Monday, October 22, 2012

With Mittster Suddenly Even or Up on Obama in the Polls, There's Noise Over the Weekend About an Obama "October Surprise" in the Form of Left-Winger Attorney Gloria Allred Trottin' Out a New Client Against Romney or Ryan...

The buzz in certain circles on the Net this past weekend has been that the aforementioned attorney Allred may be posturing to try to help out a slowing Obama campaign through a good ol'-fashioned "October Surprise" in the form of Allred coming forward with some new broad client who has supposed dirt (e.g., disgruntled employment situation, alleged extramarital situation, etc., etc.) on Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan (much more likely, Romney) (see link below).

Allred, a well-connected democrat party leftist, has previously and famously stuck her beak into and significantly influenced political races (and reportedly had a sit-down meeting with Obama earlier this month).  To wit:  "During the Republican presidential primary, Allred represented Sharon Bialek, whose claims of sexual misconduct against Herman Cain helped to push him out of the race. In 2010, Allred represented the illegal immigrant former housekeeper of then-Republican California gubernatorial nominee Meg Whitman."

Now down to brass tacks -- a right-winger gop-er asked me on the Net over the weekend whether his ilk should be concerned over all this chatter.  My exact response to the guy:  "In a word, dude, yes."