Saturday, March 26, 2011

High School Dude Says to School Secretary: "Can I Have Your Autograph, Miss? I Saw You in a Porn Film"!!!

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Signs of the Apocalypse? Bikini, Burger & Spaghetti Cat Fights Break Out on the East Coast While Big Apple Subways Grow Even Weirder! BigDaddy Style:

Is the world ending even in advance of December 2012? Nevermind Japanese earthquakes and tsunamis, America waging war in Libya, and the unrest throughout the Middle East. Nope, much closer to home this week (and all caught on tape -- see below), we've got wild bikini burger bruiser brawls in Florida and a crazy spaghetti incident aboard a New York City subway -- a place that just seems to get weirder by the minute!:

"Damn, These Folks Are Slow!"

Those were the impatient words of 31-year-old bikini-clad Kimesa Smith as she waited inside a Florida Burger King for a Whopper Jr. and fries. Calling herself a "first time spring breaker," Smith says she just wanted to get some food down her piehole before engaging in a night of boozin'. But the grub was taking forever, not to mention that the employees didn't have "no smiles on their faces." So Smith starting arguing with employees, and that's when all hell broke loose!

Smith next leapt atop the burger joint's front counter and went hardcore like "Original Gangsta" New Jack at the ECW Arena! Looks like she was up there "shaking her ass like a salt shaker" (to quote the immortal words of one MC Ren/NWA), as she first tossed her sack of food in the direction of the workers.

She then grabbed a huge plastic charity jug full of coins and flung it at them. Smith also threw a another customer's soft drink at them and, just for good measure, started yanking on the manager's hair! Several of her friends also joined in. "We tore the Burger King up. I don't play no games," she spewed in broken English.

Smith's "antics" quickly drew the attention of some cops, who tried to slap the ol' cuffs on her. "Take your damn hands off me, you can't touch me," she barked at them. But Smith had a more thoughtful take on the entire event in an interview afterwards. Now facing a misdemeanor battery charge and possible time in a different kind of joint, Smith observed, "If I knew this was gonna happen, I would've gone to Taco Bell."

The Spaghetti Incident

Much like Kimesa Smith, the young lady just wanted to get her grub on as she rode the New York City subway. But they just couldn't let her pound down her messy meal in peace! From across the aisle, another woman shouts, "What kind of animals eat on the train!?" And the pasta business only picked up from there!

The noodle munchin' lady wasn't gonna have any of that! "You fat BITCH!", she yelled back. The two then got in each other's faces, prompting each to exclaim (predictably) "get out of my face" to the other. Then the pasta poundin' lady got all worked up and proceeded to toss her takeout meal right at the other woman! The fisticuffs ensued from there before this sorry scene was finally broken up by onlookers.

This spaghetti incident has reportedly sparked a gigantic debate this week in New York concerning proper subway etiquette (isn't that a contradiction of terms?) and whether all eating should be banned on the trains. It's also highlighted for the world to see just how oddball things have become in and around the Big Apple's subway system:

Subway Insanity

The linked AP story details how the great spaghetti incident is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to subway silliness. For one thing, New Yorkers are apparently obsessed with subway etiquette issues:

One dude put up a bunch of "official-looking" fake signs in the subway purporting to prohibit various forms of conduct that he felt inappropriate on the trains, including (1) nail clipping ("The sound is incredibly annoying and the nail bits go flying all over the place") and (2) nose-picking ("Keep your finger out of your nose"). I have to say that while the former sign seems rather trivial, the latter one I think I could probably endorse.

Another subway traveler, while pregnant, took to keeping count of "how many times fellow commuters offered her a seat on eight [of the city's] subway lines." Her research culminated in a series of rudimentary "pie charts" that she posted online to reflect her findings -- ranking the different subway lines from best to worst in terms of their seat-offering propensities. Only wish I had so much free time on my hands as these New Yorkers!

And it ain't just the etiquette police who are going ape$hit down there in the subway system. Just in putting together this story, the AP observes that it witnessed the following odd assortment of characters inhabiting the space in and around one of the city's subway lines:

(1) A man approaching the train "while baaing like a sheep"; (2) a woman "in a huge, fur-lined parka hissing at two large rats on a platform"; and last, but not least, (3) a pair of old codgers "belting out 'Papa Was a Rolling Stone' at triple its normal speed."

It may be the "City That Never Sleeps," but methinks a few of the locals may need to be put to sleep. That may be the most humane thing to do.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Active Bomb Sat Three Weeks in Detroit Federal Building."

What's Rove got to say about this? What was his role? Did he defuse it? Did he put it there in the first place? Did he do both in order to be an attention hog? Was he trying to cover the whole thing up? Was there any torture involved? Where was that Scooter Libby character when all of this was going down? And does this mean that Rove is now a militia man? Let's get some cameras in Rove's face and really grill him! Get The Widow on the Set!

Actually, as best as I can tell, Karl Rove has no connection whatsoever to the Detroit story. But that didn't stop late yesterday, which ran the above headline at the top of its website with the very same picture immediately below it.

Jeezal peezal, if you're going to cast a deranged right-winger in a false light, at least aim a little higher, ABC News! You mean to tell me that you couldn't have tossed in a Bush photo (feel free to use my old standby – the Bush phone-the-wrong-way pic)? Or Palin even (similarly you can use my Palin "boob job" photo from the Belmont)? Heck, you could have even gone with Cheney or Rumsfeld -- both much bigger fish than the slimy ex-chief of staff!

For the record, I'm not suggesting that the error was intentional by ABC. Doubt if it was (the picture was ultimately changed, I noticed later). But it just looks bad for this left-leaning member of the so-called "mainstream media." Not that I have much sympathy for Rove. He's a creep. Not to mention, I bet he couldn't diffuse or plant a good bomb to save his damn life!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Obama Says "Installing Democracy" Is Goal in Libya: HYPOCRISY, Perhaps on the Grandest Scale in Human History. How Are These 2 Idiots Any Different?

As an initial matter, yes indeed a number of the pictures above are fairly graphic (although, they can get MUCH MORE graphic). Well guess what: That's what War is – HELL – and it's why you do not get involved in one unless it is absolutely necessary – a lesson that our two pathetic, out-of-touch political parties could use to learn for the first time in their sorry lives. But alas, they never do. So here--we--go:

We've been told by Obama's White House for several days that the "goal" of our involvement in Libya is to protect Libyan citizens and "rebels" from aerial bombardament (from forces loyal to evil murderous dictator Moammar Gadhafi) through the imposition of a "no fly zone." But it turns out the real goal is none other than George W. Bush-like "regime change" through the neoconservative principles of forcibly removing Gadhafi and "installing democracy."

It's from Obama's own lips, as the story broke late yesterday (link at bottom) concerning a White House readout of a Monday night telephone call between Obama and the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Yayyip Erdogan in which the two leaders "underscored their shared commitment to the goal of helping provide the Libyan people an opportunity to transform their country by installing a democratic system that respects the people's will."

Now, I have little doubt that we will quickly see the White House try to distance itself from those words and to claim that the readout isn't accurate. That's as predictable as stench in an Alabama $hithouse. But I won't be believing a word of it. Only a fool would. Because intelligent people stand up to others and tell them not to piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

And BTW, how in the hell are we "spreading democracy," anyway, by taking actions supportive of the Libyan "rebels"? Every account out there on the Net says that Al Qaeda, not to mention Iranian interests, are firmly entrenched with this so-called Libyan "rebellion." Put another way, "democracy" is not going to visit Libya anytime soon. Pathetic.

All that aside, let's get down to the real point: This guy Obama may be the biggest hypocrite in the history of the civilized world! This goof was out there bashing Bush right and left in 2008 for the Iraq war -- an exercise which itself was little more than an effort to "transform the country by installing a democratic system," i.e. pure neoconservatism and the very same goal of the current Libyan operation.

Indeed, all of the 20 percenter leftists that Obama represents (he represents no one else in the country) have bashed Bush endlessly for years over Iraq! And now their guy -- His Majesty himself -- is out there proclaiming privately to foreign heads of state that we're going to get Gadhafi and spread American democracy into Libya! This is truly slimeball stuff.

Say one thing, do another. No character. No conviction. Just a whole big load of bullshit. Same old story.

At least I'm consistent. The Iraq War was bullshit. Our involvment in Afghanistan beyond a year or two has been bullshit. And our current involvement in Libya is bullshit. Yep, bullshit pervades.

And as an Independent, it's me who's the mealy-mouth?! Me who stands for nothing?! Me who talks out of both sides of my mouth?! Nope. That would be your illustrious president, ladies and gentlemen. Hope those of you who voted for him (I did not) are proud today. Pin a medal -- or a Nobel Peace Prize as the case may be -- on him!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Woman in Flashy Sweat Suit Allegedly Knocks Over Gas Station with a Screwdriver, Then Heads to St. Patrick's Day Parade to Join the Festivities!

Well, she doesn't look Irish. And it certainly wasn't her lucky day, either. But maybe she really needed some St. Patrick's Day beer money? We've all been there a few times, haven't we? Know I have. Anyway:

Cops in Topeka, Kansas say that 26-year-old Tihesia Birdlong is the woman pictured above in a store surveillance video. Birdlong was allegedly caught on the tape as she heisted the local Kwik Shop convenience store on St. Patrick's Day morning.

Don't let those flashy duds fool ya, either. This is one dangerous moll (allegedly). Cops says Birdlong pulled the job brandishing a damn screwdriver as a weapon! Then, when a customer tried to block Birdlong's getaway, Birdlong allegedly pulled out a baseball bat and clocked the man right in the kisser before scurrying out the joint with a small amount of loot.

And she might have gotten away with it too, as they say, if not for that damn pesky St. Patrick's Day parade that afternoon. Although Birdlong reportedly had at least a few hours before the parade to change into an inconspicuous shade of green, she had apparently chosen her threads for the day and, damn it, wasn't going to change them!

Allegedly sporting the same "blue sweat suit with a wide horizontal yellow stripe" that she had worn during her piece of work at the gas station, Birdlong allegedly showed up to watch the local parade early that afternoon – where she promptly stood out like the proverbial sore thumb amongst the green-cladded throngs (allegedly).

A local cop says he quickly recognized Birdlong in those loud clothes from a crime scene photo that he'd seen, and so he rained all over her parade and slapped the ol' cuffs on her. Busted!

Now Birdlong may have to put her screwdrivers and sweat suits (allegedly) on parade at the local hoosegow for a long time to come. She faces charges for aggravated battery, aggravated robbery and criminal property damage.

Just a couple of unresolved issues here. First, one of my initial questions on this story was whether Birdlong (allegedly) was wielding a Phillips or a flat head? I would think that a Phillips would tend to be much effective and efficient as a puncturing device, although a flat head could really leave a mark.

I see that one of the linked stories describes the weapon as a "flat-tip" screwdriver, and so apparently Birdlong was going for brutality over beauty and effectiveness (allegedly).

Second, maybe I'm being a little hard on Birdlong for criticizing her decision to wear that "distinctive sweat suit" at both the crime scene and the parade (allegedly). After all, get a load of those shades she allegedly wore for the job:

How much you wanna bet that she considered those sunglasses to be her "disguise" for the robbery, and then promptly ditched them before getting her parade on (allegedly). The best laid plans of mice and screwdrivers…

Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm Still Not Precisely Sure Why It Was Necessary for the United States and Its So-Called "Allies" to Get Involved in Libya. Are You?

Muammar Gadhafi is crazy with a capital K that rhymes with Tripoli. That walking sarcophagus is a brutal dictator willing to engage in limitless murder and brutality to keep his grasp on power in Libya. He's also murdered countless people through his support of terrorist efforts. He's the absolute scumjob of humanity, and a truly evil man. But like there's anything new about any of that!

$hit, I can recall Gadhafi raising all kinds of hell when I was a kid during the Reagan years. So you're going to tell me that once there's a revolution in his country and he acts in the same brutal way that he always has acted to try to crush the opposition, that suddenly after all these years it's time for us to act and become militarily involved in Libya?!? Please.

And don't try telling me that we know that a more pro-American regime will come to power if Gadhafi's ousted, because we certainly do not know that. From what I've read and heard, Al Qaeda (the America-lovin' individuals whom they've always been!) appears to be very much entrenched with the Libyan rebellion.

Regardless, haven't we lost way too much already in terms of American lives, first and foremost, as well as American money and debt, in fighting a war in Iraq and the endless war in Afghanistan?

We needlessly fought the Iraq war based on the completely false pretense of WMD's in order to advance the neo-con world view and agenda of that awful president, W Bush and his minions.

We've fought the Afghanistan war forever and should have been the hell out of there after a few years when it was clear that Bin Laden and most of his Al Qaeda underlings were safely squirreled away and virtually untouchable in Pakistan.

Enough already. In case any of you right-wing nuts (who have been criticizing Obama's recent Libyan inaction and backseat approach) haven't noticed – war is absolute hell and it takes an incredible amount of money to wage it. You do not get involved in wars and military engagements in other countries unless it becomes absolutely necessary. And when it comes to Libya, that ain't it.

As always, I am a huge supporter of the American men and women of our military forces involved in the Libyan effort. But I very much criticize and do not support the policy of our involvement there. Not for one second.

And BTW, were in the hell are the 20 percenter American leftists during all of this? Sure, some of the liberal politicians are making some noise (as Politico reported Sunday), but where's the widespread street action? Specifically, why aren't they taking to the streets in droves this weekend to protest this new military campaign in Libya – just like they did when we chose to invade a sovereign country known as Iraq based on the neo-con dreams of an idiot?

I was utterly stunned Sunday evening to scroll through the pathetic, radical far leftist website "DailyKos" and see nary a mention of the United States' involvement in the Libya operation. Instead, there was just a reference to France flying planes over Libya. Disgusting.

But oh, that's right: When dumbass republican presidents wage war, the 20 percenter leftists go ape$hit. But when a leftist democrat party president wages war, the 20 percenter leftists run for the hills faster than a janitor tasked with cleaning a Mississippi $hithouse. Same as it ever was -- Hypocrites. On all sides.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Don't Be a Fat White Kid Named Schmidt in Obama's America: Because I Don't Think Barack, Michelle & their DOJ Could Care Less About You.

Oh sure, they'll get just as involved as they can in what the fatty Schmidt eats at school. But don't look for any real equal protection under the law from them when it comes to the school bullies pounding "Dog" Schmidt down in the $hithouse when no one's looking. (Link to story at bottom).

First of all, I don't think the federal government has any business at all being involved in bullying problems at local school districts. If Michelle Obama wanted merely to do the normal First Lady-type thing and make bullying one of her core issues that she goes around talking about, I would be the first to applaud her. A great cause, frankly.

But, of course, that's not it at all. Instead, it's just a sham cause -- must like her school lunches crusade -- aimed at growing the federal government's power over local school districts just as large as can be done through coercive regulations and laws.

And it seems to nearly always be that way with the leftist 20 percenters: Nothing is ever as it seems. Strive always to use good causes, good intentions, crises and human suffering as jumping off platforms for new ways for the federal government to grow in size and to increase its power and influence in even the most local of issues and in even the most mundane aspects of our daily lives. But I digress a bit.

So now we have the federal government getting involved in the local issue of school bullying. I may not agree with such involvement, but I certainly don't think it's too much or so much for me to simply demand the following: If you're going to get involved in the issue, then do it in a color-blind, race-blind fashion that gives equal concern and protection to all bullied children. Am I asking for the moon over here?!

Apparently so. We have the linked story this weekend concerning the Obamas' Department of Justice (under the so-called direction of rather pathetic and hapless Attorney General Eric Holder) pursuing its new push to "hold liable school districts that fail to protect students that are bullied." But "here's the catch," writes Kerry Picket of the Washington Times (and yes, I am aware that the Times is a paper that slants to the right):

"DOJ will only investigate bullying cases if the victim is considered protected under the 1964 Civil Rights legislation. In essence, only discrimination against a victim’s race, sex, national origin, disability, or religion will be considered by DOJ. The overweight straight white male who is verbally and/or physically harassed because of his size can consider himself invisible to the Justice Department."

Boy, that's nice. But gone are the days where there's even any shock to this sort of stuff. This is the same Holder and Obama-led DOJ that has previously been accused (and frankly, there's little evidence to the contrary) of cultivating within the Department a culture of hostility towards pursuing voter intimidation prosecutions in cases involving a white victim and black defendant (second link at bottom).

Perhaps the worst part of all this ugliness to me is the fact that I don't think 20 percenter leftists like Obama and Holder have even the first clue that these types of race-based policies are even wrong. The 20 percenter leftist world view typically holds that if a white man is the victim of racial or gender discrimination or a race-based crime, then little or nothing needs to be done about it because that white male deserves it for all of the past transgressions and evils through history perpetrated by white American men. Sort of how we all just "got what we deserved" on 9-11. Yawn.

Of course, the leftists will rarely admit that this stuff is what they believe. That's one of my biggest gripes with the leftists: If you want to believe that line of crap, then knock yourself out (since we're still, at least at the moment, a free country), but don't go around trying to hide what you really believe like you're always doing. Trying to always hide your end-game and what you really want to accomplish.

Instead, let's just get it all out there, and then we can debate, on the substance thereof, what you really believe and what you really want to accomplish. The conventional wisdom, of course, is that they know such a debate would nearly always be lost, and regardless, they sure as hell wouldn't very electable if they told us what they really thought and wanted!

So we get disingenuous "moderate" routines from the likes of Obama in 2008 and 2011. You can certainly set your watch to these leftists, I will give them that.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Look at this Slime: What's with the Bums of America Recently Breaking Into Joints Wearing Nothing But a Smile?

In the past few months, first we had the naked hobo in Florida who broke into the old folks home and got his grub on. Now, out in L.A., we've got the nude Neanderthal pictured above who recently broke into a preschool and wandered around in the buff endlessly. But that doesn't tell the whole story. Not by a muppet lovin' long shot.

Cops say this birthday suit-wearing bum "paraded around for several minutes while engaging in strange behavior of a sexual nature." Put another way: He was struttin' around masturbating.

That's right: Cuddlin' the ol' Kielbasa! And as this twinkie tweakin' tramp marched to the beat, so to speak, he also completely ransacked the preschool for no good reason.

I say that because if you watch the video above, there appeared to be no rhyme nor reason to any of this weasel whackin' weirdo's behavior. He seems to be wandering around aimlessly in circles, all the while using the force on Darth Vader.

Cops say this hog hackin' hobo did manage to put his hands on something other than just his Johnson, scurrying off with some keys and a bit of money from the preschool. Wow, that's just great.

Now with the keys in hand along with his Peter Parker, this king crowning creep may have access to the 3 and 4 year-olds at the preschool. They damn well better be planning to change the locks.

And either this flagpole varnishing vagrant is a repeat offender when it comes to being a Bonzo boppin' bandit, or else we have a third one of these naked nimrods on our hands. That's because cops say a very similar rifle cleaning incident went down at this same preschool last November.

L.A. cops ask that you give them a buzz if you know or have seen the bacon slakin' scumjob shown on the video. Let's just hope cops slap the cuffs on this salami slappin' scuzjacket before he has a chance to pull another one of his shellaleigh shellackin' sashays.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Give Me Your Damn Tax Refund OR ELSE, Pastor From Hell Allegedly Tells His "Flock"! What Is It With These Houston Preachers?

Rector? They'll damn near kill her! First we had the original "punchin' preacher" – legendary two-time heavyweight boxing champion and Houston native George Foreman – and now it's Houston pastor John Goodman (top picture) who's really reeking some holy havoc (allegedly). Those two should fight each other or something.

Anyway, it's tax season! And you know that means, don't you? Fork that refund on over to maniacal man of God Goodman (allegedly) or else! Goodman's parishioners at the Houston Unity Baptist Church told local Fox reporter Isiah Carey that this hotheaded Holy Joe (allegedly) first grilled his "flock" over how many would be turning over their refunds.

When not enough church members agreed to buck up, this demented Doctor of Divinity (allegedly) apparently flew into a rage and reportedly even cut off the flocksters' Communion Rite – refusing to give it!

Just for good measure, this deranged Madman of the Cloth (allegedly) is said to have taken to calling members of his flock "devils" and "demons" if they were among the ones not chucking over their tax refunds. Talk about the Padre calling the kettle black!

This rash reverend (allegedly) reportedly admits that he asked if anyone in the congregation wanted to contribute their tax refund to the church, adding that the joint needs a new parking lot.

This volatile vicar (allegedly) is also admitting to withholding the wafers from the flock, but he claims there's no "Body of Spite" involved and that tax refunds had nothing to do with it. He blames it instead on "undisclosed internal issues." Which begs the question: The flock's internal issues, or the pastor's?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

One-Stop Shopping to a New Level? Chili's Joint Allegedly Provides Chance to Get Your Grub, Your Sewing, & Your Pot Pipe Cleaning On All at Once!

23-year-old Ashley Phillips of Farmington, New Mexico, allegedly got a little more than she bargained for at the local Chili's burger & fajita joint. Pigging out on a plate of ribs and mashed potatoes, Phillips says she was stabbed by a huge dirty sewing needle as she put away her potatoes! (Link to full story at bottom).

Phillips says the 2-inch needle went right through her tongue, forcing she and hubby Craig to pull the needle out the tongue right then and there. "I thought it was a toothpick at first," Ashley Phillips said. "But a toothpick doesn’t pierce all the way through the side of your tongue." [Frankly, I don't get that – why couldn't a toothpick do that if you bit into it wrong? There do exist some mean toothpicks out there].

Phillips says that once they'd pried the needle from her mush, Chili's workers promptly swooped in to abscond with said needle to the back of the joint. "Whisked it way," she said. "They took it away so fast." She and hubby say they were too shocked to even react to the rapidly occurring events.

Only problem? Phillips says Chili's wouldn't give the needle (i.e., EVIDENCE) back, even after a doctor told her the next day to get the needle so that it could be tested for disease.

Why would it need to be tested for disease, you might ask? Well, Phillips' lawyer says they have "reason to believe" (such a great legal phrase) that the needle belonged to one of the Chili's employees who used it to, GET THIS, "clean his marijuana pipe"!!!

Lawyer guy also says that all of the Chili's employees knew of the alleged pothead, perhaps inspiring their quick action in "whisking away" the alleged bad evidence faster than a contact high in a Mississippi $hithouse (allegedly).

Phillips says that if the needle could have been medically tested within 72 hours, she could have established immediately whether or not she was at risk for disease from being impaled by the sharp metal object.

But, she says, Chili's wouldn't give up the "burned-looking" needle for almost two months, allegedly raising the specter of the needle being "cleaned" in the interim such that any disease risk wouldn't show up on a test.

BTW, if these alleged facts are true, and the needle was in fact cleaned, they have a nice little convenient term for that under the law: It's called spoliation of evidence. BUT, we are just talking allegations here.

Meantime, Phillips has filed a lawsuit against Chili's, alleging such "pointed allegations," among other things, as emotional distress. I would assume that encompasses an element of alleged fear of contracting a disease, plus Phillips says she had to stop breastfeeding her baby after the needle incident because of the risk of her contracting a disease.

[BTW, the "Pointed Allegations" blast was excellent by the local Farmington, New Mexico Daily Times and reporter Kurt Madar! Very New York Post-esque. Frankly, very The Independent Rage-esque!].

"Nursing is so important for an infant's health and emotional development that we are suing for emotional damages," says Phillips. [Whose emotions, the kid's? Is the baby joined in the lawsuit as a plaintiff? I actually have no idea – just wondering out loud].

Regardless of all of this, a bit of commentary: I am SO TIRED of blogging about these crazy incidents ultimately resulting in lawsuits or criminal charges, and THEN never hearing anything about them ever again!

Hey mainstream media: It's called the follow-up. If you cover it in the first instance, then follow it through and let us know how it's going! To quote Charlie Sheen, DUH! But just reading his headline, I have a certain degree of faith in this Madar reporter dude.