Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm Still Not Precisely Sure Why It Was Necessary for the United States and Its So-Called "Allies" to Get Involved in Libya. Are You?

Muammar Gadhafi is crazy with a capital K that rhymes with Tripoli. That walking sarcophagus is a brutal dictator willing to engage in limitless murder and brutality to keep his grasp on power in Libya. He's also murdered countless people through his support of terrorist efforts. He's the absolute scumjob of humanity, and a truly evil man. But like there's anything new about any of that!

$hit, I can recall Gadhafi raising all kinds of hell when I was a kid during the Reagan years. So you're going to tell me that once there's a revolution in his country and he acts in the same brutal way that he always has acted to try to crush the opposition, that suddenly after all these years it's time for us to act and become militarily involved in Libya?!? Please.

And don't try telling me that we know that a more pro-American regime will come to power if Gadhafi's ousted, because we certainly do not know that. From what I've read and heard, Al Qaeda (the America-lovin' individuals whom they've always been!) appears to be very much entrenched with the Libyan rebellion.

Regardless, haven't we lost way too much already in terms of American lives, first and foremost, as well as American money and debt, in fighting a war in Iraq and the endless war in Afghanistan?

We needlessly fought the Iraq war based on the completely false pretense of WMD's in order to advance the neo-con world view and agenda of that awful president, W Bush and his minions.

We've fought the Afghanistan war forever and should have been the hell out of there after a few years when it was clear that Bin Laden and most of his Al Qaeda underlings were safely squirreled away and virtually untouchable in Pakistan.

Enough already. In case any of you right-wing nuts (who have been criticizing Obama's recent Libyan inaction and backseat approach) haven't noticed – war is absolute hell and it takes an incredible amount of money to wage it. You do not get involved in wars and military engagements in other countries unless it becomes absolutely necessary. And when it comes to Libya, that ain't it.

As always, I am a huge supporter of the American men and women of our military forces involved in the Libyan effort. But I very much criticize and do not support the policy of our involvement there. Not for one second.

And BTW, were in the hell are the 20 percenter American leftists during all of this? Sure, some of the liberal politicians are making some noise (as Politico reported Sunday), but where's the widespread street action? Specifically, why aren't they taking to the streets in droves this weekend to protest this new military campaign in Libya – just like they did when we chose to invade a sovereign country known as Iraq based on the neo-con dreams of an idiot?

I was utterly stunned Sunday evening to scroll through the pathetic, radical far leftist website "DailyKos" and see nary a mention of the United States' involvement in the Libya operation. Instead, there was just a reference to France flying planes over Libya. Disgusting.

But oh, that's right: When dumbass republican presidents wage war, the 20 percenter leftists go ape$hit. But when a leftist democrat party president wages war, the 20 percenter leftists run for the hills faster than a janitor tasked with cleaning a Mississippi $hithouse. Same as it ever was -- Hypocrites. On all sides.