Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Horror for US economy as Data Falls Off Cliff"; "We're On the Verge of a Great, Great Depression." Stop the Press! If Only Anyone Would Listen.

No pictures necessary on this blog post. Frankly, pictures would be inappropriate, because this is the most serious of topics upon which I write. We stand on the edge of economic collapse (links at bottom). And neither party which controls our rotten political system seems very serious about doing anything about it.

The leftist 20 percenter democrat party actually seems to want this to occur so that a new far leftist system can rise from the ashes of what was America. The republicans, meantime, are only minimally serious (in lip service only) about such things as significantly cutting our stifling national debt and permitting our small businesses and industry to start creating jobs, innovation and economic prosperity again.

And almost as frustrating are the ignorant (not dumb, just ignorant) American people at large. Completely oblivious, across the board. More interested in their reality shows and cell phones. I need look no farther than all of the family, friends and work people in my own life. Blotto. No idea of what's coming.

But frankly, I'm yawning at the whole topic. Because I've beaten this drum to death already. Most recently, for example, on April 16...

And on April 25...

So pay no attention, America. I've ceased to care very much. At least about any of you. Don't worry, I'll take care of me and my own only too well, just as I always have. The rest of ya'll: Go f*ck yourselves.