She's busty Israeli model Orit Fox. And this bosomy braintrust was on Spanish TV channel "Telecino," apparently engaging in some sort of crude snake dance. She should probably leave that sort of thing to Clint Eastwood's buddy, Chief Big Eagle, since the serpent promptly tried to take a big bite (literally) out of one of Fox's big fake cans (video and link to full story down below).
He was a regular snake on the lass, you might say. Reports Britain's Sun: "She was clutching the tame reptile and went to lick its face when the snake took offense and chomped down on her surgically-enhanced bosom."
Actually, Fox is lucky the raunchy reptile didn't try to sink his teeth into that big tongue she was waggin' at him. And what did this slimy snake get for his efforts? A nice shot of silicone down the ol’ gullet and a quick death thereafter. Which makes this an odd variation of the "man bites dog" story, since here we had a human injecting lethal poison from its body into a snake.
As for this rocket scientist Fox, she's reportedly going to be just fine. EMTs reportedly followed the speed limit in taking Fox to the hospital (since cops, firefighters and EMTs hate it when you say they "raced" or "rushed" somewhere – which is illegal, even for them).
Down at the sick bay, this snake-gropin' sick-o was given a tetanus shot and sent packing. No word yet how much silicone was still left in the huge fake boob after the snake got through with it or whether that big breast is even still usable anymore for serpent sashays.