust went down, TSA scored a touchdown and a field goal, tallying up a final score of seven snakes and three tortoises.
And TSA agents seem to be going out of their way to explain that it wasn't one of their typical grope jobs that resulted in an agent putting his hands on the two-eyed Willies lurking hidden beneath the man's drawers (allegedly). Rather, it was one of those "minimally invasive" full body scans. Or, as the TSA explains, it "used imaging technology, which allows agents to find potential threats hidden from the naked eye." Glad they cleared that up.
The Florida man was reportedly trying to board a flight to Brazil at the Miami airport. Which makes me surprised he didn't have a Portuguese Man o' War down there amongst the other creatures. And who knows what deranged experiments that Josef Mengele had in mind for these reptiles on the other end of this flight -- presuming, of course, that the Angel of Death was the prospective buyer.
Alternatively, I wonder if that horde of snakes and turtles was actually the Florida man's own little demented version of the Brazilian butt-lift workout? There's no better way to "transform your booty now," after all, even if such a maneuver -- using live reptiles and all -- could earn this guy a one-way ticket to the snakepit.
Regardless, on a day when Texas singer and failed politician Kinky Friedman spouted that "Obama has done for the economy what pantyhose did for foreplay," this Florida snake man may have set the merits of pantyhose back even further. The TSA says the man had all the reptiles decked out in ladies' hose before shoving them inside his pants. Turtle legs likely never looked so sexy, even if they do taste like chicken.
And if you think this man's now gonna be sent up the Amazon River faster than a piranha swarm in the Brazilian rain forest, then you might want to think again. He's apparently facing charges for what's being called "ssssmuggling" and harboring animals in an "unnatural habit." (One way of putting it).
But therein likely may lie his defense. Isn't the "natural habitat" for a slimy, slithery reptile a cold, damp, dark, smelly joint -- just like the crotch allegedly involved here? Scale for thought.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
"Is Rick Perry Dumb?," Asks Media Outlet.
Can Three Texas Prairie Dogs Hold a Menage a Trois in a Waco Shithouse?
The Answer (to both questions): No freakin' idea. Frankly, don't care. I'm clearly on record in this space as being no fan at all of Perry (the Texas gop'er running for president). Whether he's dumb, brilliant, or just mediocre in terms of political intellect (mediocre at best is about where I'd stick Obama, BTW) really makes no difference to me.
That's because Perry's a prototypical deranged right-winger and then some, and I ain't votin' for him no more than I'd consider ever voting for a loony leftist 20 percenter democrat party member like Obama. Concealed weapons in college classrooms, repeated secession talk, and calling evolution a "theory" does that to any sane Independent. But I digress.
A few points from's "Is Rick Perry Dumb?" headline today: First, I can't really imagine any of the so-called "mainstream" media outlets -- of which the slightly left-leaning Politico is a member -- ever, ever, ever titling a story like that if a democrat party candidate was the subject. And make no mistake, just as many democrat party members as republic partisans are as stupid as an Urban Cowboy wedding gift or a military involvement in Libya.
So why not any "Is Joe Biden dumb?" or a "Is Patty 'Wasserman' Simpson dumb?" headlines every now and then from the "mainstreamers"? Those two dumbasses regularly make comments just as stupid as some of the craziest things I've ever heard Perry spout (which is really sayin' something).
It's a novel concept: Consistency. One of the few things I ask for (but never get) from these slimeball politicians and their partisan advocates in the media. As stated before: My Missouri J-degree ain't worth the paper it's printed on anymore.
Second, I've noticed the theme of questioning Perry's intelligence starting to gain some traction from the leftist pundits and the "mainstream" media that likes to blindly follow the leftist talking heads' lead. It will be interesting to see if that ultimately backfires on the leftists.
I think Perry's reactive course of action is pretty obvious and not overly difficult. He needs to come up with a bag of one-liners that lightly poke fun at suggestions as to his dimwittedness (no matter how true those suggestions might be). Not only that, but he needs a few of those lines to turn the tables on the criticism.
I'm reminded of Reagan's famous line about not letting his opponent's age (the younger Mondale's) become an issue in the 1984 presidential campaign. If Perry's smart (or at least somewhat intelligent), he'll find a way to turn this whole thing to his political advantage. Otherwise, I guess the Politico has a point.
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