"It Could Be Weiner"
The latest this week has Anthony Weiner (a New York democrat party congressman) actually claiming that he can't say for sure whether or not the tweeted picture shows his tallywhacker! Or, to use the slimy politician weasel words of an individual like Weiner, the democrat says he "can't say with certitude" whether or not the photo is of his Johnson, as opposed to someone else's wedding tackle (links to full story at bottom).
This is nearly a complete reversal from the weekend, when this fool was out there blaming "conservatives" and a "hacker" for sending out the photo under his Twitter account.
So what's the story now, Weiner??? Is it that some conservative hacker, in addition to hacking Weiner's account, also may have secretly took a picture of Anthony's Weiner? What's next!?! Bush being involved? Global warming? The racist under your bed?
No Soft Spot for the Young Ladies When It Comes to Anthony's Weiner?
Not only is Anthony's Weiner being forced to defend allegations that he tweeted out his schlong to female college student Gennette Nicole Cordova (the African-American babe pictured above), but the new media scrutiny of his Twitter account has also raised the new allegation that Anthony's Weiner really takes a liking to the young ladies!
As the linked New York Post story reports, Anthony's Weiner has 49,000 Twitter followers, but he "follows back" only a select few 198 (the stingy bastard!). And of those 198, "a surprising number of them are total babes," including a prostitute! This from a leftist who once private messaged on the Net with a porn star named Ginger Lee!
Some of those young babes are pictured above, with such names as Megan Peters @ ladyfoxfyre (pictured with her head on her hands), Traci @ fermdennytraci (in the hat), Kim Pham @ kimpham (in the center), and Aria Finger @ AriaIrene (on the right).
Now, if Anthony's Weiner happened to be single, then there's really no problem here (even if he is 45 years old -- more power to him). But when you consider that he's married and just got married last summer (to the attractive Hillary Clinton "valet," Huma Abedin), then all them young ladies he's following on Twitter might just be judged as being "not quite so cool."
Weiner Goes Below the Belt, Takes a Whack at the Media
While (as detailed below) the "mainstream" media is doing its best to protect its beloved democrat party on this whole story, the same media -- apparently in love with the tabloid and sensationalistic nature of this story (not to mention driven by rival democrat party interests in the Big Apple who want to defeat Weiner for the Mayor's office in the future) -- are going after Weiner whole "hog" and are certainly not trying to ignore the story.
And Anthony's Weiner couldn't be more pissed! I'm sure he's thinking to himself, "these pr*cks are supposed to be protecting Anthony's Weiner!" The intense media attention has really gotten to Anthony's Weiner, as he clearly thinks he's being tooled.
On Wednesday, for example, Anthony's Weiner lashed out at one CNN producer, calling the producer a "JACKASS"! (CNN link below). Lord only knows what may be coming out of this deranged yogurt slinger's mouth next.
It's OK to THINK "Democrat," But DON'T SAY IT!
A simple five-minute Net surf on Wednesday quickly revealed that while the "mainstream" media is fully sizing up Anthony's Weiner, they're also doing their damndest to leave the democrat party's name the hell out of it. Gosh, who would-a figured?
My quick review showed a repeated pattern of either burying or just outright ignoring the party affiliation of Anthony's Weiner. Some outlets, such as Politico.com and LA Times, simply tried to bury the fact that Anthony's Weiner is a "democrat" by making sure only to include that fact paragraphs down in the story.
Other outlets (such as CBS and Huffington Post) couldn't muster up the gumption to even use the word "democrat," instead tossing in the obligatory "(D-N.Y.)" and no other reference to party affiliation.
But at least those outlets made some reference to either a "D" or a buried mention of "democrat." The same can't be said of multiple other "mainstream" outlets -- such as MSNBC, ABC News and New York Times (links to all three below) -- that actually made no reference whatsoever to the party affiliation of Anthony's Weiner!
After all, if you can't say "republican," then say nothing at all, right?! You know, I can't even imagine what it must be like to be a so-called "reporter" for one of these "mainstream" media outlets -- always feeling compelled to do whatever they can to protect the democrat party and the leftist 20 percenters. Must be a suck-shit way to go through life (and no different from any right-wing propagandist masquerading around as a "journalist").
But one thing you can always count on in this space: I'm an equal opportunity jerkwad. If it's funny, interesting and/or over-the-top, I couldn't give a rat's ass which party is involved: I'm going to write about it (see, e.g., republican congressman Chris Lee -- http://independentrage.blogspot.com/2011/02/oh-my-god-lame-goofward-gop-lawmaker.html)
But then again, I actually have a tiny shred of character and am not a robot. What's the "mainstream" media's and the partisans' excuse?