Sunday, April 3, 2011

NATO Forces Kill Almost Two Dozen Libyan Rebels & Civilians in the Past 48 Hours: Their Blood Is on Your Hands, Mr. President.

On your hands, Mr. Obama, especially since 20 percenter leftists such as yourself went around for years saying that the blood of those killed in that bullshit war in Iraq was on Bush's hands (which it was, BTW). What's good for the Bush is good for the leftist, methinks. And I thought the idea was to kill Moammar Ghadafi's troops, not the rebel ones?

First on Friday seven Libyan civilians were accidentally killed (so-called "collateral damage") by NATO bombardament. Then today came the news that at least 13 (15 or more by some reports, such as the linked one) Libyan rebels were accidentally killed by bombing from a NATO plane. (Link to full story at bottom).

I'm clearly on record on this blog that my standard for getting involved in wars and/or military operations in foreign countries is that the involvement be absolutely necessary. And Libya ain't it. Not even close. Now we're over there killing innocent civilians as well as the same rebels we're allegedly there to help.

Maybe Obama can trot out Secretary of War Gates again to try to explain away these latest innocent killings as "Ghadafi placing corpses at the scene of bombings to make it look like people were killed." Pathetic. Can you imagine the left-slanting "mainstream" media backlash if that idiot Bush had tried to put one over like that on the collateral deaths in Iraq?

It's time to get us the hell out of there, Mr. Obama. And I mean all the way out, not simply relinquishing some of our operations to other NATO forces. But I know you won't do that.

Because you're an absolute hypocrite, the same as most of your fellow 20 percenter leftists (the tiny swath of the country whom you actually represent, Mr. President): If a democrat party member holds the White House, most of the leftist 20 percenters either remain silent or actually try to defend the president when he engages in warfare and efforts at neoconservative-style regime change.

But if a republican is in the White House, katy bar the damn door! They go ape$hit in the streets! Slimeball stuff.