Thursday, September 1, 2011

She Just Wanted to Paint the Town Red. And Purple. And Green. And Yellow... Buck Naked Paint Broad Busted in Birthday Suit!

Just call her the human paint stripper. Do I have to paint a picture for you? OK then, she's 21-year-old Zoe West, and cops in the Big Apple aren't exactly painting the most flattering picture of her. They say they busted her denuded ass this week for walking through Times Square wearing nothing but a damn paint job!

Zoe is the "human canvas" for one "flesh-obsessed painter" named Andy Golub, who reportedly starting "touching up" the topless Zoe around 2:30 p.m. Tuesday. Golub apparently put the finishing touches on his leafless landscape an hour or so later, meaning it was time for Zoe -- by now bottomless as well -- to hit the street for a free public exhibition.

But it wasn't too long before the painted peeler had a "brush with the law." I guess these cops never took Art Appreciation, because they painted Zoe with the same brush as so many common criminals -- slapping the ol' cuffs on her and hauling the walking paint palette down to the hoosegow.

Golub, for his part, is trying to varnish over any suggestion that he shouldn't have sent his art "piece" out into the world wearing nothing but a smile and a fresh coat of paint. "I explained all this [risk of arrest] to my model, so she was completely aware," gushed Golub. This guy sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry.

And apparently this sort of thing is nothing new for Golub the galoot, who was glossed with public lewdness charges earlier this summer when he dispatched two of his other mammary mural models to "strip down in their birthday suits," also in Times Square. (One of those painted ponies is pictured immediately above).

Meantime Zoe claims she did nothing wrong when she traipsed around in the Square sporting only a licked finish. "I don't believe there is truly anything wrong with what I did and with what [Golub] was doing," Zoe maintained after putting some clothes on.

She can also consider herself very lucky to be coming out of this smelling like a rose rather than a old can of lacquer. It seems that cops have dropped all charges against her. But somehow I think the cops will be feeling less than charitable if she ever paints herself into a corner like this again.