Thursday, April 7, 2011
Nine-Year-Olds Allowed to Feel Up Fake Breasts at a Virginia Elementary School! Was Larry David Involved in This One?
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
High Entertainment: Leftist 20 Percenter Nutjobs Beat the Hell Out of EACH OTHER Over an Obama Hitler Sign! They Really Need to Show More Civility.
Cops say some left-wing thugs (a man and a woman), with dogs in tow, yanked the sign from the LaRouche follower's grubby little hands, tore it up in his face and started rocking his table around. That's called "civil" with a capital S (as in Slime).
[We know they were left-wing thugs, BTW, because there's only one deranged right-winger in all of San Francisco – radio talk show host Michael Savage – and he was busy grooming his dog Teddy at the time. Not to mention, I can't see deranged right-wingers ever tearing up an Obama Hitler sign. Hell, they'd want to steal it for their own use!]
But I digress. These two left-wing lunatics weren't satisfied with just ripping up the Obama Hitler sign. The next thing you know, these 20 percenter kooks were pounding their boots right into the LaRouche-ite's above-referenced grubby little hand!
Then the cowardly leftist duo scurried away like a couple of rats before cops could arrive. No arrests yet. Truth be told: Can't we all just get along, leftist 20 percenters? Stop disturbing the damn peace, you brutes!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
What's with Some New Yorkers? When It's Not Horse Head or Dead Fish Messages, They're Hacking Off an Animal's Hoof to Send in the Mail as a Warning!!
We've seen this scene repeated over and over through recent history in the Empire State. First we saw fast-talking, bombastic Hollywood film producer Jack Woltz and his prized $600,000 race horse Khartoum, whom Woltz decided not to race and instead put him out to stud.
Then some deranged mob boss with cotton balls in his jowls (half a continent away in New York) had the beloved Khartoum beheaded, with the old nag's melon mysteriously showing up under Woltz's bed covers (making for quite the 6 a.m. wake-up call, BTW). All that just because the brash Woltz was not a man in a position to be made to look ridiculous. He ain't no band leader, after all.
Next it was the curious case of one Luca Brasi (he lived on the second floor, but wasn't a second story guy). Always a New York muscle man (and quite the pro wrestler under the moniker of The Zebra Kid) and never known for his flaming wit, the "scary guy" was nevertheless enlisted by the supposedly wise Don to go undercover and pull a con job on the murderous Tattaglia brothers.
Seeing right through Brasi's subterfuge (couldn't see that coming), the Tattaglias promptly pinned Brasi's hand to a bar counter with a knife and guillotined the life right out of the fat man from behind. After tossing Brasi's obese hide in the East River, the brazen brothers sent the Don a Sicilian message: A couple of dead fish wrapped inside Luca's bulletproof vest. The warning imparted: "Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes."
But that wasn't the end of the animal abuse. In the decades that followed, Queens resident Tommy DeVito and his friends hit a deer one night on the New Jersey Turnpike. The poor animal got stuck in the car's grill, resulting in a late night visit to the home of Tommy's mama, Catherine Scorsese.
Tommy needed to borrow a giant butcher knife to hack off the deer's hoof (or is it a paw?) and get it the hell out of the car grill. While one man looked one way, and the other man looked the other way, Tommy BTW drafted the big butcher knife into double duty, using it to polish off made man Billy Batts, who just happened to be resting for a spell in the car's trunk. That's when Tommy's BF Henry knew he'd gone from rags to riches (or not).
All of that background now exhaustively detailed, we get to today's news (talk about a NON-inverted pyramid) involving some slimeball hacking off a pig hoof (or is it a paw? foot?) and sending the bloody appendage through first class U.S. mail to one New York U.S. representative and republican Peter King (link to full story at bottom).
King in March led the controversial congressional hearings on the development of radicals within the Muslim-American community, giving people antagonistic to those hearings a motive to pull off the hog hack job that was posted to King.
The very latest tonight is that a note accompanying the swine hoof "contained anti-Semetic ramblings" and "referenced" the hearings, which would appear to make it quite possible that this Perhaps Meccan Message came from none other than some demented individual within the American Muslim community.
But that didn't stop the Council on American-Islamic Relations from actually trying to blame the sloven bloody slab on some right-wing extremist accidentally sending the "message" to the wrong target, i.e. King:
"My guess is it was an anti-Muslim bigot, and bigots not being brain surgeons they probably got their signals crossed," said some braintrust called Ibrahim Hooper (any relation to Tobe or Sonney?) from the Council. Well, bigots aren't the only ones limited in their brain surgery propensities, Mr. Hooper., April 4, 2011
Mine, Baby, Mine! As Fair & Balanced As Moammar Ghadafi on a Tightrope: A Classic Coal Case This Past Weekend of Fox News' Right-Wing Slant…
As a person who constantly calls out the left-wing slant of the so-called "mainstream" media, I also get sick & tired of Fox News claiming (example link at bottom) that while its evening show hosts may slant to the right, the network's regular news coverage does not. Phooey! An example from Sunday:
It was seemingly a rather innocent story that I just happened to view as background noise as I was working on a brief. It was titled onscreen as "Coal Industry Gets Boost Over Nuclear Power Concerns." Only problem? There was absolutely nothing in the story supporting the proposition that the coal industry is actually going to "get a boost" through increased coal demand because of "concerns" over nuclear power following the Japanese earthquake and tsunami.
Instead, first they trotted out some coal company executive who said his company was expanding. The dude made no reference to this generic expansion being in any way attributable to concerns over nuclear power or even being because of increased demand. Hell, for all we know, his company has been doing well in recent years and now they're looking to expand. Who the hell knows?
Next Fox wheels out some purported "expert" talking head who speculates that American coal exports will be increasing in years to come, but the guy doesn't tie that to nuclear concerns. He didn't say anything about such a link. As a matter of fact, no one in the story did say anything about such a link except for the reporter. Of course, there was the obligatory reference to Obama's minions revoking coal mining licenses in Kentucky and West Virginia.
This is not journalism. This is raising innuendo and purposefully supporting a political view that you espouse (here, that overbearing Obama coal regulation is bad and may threaten this alleged new wave of coal demand) through a story that has no real substance to it. That's called advocacy. There's nothing journalistic about it.
So please realize that when I rail on the so-called "mainstream" media, I recognize that Fox News is no better. All peas in the same partisan pods. Only a blinded and/or disingenuous partisan ideologue would argue otherwise.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
NATO Forces Kill Almost Two Dozen Libyan Rebels & Civilians in the Past 48 Hours: Their Blood Is on Your Hands, Mr. President.
On your hands, Mr. Obama, especially since 20 percenter leftists such as yourself went around for years saying that the blood of those killed in that bullshit war in Iraq was on Bush's hands (which it was, BTW). What's good for the Bush is good for the leftist, methinks. And I thought the idea was to kill Moammar Ghadafi's troops, not the rebel ones?
First on Friday seven Libyan civilians were accidentally killed (so-called "collateral damage") by NATO bombardament. Then today came the news that at least 13 (15 or more by some reports, such as the linked one) Libyan rebels were accidentally killed by bombing from a NATO plane. (Link to full story at bottom).
I'm clearly on record on this blog that my standard for getting involved in wars and/or military operations in foreign countries is that the involvement be absolutely necessary. And Libya ain't it. Not even close. Now we're over there killing innocent civilians as well as the same rebels we're allegedly there to help.
Maybe Obama can trot out Secretary of War Gates again to try to explain away these latest innocent killings as "Ghadafi placing corpses at the scene of bombings to make it look like people were killed." Pathetic. Can you imagine the left-slanting "mainstream" media backlash if that idiot Bush had tried to put one over like that on the collateral deaths in Iraq?
It's time to get us the hell out of there, Mr. Obama. And I mean all the way out, not simply relinquishing some of our operations to other NATO forces. But I know you won't do that.
Because you're an absolute hypocrite, the same as most of your fellow 20 percenter leftists (the tiny swath of the country whom you actually represent, Mr. President): If a democrat party member holds the White House, most of the leftist 20 percenters either remain silent or actually try to defend the president when he engages in warfare and efforts at neoconservative-style regime change.
But if a republican is in the White House, katy bar the damn door! They go ape$hit in the streets! Slimeball stuff.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Taking Tree Huggin' to Whole New Heights, An Environmentalist Circus Clown Shinnies Her Way Up a Tree, Clowns Around, & Refuses to Come Down!
If she'd been Doink the evil wrestling clown (pictured immediately above), she would have just clocked the local mayor one right in the kisser. But being the peace-lovin' greenie gagster that she is, she chose a different avenue of comedic expression: Scaling a tree "to protest cutting down trees."
NBC Miami reports Ana Rodriguez – the eagle-freakin' joker in the clown outfit – didn't much care for the Palm Beach, Florida, city council's decision "to allow development of [the local Briger Forest] for a Scripps Research lab." Not by a flower-lapel water (errr, long) shot.
Now while your average circus clown might take the ordinary civilian route of calling councilmen, writing them letters, or showing up at city council meetings, Rodriguez had a different form of dissent in mind: Climbing a big tree and refusing to come down. What else was she gonna do, right!?
But this prankster preservationist does take after Doink in one respect: Employing the menacing "sad clown" look instead of your garden-variety gleeful clown get-up (which is SO circus clown last summer).
Indeed, the linked report indicates that Rodriguez is quite the ecological exhibitionist, calling the media in advance of her treehuggin' romp in the forest. She even clumb the ol' tree with a protest sign in tow that read, "Dead Forests are no joke." (Personally, I would have used, "Dead Forests are no laughing matter.").
But this madcap naturalist started to run afoul of the law (allegedly) when she refused to make her way down from her nest-side perch and instead forced the local fire department to scurry to the scene, fire up one of its big lift contraptions, and forcibly remove this nature lovin' jester from her birdseye pulpit. (Cops were down there on the ground, BTW, to slap the ol' cuffs on this zany tree-drolling luddite faster than you can say pine-lovin' picador.)
Shockingly absent from the news accounts of this story are any quotes from those firefighters! I mean this a fertile area of material. I'm thinking a question such as, "You guys often get called to a scene to pull a cat down from a tree, but did you ever think you'd get here today to find a stubborn, deranged circus clown up there?"
As for Rodriguez, now this granola snarfin' jokester may have to run her next set of conservationist cut-up antics in the Fun House, as she reportedly may face a bit of hard time in the harlequin hoosegow on charges of trespassing and "resisting arrest without violence." I wonder if they have any trees in "the yard"?
Friday, April 1, 2011
SHOCK: New Poll Shows that Either Gary Busey or Kate Gosselin Would Win Three-Way 2012 Presidential Race with Obama and Sarah Palin!
...This according to a new Rasmussen poll this week. I suppose that given Obama's recent deflated poll (even despite his hot, yet overbearing, wife) and Palin's in-the-tank polling numbers for the past several months, perhaps crazy polling data like the new Rasmussen result shouldn't come as such a big shocker.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
"Obama's Approval Hits New Low" While "Hillary Nears All-Time High": Might We See a Clinton Primary Challenge to Obama in 2012?
"Clinton's favorable rating from Americans is now 66%, up from 61% in July 2010 and her highest rating to date while serving in the Obama administration. The current rating is just one percentage point below her all-time high rating of 67%, from December 1998 [following the Bill/Monica Lewinsky scandal]."
But not such good news for the president, as Obama's poll is definitely not rising, even given Michelle's general attractiveness. As reports this week on a new Quinnipiac University poll:
"Half of registered voters surveyed for the poll think that the president does not deserve a second term in office, while 41% say he does. In another Quinnipiac poll released just four weeks ago, 45% said the president did not deserve reelection, while 47% said he did."
The 41% number is a "record low" for Obama, says Politico. [Interestingly, the Gallup polling data puts Obama's approval rating at above 50%, which on its face would not seem to jive with the Quinnipiac poll. However, my assumption is that the discrepancy has a hell of a lot to do with the fact that Quinnipiac polled registered voters, while it doesn't appear that Gallup imposed such a restriction (polling "Americans" in general, apparently.]
All of this new polling begs the question raised more than once before: Would Hillary consider a 2012 democrat party primary challenge from Obama's "right"? It still remains unlikely, and would presumably require Clinton (sooner rather than later) to resign as secretary of state (the enemy fleeing the gates, so to speak).
But if Obama's approval rating with registered voters continues to linger well under 50% in the months to come, he suddenly becomes very vulnerable in the general election despite (1) the huge inherent advantage he has in that election as the incumbent president and (2) the fact that the likely republican challenger will come from the current odd assortment of boring white male retreads and never-weres.
If it becomes pretty clear that Obama may be more likely than not to lose in 2012, I could see Clinton seriously considering tossing her hat into the primary ring. She's previously claimed to rule out a run in 2012, but these politicians all the time change their mind on such things (and make statements taking opposite positions from the past) and are rarely held accountable for it by much of anyone (except me).
Make no mistake, I believe I'm pretty clearly on record that I don't like Clinton and don't think I could ever vote for her. Frankly, as far to the left that the democrat party of today is, I doubt I'll ever again in my life vote for a democrat (I almost always vote for third party candidates).
But if we have to have either Obama or Clinton as president and no one else, give me Clinton because while she's certainly no "moderate" in my eyes, she's also not nearly as hardcore far leftist 20 percenter as Obama. She in many ways takes after her slimeball husband (whom I once voted for, believe it or not!) in that regard:
Like her husband, Hillary is very politically calculated in every single thing she does and will act "moderate" when she feels it's in her best political interests while acting more pure leftist when she sees a political advantage to doing that. Obama's not nearly as good at this. He was good at the "moderate" act during the 2008 campaign, but his efforts to pull it off as president since the distastrous 2010 midterm elections have been lackluster at best.
In other words, Obama's no Bubba! (Or Hillary, for that matter). And that fact could just result in continued poor polling numbers that would lead a Hillary Clinton to seriously consider a primary run. As consummate politicians (very much a derogatory description in my mind, BTW) such as Clinton are fond of often saying: "I wouldn't rule it out."