His name is Christopher "Chris" Lee, U.S. Congressman and republican from New York’s 26th District. He’s a rather unassuming dude, as politicians go: Lawmaker, 46 years old, married, with one kid.
So why pray tell would he place ads -- on the "Women Seeking Men" forum on the Craigslist website -- claiming to be a divorced 39-year-old lobbyist, as reported today by Gawker.com (links at bottom)? Talk about a midlife crisis wrapped in a train wreck!
And how about that totally cheesy picture of Lee posing shirtless! Gawker reports that Lee sent that pic to one 34-year-old potential female suitor on Craigslist, as well as the following message: "I'm not a toad. :) i'm a very fit fun classy guy . . . 6ft 190lbs blond/blue. 39..lobbyist. I promise not to disappoint."
Yeah! Nothing says "class" quite like a complete lying charlatan with "disappointment" written all over him. Then this conservative Pinocchio reportedly fired off a message to the same lady complaining that the last person he met from Craigslist "was not as advertised"! The absolute gall of this slippery sleazewad! Pot meet Kettle!
Next, the lady reportedly asked Lee point blank whether he was divorced. "Yes, one child, you?", was Lee’s decidedly deceitful retort. But the vigilant victim of this drivel subsequently did her homework, determining (since Lee the bragadocious brain trust used his real name on the Craigslist ad) that Lee was actually a married Congressman. BUS-TED!
And in case you're holding out any partisan hope that these are all just unverified accusations – they're not. The Craigslist messages were sent through a Gmail account (1) verified by Lee to be his own and (2) associated with Lee's personal Facebook account, Gawker reports.
And while as Gawker's story was breaking today, Lee's handlers initially sniveled around with assertions that Lee's Gmail account might have been "hacked," Lee himself provided the ultimate verification of the truth of Gawker's story tonight by resigning his office just three hours after the story first broke! (Resignation statement pictured above).
Final thoughts: As I've often stated in this space, most American politicians and partisans are complete slimeballs and disingenuous creeps, and it makes absolutely no difference which party the person is in. For every funny story like this one about a republican, there's one about a member of the democrat party.
And while these "people" in both parties have been completely preoccupied with running this great country into the ground over the past 11 years, you have to hand it to them for one thing: They are always good for a great laugh.