Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"Stay Away from My Guy!": Did General Betray-Us, Or Betray-Her? Or Both? And Regardless, What a Hot Little Blue-Eyed Number!

He's certainly come a long way (or maybe not) from the days of leftist propaganda website "MoveOn.org" notoriously proclaiming of the then-Iraqi Commander General and the "surge" in forces: "Is It General Petraeus, or Did General Betray-Us?" Unfortunately, for him, however, betrayal is still at the very heart of the sordid current controversy surrounding the (not so) good General...

Want the CliffsNotes version?  Here it is (links at bottom):
  •  The 60-year-old Petraeus is a former four-star General and Commander in Iraq and Afghanistan who retired from the military in 2011 to become Director of the CIA.

  • Petraeus (a self-proclaimed gop-er republic partisan) has been married almost 40 years and has two adult children.

  • Petraeus' biography came out earlier this year, entitled "All In: The Education of General David Petraeus" and authored by above-pictured 40-year-old career military hottie Paula Broadwell -- who's also married with two young sons.

  • It turns out that Broadwell herself had something to with Petraeus' "Education," since the General was (by his own admission) banging this broad Broadwell for months in 2011 and 2012. ("Just a soccer mom having a good time," Broadwell actually told the Don Imus radio show on Monday -- Good Grief!).

  • With Petraeus' guilt (among other things) swelling to the surface, he resigned as CIA Director last Friday.

  • But Petraeus' hand was forced (at least when it wasn't on Broadwell's ass) by the results of a recent FBI investigation, and he may now reportedly face criminal charges related to the admitted affair:

  • Enter 37-year-old Jill Kelley (not too bad looking herself; pictured below) -- a State Department/military "social liaison" and all-around "socialite." It's not at all clear whether Petraeus was boning that babe (also married with three kids) as well, but this much is clear: Broadwell thought he was.
  • To wit: Broadwell, apparently thinking herself to be a spurned mistress, reportedly fired off a slew of threatening emails to Kelley with such commentary as, "Stay away from my guy!", "I know what you did," and "Back off." 

  • So Kelley went to the FBI, which reportedly traced the emails to Broadwell and also "in the process discovered tawdry messages between [Broadwell] and Petraeus" describing their elicit affair, including wild talk about "sex under the desk" (OH MY!).

  • Finally, the AP reported Monday that Petraeus' longtime wife Holly "is not exactly pleased right now" over this situation (where would we be without the AP to tell us these things?!?), with "furious [being] an understatement," according to a family friend.
Now, this raunchy story has also crossed over into the slimeball realm of the gop-er republic partisan party and the democrat party, with questions over:
  • First, whether the FBI suppressed this story until after the election; and 

  • Second, whether this was some kind of sleazy maneuver to try to keep Petraeus from needing to testify in an upcoming congressional hearing over the Obama administration's so-called "handling" of the Benghazi terrorist attack -- including this week's new angle (straight from Broadwell's words during a recent public appearance; oh, the tentacles of all this!) over whether the Obama CIA's holding of Libyan prisoners in Benghazi caused the terrorist attack (in order to free said prisoners), as opposed to the story to which Obama and his minions clung for 1-2 weeks after 9-11, i.e., "The Video, The Video and (Even More) The Video".
Make no mistake, however: This story's only become big national headlines this week because of sex, celebrity, infidelity and betrayal (mostly sex and celebrity, truth be told).  Most Americans seem to care about little more than those sorts of issues, anymore. (But I'll roll with it, on occasion, when in the mood).


Monday, November 12, 2012

Daniel Craig Says James Bond's Not Gay, & George Clooney's Sister Says George Ain't Gay. But Whom Am I Gonna Get to Speak Up on My Behalf?

Both of those stories (links below) were from late last week.  Since for some reason the act of affirming that one's not gay seems to be all the rage in Hollywood right now, I'm left to ponder what high-profile public figure can I get to put in a word or two for me on my sexuality?

When one doesn't exactly know any high-profile public figures to begin with, it makes for a pretty tall chore that I'm facing over here.  But one time at rat trap I did talk to a dude whom I swore was William H. Macy at a bar (although he denied that it was him). 

What do you think of the chances that ol' Willie might help me out if I can get him on the blower? And would it make any difference to this whole equation whether or not the particular joint in question was a gay bar?  And what if I was sporting a pompadour and a pink cumberbun at the time?


Friday, November 9, 2012

A Nation Gone to the Dogs? "Controversy" Erupts as "Health Group Scolds Obama" for Eating Hot Dogs & Other Junk Food in Public...

The message she gives to the nation's kids is "Let's Move!", meaning cut way back on your calories and eat a bunch of fruits and vegetables.  New federal regulations now require it of school lunches...

Apparently, however, the same message is never given to Michelle Obama's old man, who's garnering more sharp rebukes for his own diet this week after shoving a whole host of hot dogs, cheesesteaks, barbecue and pizza down his piehole on the campaign trail during the past few weeks.

But before one can so much as utter the phrase, "do as we say and not as we do," some group called the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) says it ain't gonna take this kind of thing any longer! The group is imploring Obama to institute an immediate "dispensation" of his habit of "eating junk food in public now that the election season is over."

But not everyone's in agreement.  "Let the president eat his hot dog!", bellowed the Center for Consumer Freedom (a trade group funded by the restaurant, food and beverage industries).  For good measure, the Center is apparently ready to go to war with the PCRM, calling that outfit a "phony doctors group" with a "covert vegan agenda" (of all the agendas to be accused of!).

The linked story also goes out of its way to point out past criticisms of the PCRM's "provocative campaigns," which reportedly included a slew of billboards that read, "Hot Dogs Cause Butt Cancer!"

So things are gettin' uglier here than a ladle of sauerkraut sloshed over a Brainard Bratwurst.  And stinking almost as bad as that brat would be this "story," methinks.  What national debt?


Thursday, November 8, 2012

"I'm So Glad We Had that Storm Last Week," Spouts Leftist Chris Matthews on Obama's Reelection. I Couldn't Get Away With That!

Matthews' statement was in reference to the perceived bounce that Obama got from Hurricane Sandy after Obama showed up for a couple of hours in New Jersey to be photographed embracing fat-ass gop-er governor Chris Christie.  Since the storm apparently helped Obama, the storm (which killed over 110 people) was only a good thing in Matthews' estimation.

You know, if I was to make such a statement in front of a client, my employer (which is a diverse mix of both parties) would likely give me my walking papers right there on the spot.  But hardly anyone notices when Matthews utters that sort of thing on national TV.

If only I wasn't so intellectually opposed the leftist world view, I might be tempted to join up with these leftist 20 percenters and the democrat party.  After all, these dudes pretty much get away with saying just about anything, no matter how ugly, inappropriate, insensitive, or moronic.  We just watched an entire campaign chock full of these types of statements from the leftists (as documented in this space).  How 'bout giving me a stacked deck like that just once in my life!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Four More Rotten Years (Goin' On 16). But We Still Have Gridlock, Sweet Gridlock...

I recall waking up the day after Election Day 2008 quite terrified.  The leftist democrat party suddenly had complete control of the federal government, with the presidency and super-majorities in the Senate and House.  That ain't the case today.  Not by a long-shot.  We're still in a close position to where we've been since the 2010 Midterms, meaning the presidency, House and Senate divided between these two rotten, corrupt, extreme-controlled, out-of-touch parties (known as the democrat party and the republic partisan "gop-er" party).  I never want to see either of these two archaic relic parties again have the kind of total control that was the nightmare of 2009 and part of 2010.

As for Obama, I think he's one of the two worst presidents of my lifetime, along with W Bush, and he will undoubtedly continue the path of he and W running this great country right into the ground over the next four years with untold additional federal spending, debt and deficits (not to mention a healthy dose of incessant leftist 20 percenter divisiveness and bullshit).  His Obamacare monstrosity will only intensify the impact. The American people seem oblivious, and there's little I can do about that except to just keep on expressing.  And whether I do that here or elsewhere, I'll never stop.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Presidential Election Day 2012: Regardless of Whom You Plan to Vote For...

Get out there and vote, damn it!

Myself: I'm going to be out there in person in order to vote -- see if you can spot me.

For any eligible voter who stays home and doesn't vote, the Rager is very disappointed in you.


Monday, November 5, 2012

I've Waited Until the Last Possible Moment to Give My Official Endorsement in the 2012 Presidential Race. And Here It Is...


That's correct, I'm officially going on record with how I will vote tomorrow.  And, just like every presidential election since 1992 (when a slimeball named Bill Clinton hoodwinked a young, dumb Rager into voting for him), I will be voting third party candidate (any third party candidate) on Tuesday.  There's typically at least a few there to choose from, and one of them will get my vote.

As always, I refuse to make a lesser-of-two-evils choice between two democrat party and gop-er candidates, whom I don't much care for, based on some lofty notion of "civic duty" (put another way, I won't act like these two parties want me to act).  Instead, I will cast a protest vote against this molding, disgusting two-party political system and the steady stream of assclowns that the two parties foist in front of us.

As for King Flipflopper Romney, I refuse to vote for any person whom I believe doesn't truly stand for much of anything.  I totally get not voting for Romney, and I won't be either, but let me ask this:  Unless you're a part of the leftist 20 percenter base of the democrat party, how in the hell could one ever vote for Obama, especially after witnessing his hapless presidency over the last four years?

Let him/her who has understanding and ears hear me now, for I am not just spouting my Independent talking points at this moment:  Obama is the most left-wing president in American history in a 2012 America that is only 20% leftist.  He seeks a radical transformation of the Constitutionally-based American republic into a far leftist, quasi-socialist, western European-type state that hates individuals and embraces mindless group-thinking subjects.  That ain't America.  Leastways, not one this Independent ever wants to live in.

The point here is that there are other options, even if you view (as I do) voting for Romney as not being one of them.  The third-party route, as a conviction-based protest and rebellion against our rotten two-party political system and the tone-deaf two parties that inhabit it, is the option I choose to exercise.  I realize most won't do the same.  But please, at least reject the brainwashed notion that you have some "duty" to anyone or anything to pick between the leftist democrat party and the right-winger gop-ers.  You don't.  Since we're still, for the moment, the Land of the Free.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Prediction: Pain. Don't Look for the Presidential Election Winner to be Decided Tuesday Night...

...The race is just too close, and expect "shit" (and plenty of it) to happen.  There will almost certainly be one or more states where the losing side legally contests an apparent razor-thin loss (calling for recounts, filing lawsuits, etc.).  There are certain to be widespread allegations on both sides of voter fraud and improper voter disfranchisement -- again potentially involving lawsuits or other legal maneuvering.

And then there's Ohio.  That state may be to 2012 what Florida was to 2000, meaning the outcome there decides who wins, and that outcome is going to be very tight.  And alas: There was a story from Ohio Thursday (link below) claiming that a "little known change" in Ohio election law may mean that 250,000 or more "provisional" ballots cannot be legally counted in Ohio until TEN DAYS after the damn election (thereby possibly holding up the national result)!!!

Regardless, just expect plenty of electoral mayhem and chaos Tuesday night (absent one of these two joker candidates opening up a bit of a lead in the final days, which I don't see happening).  American politics has never been uglier or more extreme than it is today, and expect nothing less than a close election Tuesday bringing out every bit of ugliness that these two rotten parties (not to mention the leftist "mainstream" media and right-winger blogosphere) can possibly muster up.  You've been warned.



Thursday, November 1, 2012

War on Women: "As They Say in My Business, I'm Going to Give You the Whole Load Today!," Crows Joe Biden to Female Crowd on Wednesday...

Living in an underground cave, I guess I hadn't realized before that Biden formerly toiled in the adult entertainment business. 

But I can definitely see how Reed Rothchild could've easily been based on the oafish, brain-dead buffoon whom we call a vice president.

Wonder if Biden ever gave that Rollergirl broad the whole load? Good Grief.



Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Civility: New Michael Moore & MoveOn.org Ad Has Senior Actors Threatening to "Burn This Motherfucker Down" & "Give [Romney] the World's Biggest Cock Punch" If He Wins Tuesday...

Forget about First Graders.  Now the democrat party and its leftist 20 percenters are seemingly targeting an even lower demographic:  Neanderthals.  (Although apparently only really old ones).

Either that, or these leftists are startin' to get pretty damn antsy over there about some of the recent polling number shifts in Romney's favor nationwide and in the swing states.  BTW, "Cock Punch"?!?



Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Perfect Storm Sandy...

I doubt much of anyone but the most extreme, deranged partisans will be talking much about the 2012 presidential race today (Tuesday), and I'm going to show the same respect.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Obama Campaign Website Puts Romney in Dunce Cap. But Exactly Whom Are They Trying to Appeal to With That?

The picture went up on the Obama campaign site on Friday, and I spent the weekend trying to figure out whom the hell the democrat party is trying to reach with such sophomoric stuff.  And here's about the best answer that I could come up with:  First Graders.

So yesterday, and inspired by a recent watching of The Godfather, I got the democrat party on the blower and I says to 'em, I says, I says, "Are you naive, democrat party? First graders can't vote."

To which the democrat party responded, "Now who's being naive, Rager? They'll be voting in Ohio."



Friday, October 26, 2012

Obama on Romney: "He's a Bullshitter!"

Pot meet kettle, Obama.  Two words: "The Video."  Good grief already.



Thursday, October 25, 2012

democrat party Reportedly Offers Up Free Pizza to Students to Vote. But No Free Pizza Is Going to Buy My Damn Vote...

The "free pizza" allegation was made this week by Colorado right-winger gop-ers, who say democrat party people were too close to an early voting station at Colorado State University and were offering free pizza to students to vote (see sign/table above), in violation of state law (link below).  Of course, college students (when they vote) vote overwhelmingly for the democrat party.

Now I must say, what a completely cheap way to try to buy a person's vote.  How completely crass and inappropriate.  Not that I might not have a price for the Million Dollar MAN, myself (sorry for the double negative, Jeeves).  Wanna offer up a free White Castle Crave Case (with cheese) for my vote, democrat party?  If so, you gots me at hello over here.



Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October Sur-Slimes: Right-Winger Donald Trump & Leftist Gloria Allred Set to Try to Unleash Alleged Dirt on Romney & Obama Today, Less Than Two Weeks Before the Election. Creep-Jobs!

As I first flagged in this space on Monday, leftist 20 percenter attorney Gloria Allred is poised to try to spring an "October Surprise" on Mitt Romney -- and reportedly as early as today as she heads to court in Massachusetts to try to bully a judge into unsealing Romney testimony (and lifting a witness gag order) from some past court proceeding.  Meantime, crazy right-winger Trump similarly says he has an "October Surprise" of his own in store for Obama today -- reportedly in the form of past divorce papers of Barack and Michelle Obama.  (Links below; obviously no coincidence both of these two rotten so-called "stories" are jumpin' off on the same day).

This sort of thing is truly slimeball stuff.  Not only tabloid-style material on the substance (or at least it would seem), but also information upon which these two partisan pariahs of attention-grabbing have apparently held on to until the last minute to try to have some small, pathetic lout impact on the election results.

Worse yet, perhaps, is the highly predictable response that will come from most leftists and right-wingers, with each side applauding the jackass on their side (Trump or Allred) while feigning outrage over the jackass on the other side for the very same actions.  Our two illustrious political parties of sleaze and hypocrisy on full display.  And I'm the fool for choosing to be an Independent!

[Late Monday Postscript:  The Trump end of this turned out to be a lot of nothing: Trump promising to donate $5 million to charity if Obama releases his educational records.  What a joke.  The Allred matter, in contrast, seems a lot more real, but is still ongoing, with another court hearing within a day or two on the issue of whether Romney's testimony from a divorce proceeding of a friend years ago will be unsealed.  Best I can tell, the testimony (if unsealed) would give Obama new material for PAC ads (accusations of Romney not being honest concerning the value of a company in order to help a friend), but not much more than that.  Interestingly, the Romney camp is claiming at this point that Romney doesn't even oppose the release of the testimony.]



Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Final Presidential Debate Was a Tale of 3.5 Debates: Romney Gets the Win Overall From 2 Parts Huge Stalemate on Foreign Policy, 1.5 Part Clear Romney Victory When Obama Foolishly Opened the Door Wide Open on Domestic Issues...

I.  Debate Commentary

The first third and most of the final third of this debate focused almost exclusively on foreign policy (in what was supposed to be a foreign policy debate), and I found it to be mostly very boring (with Romney with an apparent strategy to agree with Obama on a lot of points) and a complete stalemate -- both guys scoring points equally.  On that score, I thought it was a big mistake for Romney not to take on Obama's Libyan disaster and the Obama administration's obvious dishonesty during the course of that ugly sequence of events and explanations.

But I thought Obama made a big mistake himself by opening the door wide open in the second third of the debate (and in the final half of the of the final third) on domestic economic issues, which I thought Romney clearly won.  In those portions, Romney was his very solid self as he was in the first 2 debates, while Obama was mediocre and somewhere between (1) his rather weak and (2) much improved performance on domestic issues in the first 2 debates.  My question for Obama would be:  If you weren't as prepared to go lively on domestic issues tonight as you were obviously prepared to go aggressive on foreign policy (where you had plenty of canned, prepared, rehearsed one-liners ready to go about bayonets and "same rules" [errr, wait!]), then why open up the door so much on domestic issues, particularly in the second third of the debate?

At the end of the night, I thought Obama tonight could've really used his first distinct victory of the three debates in order to repel some of the recent Romney momentum, but Obama simply didn't get that.  And Romney, too, didn't knock the ball out of the park either, although he won by default through the domestic, economic portions of the debate, not to mention having an incessantly pleasant look on his face and in his tone in contrast to Obama's constant split-screen sneering (see pics at top) and occasional rude interrupting and condescending smiling (which I thought did Obama no favors, although he also didn't take things to the extreme like Biden did).  [Sorry, leftists, but my fellow Independents will decide this election outcome (whatcha gonna do, try to "kill" us all?), and this paragraph very much gets at some of those Independent sentiments.]

That being said, this debate was no "game changer," and I still predict an extremely close election result two weeks from today -- with me continuing to surmise greatly a popular vote victor (very perhaps, Romney) who does not win the electoral vote.  Truth be told, regardless of who wins, I don't want to see a split decision like that.  I think that's disastrous for the country (much like 2000), lends ammunition for partisan extremists on both sides to go around claiming "illegimate president" for four years, and it's the reason why I'd like to see an end to the electoral college.

II.  Obama Lines That Made Me Laugh Out Loud

Regardless of what you thought about the outcome of tonight's debate, Obama -- likely the most left-wing president in American history -- continued his penchant for making me laugh out loud (not an easy thing to do, as oft-stated by me) at all of the crazy leftist 20 percenter and disingenuous things that come out his mouth.  To wit (as usual, these are based on notes, and not necessarily word-for-word, but pretty close):

-"We can't do nation building [in the Middle East.]"  [This after Obama got us involved militarily in Libya to effect regime change, not to mention continuing to keep us involved in an inherent "nation building" effort in Afghanistan, which has now become the longest foreign war in American history].

-"America remains the world's one indispensable nation."  [Giving token lip service to American exceptionalism, Mr. "President," does little to make me believe your words, or to think you're anywhere in the league of the last great American president (JFK), or to counter the Mittster's direct quotes from your so-called "Apology Tour" in the Middle East for alleged past American transgressions.  I noticed how you completely changed the subject once King Flipflopper hit you with those direct quotes.  Busted!].

-"We have engaged in unprecedented cooperation with Israel."  [Mr. "President," we know you don't care a whole hell of a lot for our Israeli brothers, and your actions of the past 4 years have only established and reinforced that truth.  Equally making me laugh tonight was Obama pointing to a pre-presidency trip to Israel (in 2007 or 2008) as the greatest example of his outreach to our Jewish friends in Israel.  Pretty pathetic stuff, dude.]

-"We refocused our efforts on Afghanistan when we came into office!"  [This was particularly funny, since Obama did absolutely nothing on Afghanistan during his first year in office, offering up no plan for our involvement there through that extremely bloody year there that took countless lives of American boys of all races and ethnicities.  He should've been a leader one way or the other:  Either gotten us the hell out of that shithole immediately or at the very least had a plan from Day 1 to stop the killings of our American Warriors.  Hundreds of American killings later, Obama suddenly showed some interest in a "surge" there.  That's not leadership.  That's one of the two worst presidents of my lifetime (along with W Bush) in full effect.]

-"China needs to play on a level playing field and play by the same rules as everyone else!"  [Here, a tiring Obama, towards the end of the debate, seemed to be mixing up his tired old domestic policy talking points with foreign policy.  I was just waitin' over here for him to accuse the Chinese of not paying their "fair share" of taxes!  This one had me really rolling, quite like the entire Obama presidency has accomplished.  Thanks for all the bad memories and big laughs, Obama -- really though!]



Monday, October 22, 2012

With Mittster Suddenly Even or Up on Obama in the Polls, There's Noise Over the Weekend About an Obama "October Surprise" in the Form of Left-Winger Attorney Gloria Allred Trottin' Out a New Client Against Romney or Ryan...

The buzz in certain circles on the Net this past weekend has been that the aforementioned attorney Allred may be posturing to try to help out a slowing Obama campaign through a good ol'-fashioned "October Surprise" in the form of Allred coming forward with some new broad client who has supposed dirt (e.g., disgruntled employment situation, alleged extramarital situation, etc., etc.) on Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan (much more likely, Romney) (see link below).

Allred, a well-connected democrat party leftist, has previously and famously stuck her beak into and significantly influenced political races (and reportedly had a sit-down meeting with Obama earlier this month).  To wit:  "During the Republican presidential primary, Allred represented Sharon Bialek, whose claims of sexual misconduct against Herman Cain helped to push him out of the race. In 2010, Allred represented the illegal immigrant former housekeeper of then-Republican California gubernatorial nominee Meg Whitman."

Now down to brass tacks -- a right-winger gop-er asked me on the Net over the weekend whether his ilk should be concerned over all this chatter.  My exact response to the guy:  "In a word, dude, yes."



Friday, October 19, 2012

Iranian Slimeball: "How Long Can Debt-Laden U.S. Remain World Power?" I'd Say that Opinion Is "Not OPTIMAL," If Also at the Same Time Most Biting...

That Persian creep adds that "U.S. influence in world affairs is waning due to massive debt and loss of legitimacy."

You know it's a pretty rotten and sad state of affairs in the United States when even a disgusting sleazebucket like Iranian "President" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can spot and articulate the biggest crisis currently facing America, and in accurate, yet less-than-optimal terms -- while the individual in charge here is completely oblivious to our massive debt and its consequences.

But look what we got over here:  A "president" of our own who on Jon Stewart this week characterized the Libyan Benghazi terror attack as a situation where, "If four Americans get killed, it's not optimal."  Wonder what he'd say if 10, 20, 30 people had been killed?  That it's "less-than-perfect"?  Or maybe, "not so ideal"? 

Not to mention, of course, if maybe only one person had been killed, or perhaps if there'd just been a few good maimings, or maybe if the male ambassador had only been raped, things would've been a decent amount more optimal.

Or also more optimal it would be, methinks, if Barack Oblivious could still credibly blame the Benghazi attack on a spontaneous demonstration sparked by "the video."  Now that would be pretty freakin' optimal!  But when dishonest cover stories head way south:  You get stuck with Bizarro World optimal, unfortunately.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Civility: Following Tuesday's Presidential Debate, Twitter "Explodes" with Tweets from Obama Supporters Threatening an Assassination of Mitt Romney If He's Elected President...

As stated in my last post, I thought it was a pretty close debate. I gave a slight edge to Romney, while many nationwide called it a tie or gave a slight edge to Obama (also reasonable takeaways). Then there were the leftist 20 percenters, who uniformly called it a spectacular, knockout victory by Obama (what debate were they watching?).

But then I see this story (link below) about an avalanche of tweets from Obama supporters following the debate threatening to whack out Romney if he gets elected.  (This on the heels of a wave of similar recent tweets from Obama supporters threatening to "riot" if Romney wins).

Murder? Really? Seems to me that Romney must've hit pretty close to home with some of his debate lines in order to garner such a deranged, violent reaction from Obama supporters -- which, of course, very much belies the groupthink verdict of those same supporters that Obama destroyed the Mittster in the debate.

Or, alternatively, perhaps leftist 20 percenters and democrat party partisans (1) really believe Obama kicked ass but (2) are just naturally demented and hateful enough to still want to push a button on opponent Romney? Either way, when I say that these leftists scare the hell out of me as a general matter, you now gotta see where I'm comin' from over here.



Tuesday, October 16, 2012

2nd Presidential Debate: Two Good Performances, w/ Obama a Fair Amount Better, But Romney Better Too, Than the 1st Debate: I Think Slight Edge to Romney in a VERY Close Debate...

As expected, Obama was a lot more engaged in this second debate Tuesday night.  And Obama did a lot better.  But I was not one who thought Romney had some awesome victory or performance in the 1st debate:  I thought Romney won that one, but not in knockout fashion (although so many on the right and left apparently disagreed with me in the days afterward).  I actually thought Romney was better tonight than the first debate...

I.  The Debate 

For that, I thought Romney got a very slight win tonight, but there wasn't a huge differential.  For anyone claiming this was a tie or a slight Obama win, I would not engage in a pissing match with you, because I think those would be very reasonable and defensible views (even if I slightly disagree).  But as I commented to a hot lady friend this week, the problem for Obama is that Romney tends to be fairly solid in debates, and debating is not an Obama strength (he's OK, but that's about it), such that about the best Obama would be able to do in these last 2 debates would be a stalemate (absent some huge Romney gaffe).  And that's pretty much how it played out tonight.

The other problem for Obama was the apparent perception nationwide that Romney absolutely schooled him in the first debate (which was not my opinion), such that Obama would need a knockout in the final debates to even the score.  That simply didn't happen tonight.  Frankly, both these partisan cats were pretty damn good tonight.  At least that was refreshing, giving some of the debating assclowns we've had to watch in recent years, such as Old Man McCain, W Bush, Al "Finish This (and Sigh)" Gore, etc.

II.  "The 47%"

Now, before getting to my obligatory "Obama Lines that Made Me Laugh Out Loud," I'd like to raise one fascinating purely political angle that played out near the end of the debate.  Obama was absolutely excoriated by his leftist 20 percenter base after the 1st debate for not even mentioning Romney's prior gop-er fundraiser comments about writing off 47% of the population as people who will not vote for a gop-er (pathetic comments, in my opinion)...

Tonight Obama had an obvious plan to save any mention of the "the 47%" until his end-of-debate remarks when Romney would have no chance to respond.  But apparently, somehow, Romney got wind of this and used his closing remarks (which preceded Obama's) to fire a preemptive strike against "the 47%" issue and plead that he is (he claims) a person that cares about all 100% of the American people.  What gives?

Guess possibly Romney had a plan to launch the preemptive strike if Obama said nothing previous in the debate about the issue, but I find that a bit hard to believe:  Almost seems like Obama had this distinct strategy, and then someone turned rat and leaked it to the Romney camp.  Regardless, I'm fascinated by that kind of slimy political angle shit.  Look forward to reading more about this from the political pundits on Wednesday.

III.  Obama Lines that Made Me Laugh Out Loud

As a closing note and special added attraction, I give you my potpourri of Obama Lines (as in the 1st debate, from my notes and not word-for-word) that Made Me Laugh Out Loud (this leftist dude is always good for several laughs anytime he shows up and opens his mouth somewhere):

-"We've seen increases in coal production."  (Obama HATES coal energy -- any increases have been despite him!  LOL!).

-"We've built plenty of pipeline already [definitely not a word-for-word quote, but pretty accurately paraphrased]."  (As if that was some sort of supposed justification for Obama's outrageous leftist opposition to the Canadian pipeline!).

-"I am ultimately responsible for what happened in Libya [i.e., unanswered calls to the Obama administration for more Libyan consulate security in advance of the rape and murder of the male American Ambassador and three other Americans through an orchestrated Al Qaeda terrorist attack on 9-11]."  (This after Obama and his minions over the past day pressured Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to take full responsibility for the same sick state of affairs.  Hilarious how the very politically powerful Clinton family allows this president to toss them under the bus over and over again with nary a hint of opposition -- Flunkies!).

-"I'm the president, and I'm always responsible."  (This from the leftist president who blames Bush and everything else under the sun for 100% of just about anything that goes wrong on his watch!).

-"The suggestion that anyone on my team would play politics on Libya is offensive!"  (After Obama and his lackeys just spent the last month playing politics on Libya!!! -- a special LOL for that one!). 

-"I believe in the Second Amendment!"  (Obama, the quintessential American leftist 20 percenter, here made me laugh because he spoke in direct contradiction to what so many leftists have told me over the years, i.e. that the Second Amendment is meaningless, really (despite its plain language) doesn't afford any protection whatsoever to private citizens' gun ownership rights, and truly only applies to the ability of local "militias" to bear arms.  LMFAO!).

-"I believe in self-reliance, individual initiative, and risk-takers being rewarded."  (Enough already, Obama!  I'm bustin' too many guts for my own positive health and welfare over here!!!).

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/16/obama-romney-presidential-debate-photos_n_1972368.html?utm_hp_ref=elections-2012 (Great pics at the HuffPo!)


If This Happened in KC, They'd Have About 250 People There For the Chiefs Games: Bar Tosses Outrageous Mulleted Man Out on His Ass for Freak-Like Hairdo!

Here in KC, it's frequently referred to as "Camarohead."  It's "officially" Arrowhead Stadium (home of the NFL's Chiefs rather than "The Brave," by choice) -- an aging, excruciatingly face-lifted, 80K-seat heap of concrete out in the middle of nowhere with a huge surrounding parking lot typically full (come Sunday 6:00 a.m.) with an army of drunken louts and some of the absolute worst mullet hairstyles ever seen outside of Lawrence's apartment on Office Space...

But apparently Camarohead and the Chiefs -- one of the very worst NFL franchises over the past 40 years -- have garnered a whole new generation of Mullet-Head fans.  I mean, just get a load of this goof in Australia named Davis Hoogland (pictured at the top)...

Boobland reportedly took his long, flowing mullet locks down to a local rooftop bar recently in Perth (link below), lasting all of about 20 minutes before the joint kicked his mullet melon to the damn curb for no other reason than him offending the general decency standards of the bar (i.e. a pesky rule against CaveMan-like hairdos).

That's correct -- he got the boot for his boob-like haircut.  Nothing inappropriate about his dress.  Or his conduct.  And he wasn't there long enough to get shit-faced and raise a ruckus. Nope -- the joint gave him the hook simply for Boobland's horrendous hairstyle.  I find that quite entertaining.

And BTW, Booby, it's not as if you're without other options to get that ol' drink on, you down-under dolt:  You'd not only fit in at Camarohead -- hell, I could see them idolizing you in the form of a statue there someday entitled, "The best living example we can find of how human forms used to look the last time the Chiefs made the SuperBowl."
