Thursday, October 7, 2010

Episode 9 Recap of The Real Housewives of DC!
Season 1 Finale: The Salahis Crash the White House (Allegedly)!

Episode Synopsis: Season 1 concludes with Michaele and Tareq Salahi officially crashing a White House State Dinner (allegedly) in late 2009, while the other cast members react (very negatively) throughout the rest of the episode, culminating with plenty of blowups and childish drama!

Segment 1: It’s Tuesday, November 24, 2009. Michaele and Tareq Salahi are in a stretch limo (what else?) on their way to crash (errrr, attend) an Indian State Dinner at the White House. Michaele is on the blower with Stacie and brags about where she and Tareq are headed. Stacie invites them to dinner at her house in the next few weeks and also asks them how they managed to get an invite to the State Dinner. Michaele totally dodges the question. Then off the phone with Stacie, the Salahis continue their ride to the White House and both seem very anxious (geez, I wonder why?).

Arriving at the White House, the Salahis aren’t sure where to direct the limo driver to park (wouldn’t ya think they might just know that information if they’d actually been invited (allegedly)?). Finally, the limo just pulls over and lets the Salahis out right on the street (them being VIP guests at the White House and all)! Then the cops start telling the limo driver that he needs to get the hell out of there (since he’s illegally parked)! From there, the Salahis walk for Lord knows how long towards the White House.

At the first White House security gate, the Salahis are told that their name is not on the guest list (no way!). The lady checking the names inexplicably then tells them that they can proceed to the next security station, and that someone there can “sort this out” (security at its finest on full exhibition!).

Segment 2: This segment abruptly flashes forward to the next day – Wednesday, November 25, 2009. I’m guessing that the reality show cameras were not allowed to accompany the Salahis past that first security checkpoint, and thus we’ve seen all we’re going to see from Bravo with respect to the night of the State Dinner (a fact confirmed after having now watched the entire episode).

On November 25, it’s the daytime, and the Salahis are at a DC hotel looking at the pictures they snapped at the prior night’s State Dinner at the White House. One picture is with vice president Joe Biden, another is with Rahm Emanuel, and still another is with CBS partisan advocate (errr, news anchor) Katie Couric. Then Tareq gets a text message from a friend saying that the Washington Post’s gossip columnist is already writing about how the Salahis crashed the prior night’s State Dinner. The two of them just laugh at this. Then the show runs one of the television news reports from that day saying that the Salahis had crashed the dinner in a major breach of White House security. The story hilariously shows a picture of the Salahis, and the reporters asks, “Who ARE These People?”

Now flash forward another day, to Thursday, November 26. At Stacie’s house, she and husband Jason are startled to see a story in the morning newspaper reporting that the Salahis had crashed the State Dinner. The story reports that “this is the first time in modern history that someone has crashed a White House State Dinner.” Stacie asks, “who would have the balls to do that?” She also reads how the Salahis posted their dinner pictures on Facebook, including one where Michaele has her hand all over Joe Biden’s chest as if he was her husband!! Stacie calls Cat, who has the same feeling of disbelief that the Salahis tried (and did) pull this off. Remarks Cat: “They are so full of $hit, but they are so plastic, not fantastic.” [You know, Cat has a real gift for spontaneous rhyming phrases!]

Segment 3: Next we move forward to Saturday, November 28, 2009. At Stacie’s house, she and Lynda and Mary have gotten together and are drinking wine. They express to each other their shock that the Salahis had the gall to crash (allegedly) a White House State Dinner. Stacie is also upset that the Salahis’ actions (allegedly) “tarnished the First Dinner.” Lynda describes the Salahis as “Bonnie & Clyde in overdrive . . . they are screwing around with our president!” She also asks “why aren’t they in jail?” Mary predicts that “there is no way that they will ever be able to recover from this.” She says that “they will have to create a new identity in a new country." [BTW: This turned out to be a bad prediction on Mary's part, but a later prediction of hers in this episode turns out to be very prophetic -- as KC's Greg Hall would say, Read On...]

Next the three ladies, still sipping on the wine, resolve to get Michaele on the horn to get her side of this story. But alas, they are only able to reach Michaele’s voice mail and leave a message. Stacie leaves a very nice message aimed at getting a return call from Michaele.

On December 1, 2009, we see NBC partisan advocate (errrr, news personality) Brian Williams talking about the Salahis on the evening news, and he’s not taking any bows this time around (Shocker)! Next we see footage of the Salahis’ on that day’s Today Show with Williams’ partisan advocate-in-arms (errrr, colleague), Matt Lauer. On that show, the Salahis maintain that they were invited to the State Dinner and were not crashers. They also claim that “our lives have been destroyed” (in the short span of one week) by those who say that they crashed the dinner.

Segment 4: On Thursday, December 3, 2009, we’re next at Mary’s house. Cat shows up and breaks the amazing news that while she and her husband Charles (a White House photographer) had been invited to the White House Christmas party on December 15, she is now UN-invited simply because she knows the Salahis (and trust me, she doesn’t even like them)! Cat seems furious that this un-invitation has occurred due to the actions of “Miss Plastic, Not Fantastic.”

Next we see video from CNN partisan advocate (errr, talking head) Anderson Cooper talking about the Salahis' crashing (allegedly) of the State Dinner, followed by the reaction of White House press secretary and son of Karl Rove, Robert Gibbs. It’s noted that the Salahis are potentially facing felony criminal charges as a result of the incident.

On the evening of Wednesday, January 13, 2010, we’re now at Cat’s house, where she talks to husband Charles about the stress that the Salahis’ have caused in her life. And there’s tension between Cat and Charles (probably as a result of the stress from the Salahis’ (alleged) actions), as Cat complains to him about failing to sharpen any of the house’s knives recently (she remarks that the dull knives “just aren’t cutting it” for her). Then more TV news footage is shown and it’s revealed that the House Homeland Security Committee wants the Salahis to come in for a congressional hearing -- MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow (also a partisan advocate, although at least she, to her credit, never pretends to be anything else) jokingly comments that “everyone’s suggesting that they [the Salahis] RSVP yes” to the House Committee’s request.

At Lynda’s apartment, Cat, Mary, Lynda and Paul Wharton are watching coverage of the Salahis’ testimony before the House Committee. Upon the very first question from the Committee, Tareq takes the Fifth (invoking his constitutional right not to testify in a way that may be incriminating towards himself)! He continues to take the Fifth upon further questioning. The Committee scolds them fairly harshly after that (although the Salahis do have a right to take the Fifth and say nothing).

One grandstanding fool Congressman (Lundgren, whomever that is) starts ranting about the “Constitution protects fools, it protects stupidity” – STFU already, politician. Who’s the more slimy in this picture? The (1) grandstanding politicians who preside over these BS congressional “hearings” with their incessant speech-making or (2) the Salahis themselves? It’s a very close question that I’ll leave you to decide. Then some congresswoman named Cuellar launches into her speech sticking it to the Salahis, although she actually makes some good, rational criticisms of the Salahis’ conduct and therefore gets a pass from me. Yet another congressman calls the Salahis “egomaniacal,” which is a comment very much adored by the spectating Lynda, Mary, Cat and Paul. Lynda remarks, “go to jail,” Salahis. Then the Committee directs some questions to Michaele, and she like Tareq also takes the Fifth.

Then focus shifts back to Tareq, who actually takes the Fifth when asked the simple questions of whether he wore a tux that night and whether he was actually at the event! Next some wiseass congressman asks Tareq whether “you are here right now,” and Tareq actually turns to his attorney for advice on answering that question! Back at Lynda’s apartment, Lynda is piling on Michaele, and she gets into it a bit with Paul, who considers Michaele a friend even though he agrees that the Salahis acted inappropriately in crashing (allegedly) the State Dinner.

Then HILARIOUS! The group at Lynda’s apartment discusses the topic of “who’s going to hire Michaele” for a job after all this. Mary predicts, “I think Playboy is next”! And mind you, this was almost a full year in advance of the announcement that Michaele will be appearing in Playboy. Mary sure nailed that one! The ladies then joke about how Playboy will have to “pad that,” in reference to Michaele’s lack of a chest! (This was precisely my comment when the recent news broke about Michaele’s Playboy appearance).

Segment 5: It’s Thursday, January 21, 2010, and we’re back at Lynda’s apartment. Stacie, Cat and Mary all show up for a meeting amongst the entire cast of the show (save Michaele). They’re meeting to discuss their approach to the dealing with the Salahis going forward. Stacie says that she still wants to hear the Salahis’ side of the story (a noble desire, BTW). Cat comes up with a new moniker for the Salahis – “Celebrity Terrorists.” Stacie wants to invite the Salahis to a dinner, with everyone attending, so that the Salahis can explain their side of things.

But Mary says there’s no way in hell she can be in their presence after they leveled accusations at Mary’s daughter Lolly about being involved in the theft of a vehicle and polo gear belonging to the Salahis (aside point: Mary has an extremely freckled chest, BTW, which I don’t think I’ve previously noted -- you'll find I'm chalk full of non-sequiturs like that!). Lynda also says that she currently has no desire to be around the Salahis. BUT CAT WANTS to be there to confront them, since she got un-invited from the White House Xmas party as a result of even knowing the Salahis.

Next It’s Dinner Time with the Salahis! Michaele and Tareq show up at Stacie’s house, with Stacie, Jason and Cat all in attendance. There is an immediate “can you even cut it with a knife” tension between Cat and the Salahis. Cat sits away from them in the living room, not looking at them, and taking deep breaths to try to keep from exploding upon them verbally. As the Turners and the Salahis make small talk, Cat exits the room in a huff. She then promptly re-enters the room, all bundled up for the cold, and announces that “I’m out of here.” But before she goes, she starts blasting on the Salahis! “You are two of the most artificial, most fake people, that I have ever met in my entire life. You are a disgrace to America!” Michaele stands up: “I won’t take your abuse. You need to be a lady!” Cat calls them a “disgrace” again and storms out.

Segment 6: In the meantime, Michaele has also put on her coat to leave, but Jason hilariously sweet talks her into taking off the coat and staying awhile (have I mentioned before that Jason is one of my favorite people on this show – yes, of course I have). The Turners are easily the two nicest people on this show (and about the only couple you’d like to know in real life), and yet they are also the most capable of putting on a great shuck-and-jive with fellow castmates! Here, it’s all designed to get the Salahis comfortable so that they will hopefully divulge some details about the now-infamous State Dinner!

The Turners and Salahis then sit back down in the Turners’ living room. Stacie reveals to the Salahis that Cat was un-invited from the White House Christmas party because she (Cat) knew the Salahis. Then, complete WEIRDNESS! Stacie merely alludes to the craziness of the past weeks, and Michaele declares that they can’t talk about the State Dinner and even acts at first like she and Tareq must leave. Michaele then says that their “real friends” don’t feel the need to even raise the subject.

Then Jason “cuts to the chase”: He and Stacie want to know the Salahis' side of the story because they have trouble reconciling the news accounts with the Salahis that they’ve grown to know in recent months. AND THAT’S IT! Michaele says, “We’re Done!”, and she and Tareq start to storm out. Off-camera, Stacie observes that this whole “WE CAN’T TALK” thing was being driven more by Michaele than Tareq (whereas most of the Salahis' drama is more typically driven by Tareq, seemingly).

Making their exit, the Salahis scurry out the Turners’ back door (apparently to avoid Bravo’s cameras as best they can), which visibly irritates Stacie and Jason. Back in the house, Stacie realizes that Cat hasn’t really left, but rather is still lingering about out in the yard (more weirdness!). Stacie invites Cat back in, and Cat returns. The three of them discuss the crassness of the Salahis' behavior this night [allegedly -- in case you haven't noticed, I feel the need the say "allegedly" in almost every sentence involving the Salahis since they might otherwise sue me, as they've threatened to do recently with respect to ALL of their DC castmates for so much as even raising the possibility that the Salahis "crashed" the State Dinner].

Stacie then actually refers to the Salahis as “deranged” (which I love, since that’s one of my favorite words) and Jason refers to Tareq as “a fool.” This whole event has been very off-putting to the Turners, who previously were willing to listen to the Salahis’ side of the story. The First Season ends with Cat’s observation that “there’s never a dull moment in DC.” Which is certainly one way of putting it! END OF SEASON ONE.

Final Comment: This was the Season Finale, and thus my coverage of this show ends. Bravo is reportedly airing "Reunion" shows with the cast members the next two Thursdays. I won't be covering those, but I thought I'd mention them for anyone who might be interested. Season 1 is now over. Thank God (I feel just like the ring announcer at the end of the Thunderlips-Rocky Balboa charity fight in Rocky III). Out.

These Look Delicious!

And yes, I'm being serious. They're "spaghetti tacos," which I noticed are getting a lot of buzz on the Internet these days (links below). I'm not sure that there's even any restaurant that carries them. Instead, it seems more like a "make it on your own at home" sort of rage. I will have to give these a try. I like tacos. I love spaghetti. Seems like a match made in heaven. And very low-fat as well, as long as you don't ruin it with a huge helping of cheese or extra meat.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mega-Ouch! Obama About As Popular in the Show-Me State as a Kansas Jayhawk Redlegger on the Wrong Side of the Border.

I was looking at some new CNN polling data tonight (link at bottom) concerning the U.S. Senate races and Obama approval ratings in several states, including my beloved Show-Me State of Missouri. The complete disconnect of Obama and the democrat party from those of us here in the American Heartland has been discussed many times in this space, and the same is on no better display than in the Missouri polling numbers, where Obama's approval ratings are starting to approach the abysmal (and deservedly so) levels of W Bush in his second term.

61% of likely voters in Missouri disapprove of Obama's job performance, while only a paltry 34% approve (we do, after all, have a lot of blind democrat party partisans in our two major metropolitan areas of Kansas City and St. Louis). My people -- the Independents and the non-liberal, non-conservative dems and repubs of the Missouri small towns and rural areas -- are clearly driving such numbers.

These numbers bode very poorly for your Robin Carnahans and Ike Skeltons of the world. I couldn't give a rat's behind about the Carnahan race, because I think her GOP opponent Roy Blunt is just as much of a slimeball as she is. But as to Skelton, I'll laugh my ass halfway to Columbia on November 2 if voters in his district send him into retirement after 35 years in the House. It's time for you to go, old man, since you're nothing more than a career politician and incessant AND MINDLESS rubberstamp for the far leftist dems who control DC these days.

Sarah Palin's Hubbie to Alaska GOP Senate Candidate Joe Miller: "My Wife Put Her Ass on the Line for You!"

Apologies in advance, but any time I see a news story that contains both the word "Palin" and the word "ass," you can be darn sure that it's going to make an appearance on this blog. And so it is today that we have the rather oddball story of Palin's husband Todd firing off angry e-mails at Alaska republican Senate candidate Joe Miller (link to full story at bottom).

Reportedly, Todd blew his stack when Miller recently dodged a question from Fox News asking Miller if Sarah Palin is qualified to be president. Todd apparently took offense to this since his wife had previously endorsed Miller during the GOP primary. In addition to the above-mentioned reference to his wife's ass, Todd's e-mails also rant and rave about Miller "not being able to answer a simple question" from Fox News and that this is not "how this endorsement stuff works."

But perhaps the zaniest thing from Todd's e-mails is when he explains that "Sarah spent all morning working on a Facebook post for you" (which Todd indicates was a wasted effort -- "she won't use it, not now"). Excuse me? All morning on a simple Facebook post? And Todd's really complaining about someone being unwilling to trumpet his wife's qualifications for president? I mean, say she got elected president and had to come up with a State of the Union address -- how long's that process going to take her? Six weeks at Camp David?

Possible Obama/Hillary Ticket Reportedly
"On the Table." Yes! NOW Obama Really
Has My Vote for 2012!

NOT! I didn't vote for His Majesty in 2008, and I sure as heck won't be voting for him in 2012. I don't care if he resurrects and rolls out JFK (the last great American president) as his damn running mate. Not that Hillary would make any difference, anyway: I don't trust her, and I don't like her. Hell, just stick with Biden. At least he's good for some laughs. Nope, the only question for me in 2012 is whether I'll be able to stomach voting for whomever the republicans stick up there. I've never voted for a republican for president, and so the GOP has its work cut out for it.

But I'm not so pompous as to fail to fully realize that a move to add Hillary to the ticket (with Biden basically switching places with her and becoming secretary of state) ain't aimed at me. Sure, the democrat party would be hopeful that such a move would bring back some lost Independents, but the real motivation would be to energize democrat voters to get out to vote. The energy and enthusiasm with which democrat-leaning groups (Latinos, African-Americans, 20-somethings, etc.) got out and voted in 2008 has all but evaporated in 2010, and the democrat party is certainly going to try to rekindle that for 2012.

That being said, is there really any possibility that Obama would actually add Hillary to his ticket? The White House is denying today that any such plan is even being considered. And while the White House denying something is typically completely meaningless, I think there just might be some truth to today's denial. That's because I don't see any way in hell that the egomaniacal Obama would ever let a political rival like Hillary anywhere near his ticket. Hillary is secretary of state for one primary reason: The old Godfather adage about keeping "your friends close, but your enemies closer." Even under that wisdom, there is such a thing as too close. And that's why I predict that we will never see an Obama/Hillary ticket.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Obama & Rahm Can't Be Pleased: Chicago Neighborhood Named Most Dangerous in the Entire Country. But Where's the Shock?

It's the "United Park Center" neighborhood in the Windy City, and a new report from names it Numero Uno on that website's list of the Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in the United States. And if you happen to wonder what that means, here's a little taste, just to wet your beak: The website reports that if you so much as walk down a street in this neighborhood, your chances of being the victim of a crime are one in four.

Just think about the poor dude tasked with delivering the mail down there! As the linked story from the local NBC affiliate says, if you plan to stray into this neighborhood, "keep your belongings close and the pepper spray handy." Gee, ya think?

But alas, does any of this come as any real surprise? It seems to me that Chicago has been notorious for its bad neighborhoods for decades. The late musician Jim Croce was talking about "the south side of Chicago being the baddest part of town" back in the early 1970's when he introduced the world to Bad, Bad Leroy Brown.

Then in the 1980's, the badass One Man Gang terrorized professional wrestling rings throughout the country. And from where did OMG hail, you might ask? Well, from none other than Halsted Street in Chicago -- a neighborhood immediately east of the above-described "United Park Center" neighborhood.

So there's really nothing new here. I've been to Chicago a number of times, and (apart from its slimy political culture) it's a great city. Just know the neighborhoods to stay the hell out of, and you'll be fine. And if you are dumb enough to wander into those neighborhoods, watch out you don't leave "looking like a jigsaw puzzle with a couple of pieces gone."

Monday, October 4, 2010

Employment-At-Will Run Amok @ Nude Shoot:
So You Thought You Could Eat a Pastry, Uh?
In that Case, YOU'RE FIRED!

I don't care how pretty I might be, I vow never to do any nude modeling for Abercrombie & Fitch -- leastways not after having read the horror story linked at the bottom. And I don't care how much they pay me!

It's reported that Abercrombie really put the screws to 30 female and male models during a recent nude shoot in New York. During the week-long shoot, the models were allegedly forced to work 13-hours days, were paid peanuts by industry standards, and were given a palty 13-buck-per-day stipend for meals. But none of that was even the worst part!

The ad agency tasked by Abercrombie to police the models -- Shahid & Co. -- "monitored their drinking, eating and workouts around the clock." And reportedly, Shahid really took its enforcer role pretty damn seriously:

The agency gave one Belgian model his walking papers for committing the cardinal sin of eating a croissant! And from the quote in the linked story, it also appears that the model's coffee drinking also played some sort of role in the firing.

I can only speculate that these models were expected to live on bread and water during their imprisonment (errrr, employment) -- at least as much bread and water that their putrid per diem meal stipend would allow.

For these models, there has to be a less difficult career out there somewhere. I would think that even serving as a crash-test dummy or a janitor in an Alabama $hithouse would be preferable.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Look At This Monstrosity!

No, not that annoying King Burger King mascot, but instead Burger King's new "Pizza Burger" (pictured above), which was introduced in the Big Apple this weekend (link to story at bottom). Just in time for the colder months (when people already tend to pack on a few extra pounds), BK is hitting America with this piece of crap -- which tips the scales at over 2500 calories (that's not a typo).

I wouldn't even want to know the fat content, but it must be well over 100 grams -- maybe 2 or 3 hundred. This heart-attack-on-a-bun features Whooper patties topped with pepperoni and mozzarella cheese (and Lord only knows what that white sauce might be -- it's probably seasoned lard, with BK tossing that into the mix just for good measure).

But alas, as usual, I won't heap too much $hit on the fast food joint for its unhealthy menu items (since people know full well they're eating crap when they eat crap) unless the joint fails to offer any healthy alternatives. And I know for a fact that BK does offer a low fat veggie burger (just tell them to hold the mayo), which is good, if not also overpriced.

BTW, I wonder if Obama -- who's never met a cheeseburger he didn't like -- will be giving the Pizza Burger a try sometime soon? Just make sure you split the thing with Biden and a few other people, Mr. President.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

NY Times Columnist Tom Friedman Nails It: Forget the Conservative "Tea Party"; The Angry Non-Conservative, Non-Liberal Masses Are the Real "Tea Party"

In a column this weekend (link at bottom), Friedman (pictured on the left) says that conservative-dominated and so-called "Tea Party Movement," while influential, still amounts to little more than a "'Tea Kettle movement' — because all it’s doing is letting off steam." He declares that the people with the real influence on upcoming elections -- non-liberal, non-conservative Independents, democrats and republicans -- are the "real Tea Party."

They're the angry folks you saw in such droves at all the townhall meetings and protests (as pictured above) during the August of Discontent in 2009 (which did not repeat itself in 2010 because dem lawmakers were too cowardly to hold very many townhalls). They're the folks who are dismissive of the "Tea Kettle" conservative tea partiers, with all of their incoherent drivel about cutting debts and deficits while at the same time cutting taxes right and left and with no concrete proposal or plan whatsoever for doing so (with the exception of Paul Ryan, although most tea partiers and establishment repubs alike run from that guy like he was some form of the plague -- how dare he actually come up with a plan for balancing the budget?!).

As Friedman very accurately describes the "real tea partiers" (a moniker that I don't much care for, but it's just Friedman's way of referring to us): "The important ["real"] Tea Party movement, which stretches from centrist Republicans to independents right through to centrist Democrats, understands this at a gut level and is looking for a leader with three characteristics. First, a patriot: a leader who is more interested in fighting for his country than his party. Second, a leader who persuades Americans that he or she actually has a plan not just to cut taxes or pump stimulus, but to do something much larger — to make America successful, thriving and respected again. And third, someone with the ability to lead in the face of uncertainty and not simply whine about how tough things are — a leader who believes his job is not to read the polls but to change the polls."

The final paragraph of Friedman's column provides an excellent summation: "Any Tea Party that says the simple answer is just shrinking government and slashing taxes might be able to tip the midterm elections in its direction. But it can’t tip America in the right direction. There is a Tea Party for that, but it’s still waiting for a leader."

And Friedman's correct -- we are waiting. How about the aforementioned Paul Ryan? He's been about the only politician on either side for many, many years who has left a favorable impression upon me (at least so far). But alas, he's still just a young guy, about my age. But regardless, someone -- a natural leader and person of character -- has got to step up one of these days to represent the majority of this country which is not on the far left or far right. I still have confidence that such person is out there, somewhere.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Oh, Good Grief!

A picture's worth a 1000 words, as they say. Just in time for Halloween and the Holiday Season, the "Tea Party Coloring Book For Kids" is apparently about to hit bookstores everywhere (link to story at bottom). In addition to the sneak peak available above, one is left to imagine what other choice figures might be included within this inspired publication? I mean, I can only imagine how the Table of Contents might read:

-p.1: Punish The RINO with your crayon.
-p.2: Finish off The Moderate's mealy-mouth.
-p.3: Give The Liberal a zany, menacing sort of look.
-p.4: Color The Bible with glowing colors.
-p.5: You CAN color lipstick on a Palin.
-p.6: Create your own misspelled rally sign.
-p.7: Show them that there ARE TOO black tea partiers!
-p.8: Can you find the Obama birth certificate?
-p.9: Doodle away on Glenn Beck's chalkboard.
-p.10: Color The Communist bright red.
-p.11: Defile this gay couple's marriage certificate.
-p.12: Draw the happy face of new tax cuts.
-p.13: Color clothes on our real founding fathers, Adam & Eve.
-p.14: Start a raging orange blaze atop The Koran.
-p.15: Help Christine O'Donnell cast a colorful spell.

And if the next thing we see is "The Progressive Coloring Book For Kids" this fall, I'm really going to start to worry (i.e. have a field day)! -- Talk about a Table of Contents that would write itself!

Worst Getaway EVER: Mugger Tries to Hop Train, But "Train Kills Thug"

Psssst: Unless you're a hobo or a professional stunt man with acquired talents in the arts of hopping on and off of moving trains, you might want to come up with a different getaway plan the next time you knock over a gas station or rob a pedestrian. And with today's moral in mind, I bring you this rather disgusting story from the Big Apple (link to The Post's full story at bottom):

New York City cops says local man Bryan Freeley (not clear if he's any relation to fellow New Yorker, Ace) brandished a knife on a street in lower Manhattan yesterday and mugged a 32-year-old victim for 150 bucks. So as for Part I of Freeley's master plan: Success. But that's when things went terribly awry, you might say.

Freeley apparently had forgotten to develop a Part II to said plan (i.e. his escape) or the Part II he had in mind was awfully ill-conceived (which I believe would officially make it a "half-baked plan," no?). Freeley reportedly took off on a "fatal dash" (that's certainly one way of putting it) down into the NYC subway system, where he tried to leap aboard a speeding subway train.

Apparently lacking the skills and expertise of a veteran tramp or stunt man (to which I alluded at the top), Freeley fell between two cars of the train and was swept underneath. Yep, he's dead alright. And if he had just been a bit more patient and waited for the next train -- he had more than enough dough on him to afford a token.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Episode 8 Recap of the Real Housewives of DC!
Fake Season Finale Part II: "Nation Building"

Episode Synopsis: The Salahis prepare to Crash (Allegedly) a White House State Dinner, while the other cast members basically spend the entire episode trashing on the Salahis (YAWN, although their criticisms are well taken in large part). Plus Stacie moves a big step closer to finding her birthfather.

Segment 1: Lynda is at her modeling agency working on casting for a fashion show at Union Station being held by the embassy of Burkina Faso (an African country). She’s with Heather, who does marketing/PR at the agency. Nenye, the producer of the event (who's quite hot), and Klubo, a member of the embassy, then show up to work on casting with Lynda and Heather. Myriad female and male models then start strutting around in front of them. Lynda dresses down one of the male models for his hair being too long. Off camera, Michaele Salahi (who’s not even at this event) calls Lynda a “bully.”

At Stacie’s house, she’s with husband Jason in the living room. They are on the laptop working on a Facebook message to the son of her birthmother. Stacie wants info on her birthfather, but mama so far has refused, and thus Stacie is trying to circumvent mama by hitting up the son (her half-brother, BTW) – who doesn’t even know she exists (or that mama had a daughter by a different man).

At The Madison restaurant, Lynda, Cat and Mary are having lunch and talking about all the stress that Cat is under with her upcoming book, two daughters at home, and a husband who’s always away on business. Then they start talking about Michaele and the (allegedly) false story that Michaele has been spreading about previously being a Washington Redskins cheerleader. Cat comments that if the Salahis would just come out and admit that they are having financial problems (instead of pretending that they don’t), then people would be understanding and would sympathize with them. Lynda comments that the Salahis have not made a house payment in two years. She also describes them as “very disturbed.”

Meantime Michaele is riding around in a stretch limo (what else?) in the countryside with husband Tareq Salahi. They arrive at The Inn at Little Washington, which appears to be a bed-and-breakfast. Tareq indicated in the limo that this is where the couple ate on their first date. They sit down to lunch with another couple who’s staying there (as is common at such joints). The Salahis start talking about India, how they once visited there for several weeks, and how they (through Tareq’s involvement in polo) have politically been trying to build a strong bridge between the two countries (put another way, he’s puffing and blustering). Tareq also mentions that Obama is hosting an Indian contingent at the White House at an upcoming state dinner (HERE WE GO!). Tareq noticeably does NOT say that they are invited to the dinner, but does say that they plan to attend.

Segment 2: At the Burkino Faso embassy, Lynda is meeting again with fashion show producer Nenye, fashion designer Clara Lawson-Ames, and Araba Yonli (the Burkino Faso Ambassador’s wife). They say the event is about showing a whole new face to the world in terms of Africa and showing that Africa is not all about poverty, hardship and war as normally portrayed in the media. Lynda says she wants to help and notes that Burkino Faso is the third most impoverished nation in the world.

At Cat’s house, her husband Charles is actually at home! Cat says that she and Charles have been invited to the White House Christmas party (Charles is a White House photographer). Cat is excited to “meet Obama for the first time.” She says also that she would like to give Obama a framed copy of Charles’ award-winning picture of Obama from his inauguration. Charles indicates he’s talked to Obama about Cat and says that Obama’s looking forward to meeting her.

Back at Stacie’s house, she says that it’s now been a week since she and Jason sent her half-brother a Facebook e-mail, but yet brother has not responded. Jason suggests that they might next try contacting the Nigerian embassy for help in communicating with Stacie’s birthfather (who’s Nigerian).

At Lynda’s apartment (apparently she has not completely moved into her new house yet), Lynda is on the blower with Mary, who says that she (Mary) and daughter Lolly will be attending the Burkino Faso fashion show. Lynda then rather hilariously remarks that she has posted a picture of the Salahis with event security so that the Salahis can’t crash the event (as they’ve allegedly been known to do)! Mary says that she will never again attend an event with the Salahis after Tareq’s recent accusations concerning Lolly being connected to the theft of his car and polo gear. Mary also says that she would fear for the safety of the Salahis if they do crash the event because “Lolly is furious” with them. Michaele comments off camera that Mary and Lynda have become “very destructive and ‘cliquey’”.

Segment 3: Lynda is back at her apartment and starting to get ready for the fashion show. She has a dress to wear that was provided to her by the Burkino Faso embassy. Her hairstylist, Ishmael, is there to assist in her preparation. Then Lynda’s much larger and half-her-age boyfriend, Ebong, shows up. Lynda immediately dispatches him to go fetch a scotch-on-the-rocks for her. Next Lynda starts barking orders at her personal assistant, KC -- telling KC to help Lynda fit into her dress and, just for good measure, to fetch Lynda’s astrological chart from the other room. The chart appears to confirm for Lynda that everything’s on the up-and-up for tonight’s event.

Next we’re at the Nigerian embassy, where Stacie (following up on Jason’s earlier suggestion) has just visited. She’s with Stella Onuoha, an embassy member who just gave Stacie a tour of the premises. Stella then embarks with Stacie and Jason for lunch so that they can talk more about Stacie’s birthfather situation. The three discern that Stacie’s birthfather is from the same state in Nigeria as Stella (who seems excited about helping them find the man). Stella thinks she knows of a male professor in that region who would be able to help them look for daddy. The personal connection struck up here out of the blue between Stella and Stacie is a very nice sight to behold.

Now it’s on to Union Station for the Burkino Faso fashion show. Lynda & Ebong arrive. David Catania (DC councilmember) is there too. Lynda reminds security not to let the Salahis in if they try to crash (and she seems a bit worried that apparently, through a mix up, the Salahis’ photo did not get into security’s hands prior to the event). Mary, Lolly, Cat, Charles and Paul Wharton are the next to arrive. Also attending is Cat’s new arch-enemy, Erika, who got into an awful verbal altercation with Cat on last week’s episode. Cat’s seat is only two seats away from Erika (with Mary between them), and the two do not exchange pleasantries, as you might expect. The fashion show then proceeds, with a host of gorgeous ladies (and a few dudes) walkin’ the runway.

Jason Backe, Ted Gibson’s partner, is also there, and Lynda intros him to David Catania. And with that, as Lynda launches into a little speech, we’re back to the gay marriage issue! (See my recap of last week’s episode, which was gay marriage, gay marriage, and then a bit more gay marriage – not that there’s anything wrong that.) Obviously, the producers of the show hold this issue very close to their hearts, or else we wouldn’t be constantly beaten about the head, breast and neck with it in multiple episodes. I don’t mind the focus on the issue, but the incessant focus gets a bit old (not to mention, boring), sorry.

Lynda then talks to Paul Wharton and expresses again her worry about the fact that security did not receive the Salahis’ photo as she had intended. AGAIN, we see Michaele off-camera spouting off about Lynda. This time, Michaele brags, “I’m the prettiest, I’m the hottest, I have the most friends – I’m Miss DC!” I was just waiting for a “Nature Boy” Ric Flair-like “WOOOO!” to next emanate from Michaele’s sorry mug, but none was forthcoming, unfortunately.

Segment 4: Michaele and Tareq Salahi arrive at a fashion salon, remarking that they “have a big night” ahead of them. Michaele meets there with make-up artist Erwin Gomez. While having her make-up done, Michaelle OFFICIALLY SPILLS THE BEANS: The Salahis are planning to attend the Indian state dinner at the White House!!! Michaele further states her hope that Oprah shows her face at the event as well! AND, Michaele gives Erwin The Make-up Artist the impression that the Salahis have been INVITED to this state dinner! Next she tells the hairstylist (Peggy) that she and Tareq “just” received their invitation to this event.

Then there’s this extremely awkward on-camera exchange between Michaele and the actual producer of The Real Housewives of DC. Michaele is trying to explain to the producer that the Salahis have apparently “lost” their invitation to this state dinner (Go Figure!). Michaele next puts on this little act (or was it real?) about not only the invitation being left behind at the mansion by the personal assistants, but (damn it) they also left her bra and preferred shoes back there too! Oh, the Humanity!!! Then Tareq chimes in that the invitation is just a “formality” that they will not need to enter the event.

Segment 5: Michaele is making final dress preparations for the Salahis’s (alleged) crash (errr, attendance) at the White House state dinner. As noted before, Michaele -- while long, leggy and attractive as a general proposition -- has no physical endowments upstairs whatsoever, and so I continue to fail to see how the hell she’s going to pose for Playboy? I mean, pose as what, the lamp-pole outside an Alabama shithouse? But I digress.

Anyway, she’s having trouble figuring out how to put on her dress, so her make-up artist, Erwin, lends her a hand: “This has to go like this, see?”, he chirps. As she’s finally ready to go, Tareq proclaims, “Ready to Go to the White House?!” They jump into a stretch limo (again, what else?), and Michaele starts talking to Stacie on the phone. Michaele brags that she and Tareq are off to the state dinner. “You’re Going to the White House!,” Stacie gushes. “YES,” confirms Michaele. END OF (YET ANOTHER FAKE SEASON FINALE) EPISODE.

Final Comment: For the second straight week, Bravo has implicitly hyped an episode of this show to be the season finale, only for it NOT to be the season finale. This disingenuous behavior has me frankly disgusted, but yet I continue on in my coverage of this rather pathetic show since I’ve never quit on anything in my life once I’ve started it. And so yes, I will cover next week yet ANOTHER season finale episode (but will it actually even be the season finale?). So see ya next week. Have I mentioned before (yes, last week, in fact) that I will NEVER again cover another Bravo reality series?

DRUDGE Headline: "They Couldn't Even Pass a Budget!, But Found Time to Enact a Law Limiting Volume of TV Commercials."
But What's Wrong With That!?

Yes, the democrat party's failure to pass a budget this year was an act of pure political cowardice. So what else is new? But why does Drudge at the same time pick on this new legislation regulating TV commercial volume? I think it's a good piece of legislation, and apparently lawmakers in both parties agree, as the measure passed unanimously in the Senate after earlier passing the House (links to both stories at bottom).

How many damn times have I been trying to fall asleep to the television, watching History Channel or some old movie, only to be loudly and rudely interrupted by some annoying commercial, with some loud idiot spokesperson (such as the pictured Shamwow slimeball), and with volume twice as loud as the damn television program!?! For once, Congress actually got it right here. Not that it matters much. They've got about a month left until we kick a whole bunch of their sorry asses to the damn curb.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dems to Try to Jam Through "20 Bills in Post-Election Lame-Duck Session"? Seems Like a Big Red Herring, But With One Notable Exception.

Reports the past 24 hours talk of DC dems -- who will probably lose control of the House and will lose seats in the Senate in the November 2 midterm elections -- trying to ramrod through myriad pieces of democrat party legislation during the lame-duck session (i.e. before the new republicans take their seats) (link to story at bottom). But this would seem to me to be, in large part, a lot to do about nothing since it will be extremely difficult for dems to ram anything controversial through a Senate in which they now lack their prior supermajority (and therefore lack the ability in most instances to avoid a repub filibuster).

But as noted at the top, there appears to be one big exception, which comes in the form of the issue of whether to extend the Bush income tax cuts next year for everyone, for no one, or for only individuals and families making less than $250,000 per year (such as me and probably you). Of course, the dems want to only extend the tax cuts for families making less than $250K, while the repubs (along with me, most Independents and a majority of the country) want to extend the tax cuts for everyone since raising anyone's taxes during bad economic times is economically moronic (as even a majority of left-wing economists will tell you).

So, the dems after November 2, still clinging to their House and Senate majorities during the lame-duck session, are going to try to jam through an extension of the cuts for the "less than $250K" folks only and will likely refuse to agree to the repubs' desire to extend the cuts for everyone. Thus, repubs will be in the position of either (1) blocking the dem measure such that the cuts will be extended for no one or (2) swallowing their pride and principles and permitting the dems to ram through their legislation so that at least the tax cuts are extended for the "less than 250K" folks.

And it would seem to me that Option # 2 will be the only real option for repubs. Option # 1 -- which would effectively end the tax cuts for everyone -- would be absolutely politically disastrous for republicans and I can't believe that they would even seriously consider it, since it would allow the democrat party to spout (largely disingenuously, of course) that "the republicans raised taxes on the middle class because they couldn't agree to keep your taxes the same unless taxes also stayed the same for all the millionaires and billionaires of the country -- at the end of the day, those are the only people that the republicans care about."

Nope, I can't see any way that the republicans get around permitting the dems to foist through a measure that extends cuts for only the "less than 250K" people. The best they will be able to do is to try to offer amendments right and left in the House and Senate that would extend the cuts for everyone (none of which will succeed) and then make it very clear in the media that the dems absolutely have the repubs' hands tied on this issue. Filibustering the measure entirely, such that the tax cuts expire for everyone, simply does not seem to be a viable political option. If any of the readers see a different way that this might play out, I'd be fascinated to hear about it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sarah Palin Booed on "Dancing With The Stars" Last Night? Judge For Yourself, But I Think the Audience Was Merely Chanting

The leftwing blogosphere and Net in general today are ablaze with speculation as to whether last night's Dancing With The Stars audience actually booed Sarah Palin's appearance (link at bottom). As noted at the top, I don't think they were saying "boo," and furthermore it's quite possible that they were a bit disappointed with Palin's typically conservative attire on the show (see pic immediately above).

Which brings me to a point worth making: Sarah could use to loosen up a bit on the wardrobe. Show a little skin, babe! It seems like the only time we've ever been able to get a decent gander at those assets was during your Belmont Stakes appearance (pic at top) and in your Nailin' Palin video (which showed way too much). You need to be more subtle than that video, but yet a bit more flashy than your usual self. Just remember: Polls start risin' when you look appetizin'.

Monday, September 27, 2010

It's the Leftists, STUPID!

The linked article from today's talks about the likely bloodbath for the democrat party in the nation's heartland and midwest come the November elections. And make no mistake, the people who decide your elections (Independents) are going to kick plenty of dems to the curb from those regions in November. But that's been obvious for months and months and is not my main point here.

Instead, what caught my attention is the way Politico completely pussyfoots around the 1000-pound gorilla in the room and basically ignores it (I wonder why that is, Politico?). Politico chalks up the democrat party's woes in the heartland to a whole host of generalized, highly generic-type causes, such as the bad economy, high unemployment, lack of jobs and out-of-control government spending. Please!

The overriding reason for all of the democrat party's current unpopularity with Independents has to do with one thing and one thing alone: The democrat party of today is way too far to the left. And that's exactly how the democrat party has dictated (errr, governed) over the past 2 years, all the while completely out of touch and out of step with the mainstream of America.

That is why dems will fail in November, and that is why so many of us Independents who don't care for the republican party either nonetheless look forward to voting against the democrat party here in about five weeks. Or, I guess you can just generically blame the economy, Politico (which makes you sound like a democrat party hack, BTW). Whatever floats your boat.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Nobody Saw This Coming

The Kansas City Chiefs were home dogs today to a talented San Francisco 49ers team but yet won easily, 31-10, to go 3-0 on the season. I think most Chiefs fans thought the Chiefs could certainly win this game, but that it would go down to the wire instead the utter domination we saw. Hilarious was watching 49ers head coach Mike Singletary calling a timeout with 3 seconds left in the game in order to allow his team to score a meaningless garbage touchdown in what was truly a complete ass-kickin'.

Following a bye next weekend, the Chiefs have two games that will be extremely difficult to win against Indy and Houston. But from there, the schedule really loosens up. Looks I may have to revise my preseason prediction of 7 wins (which itself would be a huge improvement from the garbage we've seen out at Arrowhead the last 3 years).

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

How About Liberals & Conservatives: If They Can't Change Your Mind Through Namecalling & Shouting, Then They'll Just Punch You Right in the Face!

And so it was today that they had fistfights and wild brawls breaking out between supporters of dem Harry Reid and repub Sharron Angle at a Nevada Senate race forum (links to full story at bottom; the picture immediately above is from the event). And people wonder why I rarely bother anymore to even try to engage any of those people (yes, those people, I said) in as much as a simple conversation. In short, there is no talking to them (on either side).

Getting back to today's Nevada Knockout: There's really not a whole lot to say that's not obvious (sorry for the double negative), except for what may be one of the truly dumbest statements I've heard in at least a few days, as uttered by event organizer Rev. Robin Joyce: "I didn't expect anything like this, not in a million years." Hey Reverend: Where have you been living the last ten years, in a Mississippi $hithouse?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Episode 7 Recap of the Real Housewives of DC!
"Perception Gap"

Episode Synopsis: It's a weird episode as the Salahis are completely segregated in their storylines from the rest of the cast. And as for the rest of the cast: It's a steady diet of Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, and them just for good measure, a bit more Gay Marriage! Plus some nice Cat-Erika fireworks light up the middle of the show!

Segment 1: At Cat’s house, she and husband Charles are looking at photos of Cat to possibly use on the cover of her upcoming book, “Inbox Full.” Charles (a White House photographer), who is about to leave town again, details his itinerary in the days to come. It includes taking photos of political types Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Tim Geithner as well as General Petraeus and the film director, Peter Jackson. As usual, Cat is not very excited about Charles being gone again.

Michaele Salahi is at the Willard Hotel in DC in the Thomas Jefferson Suite (the Four Seasons and its Royal Suite must have been all booked up this week). She’s with husband Tareq and practicing her cheerleading moves. She says that she’s a former Washington Redskins cheerleader (the first I’ve heard of that) from the 1980’s. She indicates she’ll be attending some halftime show at the Redskins first home game of the season. She also brags that she’s “building an empire” (I guess that’s one way of putting it) with her husband.

Then Michaele, sporting pom-poms, shows up at a cheerleading practice. I’m guessing that the halftime show will consist of a cheerleading routine by former Skins cheerleaders (assuming Michaele is telling the truth, which IS a big If), as the cheerleaders at this practice all look a bit older like Michaele. As they practice, it appears that Michaele is having problems following the routine.

At Stacie’s house, Stacie’s in the kitchen with her kids and friend Erika. Cat shows up with her daughters and Mary shows up with one of her sons. Cat and Erika are laughing it up (after Erika “teases” Cat about being “mean”), but there does seem to be some tension simmering between them (likely based on some of Cat’s past comments and/or behavior). The kids then engage in a game of guessing which mom is the oldest and which is the youngest. One of Cat’s daughters guesses that Cat is the youngest, and that the oldest “has to be Mary” (Ouch).

With the kids eating ice cream in the kitchen, the four ladies head off to the living room for wine and snacks. That’s when Lynda shows up. She says that celebrity stylist Paul Wharton is going to be hosting an upcoming meeting with DC city council member David Catania, and that everyone will be invited. Stacie notes that Catania is a “primary champion” for gay marriage (which I never realized was a big issue in municipal politics) in DC. Off camera, Stacie seems to indicate that she’s not quite sure how she feels about the whole gay marriage issue.

Then BOMBSHELL! Mary starts talking about Michaele’s claim to be a former Redskins cheerleader and says that Michaele is making the whole thing up! (NO! Who’da thunk!). Lynda wonders how someone can fabricate as much Michaele allegedly does. In a funny line, Lynda qips, “do you have to have a lobotomy in order to [act like Michaele]?”

Segment 2: The ladies are still hanging out at Stacie’s house, talking about Mary’s daughter Lolly. Then Fireworks! After one of Cat’s comments, Erika starts breakin’ Cat’s balls again, spouting: “That’s the mean girl coming out!” Cat is visibly starting to get perturbed with Erika, and the two commence to bickering. Cat does not like being called “mean” all the time by Erika, but Erika basically tells her that if the shoe fits…. Erika also complains that with Cat, everything always seems to be about Cat. Lynda gives Erika a bit of a reprimand, saying that Erika started all this by “getting off on your high horse.” Cat, who seems a bit shaken, says she feels like Erika is trying to verbally “annihilate” her. With that, Cat heads for the exits.

My take on this whole incident: While Cat can certainly be quite crass at times, she wasn’t being that way tonight – Erika obviously has an axe to grind with Cat, and Erika’s behavior here (she completely instigated all of this) was not appropriate at all. The other ladies seem to be in agreement with me, and express those sentiments to Erika. At the door, Stacie asks Cat to stay, but Cat is determined to take off. Cat, who is obviously not her normal self these days due to the continued absence of her husband and the recent suicide of her close friend, is in tears and just wants to get the hell out of there.

Then as Cat is about the head out the door, Erika comes into the foyer and tells Cat that she still wants the two of them to get to know each other and that they’ve just gotten off on the wrong foot. Erika further offers up the ol’ half-apology: “I apologize if you felt that I was attacking you.” But then Erika chides Cat for allegedly giving Erika “body language.” The two are about to start arguing again when Lynda intervenes and suggests it’s probably best for Cat to depart with her daughters (which finally occurs).

At Mary’s house the next day, Mary is in the living room with husband Rich (the reincarnation of Gary Cole’s Bill Lumbergh boss character from Office Space, as noted before) and daughter Lolly (age 23), who has just quit her job as an “executive assistant.” Lolly says that she doesn’t want a deadline for moving out of Mary’s house since Lolly is now unemployed. Rich seems willing to allow Lolly to stay until sometime in the spring, but he also clearly feels strongly that she needs to be looking to get out on her own. Rich presses Lolly on her future employment plans. Lolly says she wants to “make art make some money for me,” such as through painting. Rich tells her that art is more of a hobby, and that she needs to focus on getting a stable job. Mary, however, is more supportive of the whole “art” thing.

Segment 3: We’re at the office of the aforementioned DC city councilman, David Catania. He’s meeting with Paul Wharton and Stacie’s friend Erika (i.e. the Cat hater). Lynda is also attending the meeting, along with Stacie, her husband Jason and Mary. Cat even shows up in the same room with Erika! Cat then hilariously makes the rounds and says hello to everyone except Erika, who has then mean-ass little look on her face. Sorry, folks, but Erika has definitely made a rotten impression upon me this episode.

The odd premise of this meeting is to discuss the issue of gay marriage (and specifically, the “Marriage Equality Bill” – which I take it must be a new law that DC may enact). It was revealed in earlier episodes that Paul is gay, BTW. Lynda says that she’s a big supporter of gay marriage being permitted under the law (and “not just because I have a gay sister,” she says/reveals). Ironically, Cat and Erika seems to be on the same page on this one, both supporting gay marriage.

Mary expresses that she doesn’t feel this issue has anything to do with her, to which Paul Wharton is APPALLED! Hey Paul: Until you start getting involved in issues that affect ME and not you (such as the bullying epidemic in schools, drug and alcohol use by kids and teens, etc.), then don’t you sit there and tell me that I’m a bad person because I really couldn’t give a rat’s ass about an issue that does not affect me, such as gay marriage. CHECK THAT, dude. OK, I’ve vented (and I generally like Paul, but his sentiment sort of pissed me off right there).

Stacie’s husband Jason seems generally opposed to gay marriage being legalized, saying that he thinks marriage should mean “one man, one woman.” Stacie indicates that she agrees with Jason. BTW, Stacie and Jason are both devoted democrats and Obama supporters, as has been revealed on prior episodes. I think it’s great that dems, repubs and Independents alike can all disagree on the gay marriage issue. Myself, I’m an Independent and likely well to the right of Stacie and Jason on most issues, but on this particular issue, I’d have to say that they are actually to the right of me (and I to the left of them). And disagreement doesn’t make anybody wrong or evil. Rather, it’s what America’s all about. But I digress.

Anyway, there’s a very clear tension between Wharton and Jason over this issue. Paul all but calls Jason a homophobe over his opposition to gay marriage. Jason to his credit remains calm and says that folks should not start tossing about terms like that with everyone who disagrees with them on the gay marriage issue. Great point. Calling Jason, one heck of a nice dude, a homophobe because he happens to believe that marriage should always be between a man and a woman (even if I may not agree) is just totally off-base on Wharton’s part.

Next, Stacie and Erika are meeting Mary for dinner. Mary (as we’ve seen before) has apparently already been hitting the juice pretty good and seems a bit drunk as Stacie and Erika arrive. Gay marriage is again the topic of discussion. Meantime Paul Wharton and Lynda are hanging out for cocktails. The show then starts going back and forth between these two sites as all of the participants talk about the Erika-Cat incident at Stacie’s house. Most everyone seems in general agreement: Cat is off her game lately due to a lot of stress, including the near-constant absence of her husband.

Segment 4: We’re back at Michaele Salahi’s hotel suite, where she’s telling personal assistant Jen about Michaele’s alleged cheerleading days back when she was in her 20’s. Michaele ironically starts discussing the possibility of enhancing her boobs (ironic since I’ve commented recently that I don’t see how she can possibly appear in Playboy sporting her current assets).

Segment 5: Tareq and Michaele Salahi are meeting with Virginia State Delegate (whatever that means/is), Dave Albo. They are talking about the possible reopening of the Salahis’ winery. Tareq is complaining about excessive government regulations (coming from the local county) on local wineries, such as not being to be open past 6 p.m. and limited number of winery customers at one time. The Salahis says that these rules will severely impinge upon their ability to have social events at their winery, which events, they say, will be the bread and butter of their winery income (WOW, the Salahis actually making sense for once!).

At Mary’s house, she’s hittin’ the wine again as she talks to daughter Lolly in the kitchen. They start talking about gay marriage (what else?!!!). Mary says she wants an opportunity to retract her statement (which pissed off Paul Wharton) about not feeling that gay marriage is an issue that has much to do with her. [C’mon, Mary – stick your guns for once!]

Cat is meeting Ted Gibson’s celebrity colorist, Jason Backe (as revealed in prior episodes, Ted and Jason are a gay couple). [Ted, BTW, owns the recently opened Ted Gibson Salon in DC]. Cat reveals that the gay marriage bill apparently passed (this was late 2009, and I’m surprised I don’t recall this – I’m assuming the bill was a DC-wide law, since DC is basically a state even though technically not having the complete legal status of a state).

Cat looks like she’s wearing a Bigfoot/Yeti hide on her chest (where’s Bob Barker & the PETA folks when you need them? ;) ). And SO, the conversation moves to – Take a Big Guess – GAY MARRIAGE (Again!). Cat also talks about wanting to leave the DC suburbs, which she complains are littered with ladies in spandex walking their dogs around. Then they discuss the Salahis and the weird, perplexing nature of their general behavior (hear hear!).

Segment 6: Tareq and Michaele are showing up at the home of Matt Carson, a “writer.” It’s revealed that the Salahis are looking to Matt to write a “tell-all” book about their lives and marriage (apparently they’ve gotten wind of Cat’s upcoming book and want a little taste to wet their beaks as well). Tareq’s proposed title? “Wine, War and Roses.” This dumbass goof-looking Matt chimes in, “yeah, that’s it!” BUT there is conflict between the parties! The Salahis are just looking for a ghostwriter, while this Matt wants his name to be at least somewhat associated with authoring this book. At the end of the day, says Michaele, she just wants the book to have a “happy ending.” END OF EPISODE.

Upcoming episode(s): OUTRAGEOUS! It was publicized all over the Net by Bravo that tonight was the Season Finale of this series, but yet it OBVIOUSLY WAS NOT. There’s still at least one episode left, which appears to at least in part get into the Salahis’ party crashing at the White House state dinner last November. Which is fine, but Bravo disingenuously and falsely putting it out there that this was the finale (obviously to garner extra viewers) is so completely Bush League. I will never cover again another Bravo reality series. Never.

Wow! Just Watched the Premier Episode of ABC's "Detroit 1-8-7." This Series Looks Like a Good One!

I watch very few broadcast network series anymore (I think the last ones I watched were "V" and "Jericho"). They typically bore me. But this week, make no mistake that there were two debuting series that were must-watch (at least in terms of catching the first episode): Detroit 1-8-7 and HBO's (not broadcast network, obviously) Boardwalk Empire. I have now watched both, and while I liked Boardwalk Empire (and will continue to watch it), I have to say that I was much more blown away by ABC's little series about Detroit homicide cops.

My interest in watching this series (which hereafter, I will just refer to as "Detroit") was sparked by slick ABC promos featuring the show's most recognizable star -- Michael Imperioli of Sopranos and Goodfellas fame. And Imperioli and his "Fitch" character are certainly at the center of this show.

Detroit impressed me by being a compelling mix of powerful and zany acting (although most of the actors are unknown to me) (check out the African-American homicide detective who goes around spouting Italian language proverbs as if he was Don Corleone or something), slick production, interesting and ultimately interconnected storylines, and a ton of funny and quirky situations and lines.

My personal favorite scene from Episode 1: A murder suspect, after being "interrogated" rather poorly by the green new homicide detective (whose mind is constantly preoccupied with thoughts of his wife very soon expecting their first child), invokes his Miranda right to see an attorney. That means the cops can't ask him any more questions, because if they do and the suspect says anything meaningful, then the cops likely won't be able to use such statement against the suspect in a court of law. Put another way: Once a suspect invokes his Miranda right to see an attorney, the questioning must stop until an attorney is present.

So Imperioli's Fitch character marches into the interrogation room and just starts staring at the suspect (named "Pooch"). And he does so for what seems like maybe 2-3 hours straight, never breaking pose. Over the duration of time, this Pooch, who so masterfully handled himself against the green detective, starts to go crazy at Fitch's incessant staring. Ultimately, Pooch can't take the staring anymore, and he breaks down and spills the beans on what he knows (he wasn't the killer, but has some relevant info). And you know what? All of that info might have been ultimately usable in a court of law (since Fitch never opened his mouth, although I assume Pooch's attorney would argue that the confession resulted from the "duress" of being forced to sit there at look at Imperioli's ugly mug for hours on end!). Classic scene.

Did the show strain credulity at times? Of course, but what crime drama except perhaps for the classic The Wire (at least until the final season) does not strain a bit a credulity from time to time? And so it was that the show depicted homicide detective Fitch being sent into a high-stakes hostage situation near the end of the episode (sorry, but I doubt that would ever happen in reality).

And there were also some classic lines, such as when Fitch is questioned about the truth of all the highly personal stuff he told the kidnapper in that final scene in order to get the kidnapper to put his gun down. Says Fitch, "It was true when I said it." And then as Fitch and the green detective gaze upon the massive Detroit PD homicide board (the big board that lists all the recently outstanding murder investigations, with open murders appearing in red and closed ones appearing in black), Fitch comments that such board "might be the last assembly line left in Detroit."

So I'll be catching Episode 2 of Detroit 1-8-7 next Tuesday, that's for darn sure. And so should you. Has all the makings of some great TV week in, week out. I'm not easily impressed. But I was tonight.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"KFC Pays College Women For Ad Space on Their Buns": I Wonder If They'll Extend This to Boobs?

According to the linked story, KFC is paying these young ladies $500 to wear the pictured "Double Down" catchphrase on their ass. But will ads on the cans be next? And if so, won't the rates have to vary from lady to lady?

First off, I assume the rate would be per-boob as opposed to the apparent $500-for-your-entire-ass rate. Second of all, if I'm a big buxom lady, then I'm insisting that KFC buck up a considerable amount more for each of my boobs than they might otherwise be willing to pay to the beanpole ladies of the world.

For example, if I'm Keeley Hazell or Heidi Montag (or the anonymous lady pictured above, for that matter), then KFC's forking over at least 100 grand per can, non-negotiable.

But if I'm Michaele Salahi, then I'm thinking twice about even insisting on anything above $500 (lest I choose to risk getting laughed out of the proverbial room by some dirty old man in a Colonel Sanders get-up).

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hey Democrat Party: Independents Decide Your Elections, & Your Polls Are Shrinking Faster Amongst Us Than Heidi Montag on a Downsizing Kick.

If you thought Obama & The Dems' polls have been abysmal for over a year now amongst Independents (the people who decide your elections), well those numbers only getting worse as we approach the November midterm elections. As reported this week on by democrat pollster Doug Schoen and co-writer Heather R. Higgins, based on their national polling numbers with respect to Independents (link to full story at bottom):

-Obama's favorability rating (i.e. whether people like him on a personal level) is down to 40% among Independents, with 55% of Independents having an unfavorable personal view of Obama (a 3% decline from just last month).

-Obama's job approval rating is down to 36% among Independents (down from 38% in August), with 60% of Independents disapproving of his job performance.

-Perhaps the most significant number of any of these: The republicans have a generic lead in the November midterm elections of 22 percentage points among Independents, an increase of 14 points since just last month.

-Independents view the GOP as the party more committed to cutting spending and taxes by a 37% margin (53% to 18%).

-That's bad news since Independents, by a margin of 55% to 29%, favor the repubs' approach of cutting spending rather the democrat party's approach of spending our way out of the ever-continuing economic disaster. (What say you to that, Paul Krugman, and all you other blinded and moronic Keynesian economic devotees?)

-By a margin of 52% to 37%, Independents favor a continuation of the Bush tax cuts for all Americans (hear hear! -- stick that in your class warfare pipe and smoke it, Obama!!!).

So what do all of these numbers add up to for the democrat party? Well, a Big Bowl 'a OUCH come November, methinks! And most Independents don't even like nor trust the republican party to any extent whatsoever. But we're damn sure devoted to ending the destructive and absolute power grip that the far leftist dems have held over our federal government the past few years.

As I've being saying since Sunday Bloody Sunday, democrat party: We Independents will see you in November. We continue to very much look forward to it. And what are you gonna do about it, leftists? Perhaps go **** yourselves, for starters.