Friday, April 1, 2011

SHOCK: New Poll Shows that Either Gary Busey or Kate Gosselin Would Win Three-Way 2012 Presidential Race with Obama and Sarah Palin!

...This according to a new Rasmussen poll this week. I suppose that given Obama's recent deflated poll (even despite his hot, yet overbearing, wife) and Palin's in-the-tank polling numbers for the past several months, perhaps crazy polling data like the new Rasmussen result shouldn't come as such a big shocker.

But STILL: Gary Busey?!? Dude's nuttier than a Christmas (am I still allowed to use that term in the United States, BTW?) fruitcake! More demented than 30 days solitary confinement in a Mississippi $hithouse! More out there than John Hinckley on holiday on the planet Neptune. More bananas than even a gorilla would eat. More crackers would go really great with my Wendy's chili, thank you. [Sorry, I'm in the drive through at the moment.]

And how about Kate Freakin' Gosselin in that new poll?!? She makes Palin's Diva Ways look like Sandy Olsson at Frenchy's slumber party. She makes Obama's arrogance and condescension look like Kwai Chang Caine bowing down to Master Po. She makes very little food, and even less love, reportedly.

All that being said, I guess whom better to take on a deranged right-winger like Palin and a loony left-winger like Obama than a madman straight out the funny farm and an extremely high maintenance reality star straight out the snake pit, no?

And where in the hell is Rasmussen drawing its polling sample from anyway, BTW? The local nuthouse? Yeah, that's real scientific, there, Rasmussen.