Friday, April 17, 2015

Hey, Lots of Really Old People Don't In Fact Have Dementia: UK Newspaper Cover Actually Seems to Imply that Hilary Has Alzeimer's!

That's a front page from UK's The Independent this week. And I don't care too much for the insinuation either...

Sure, Hilary's a decrepit old war horse out of the past. Sure, she's a lying sack of entitled excrement to boot. But someone needs to tell The Independent that there's a difference between (1) a person who goes around knowingly spouting fraudulent statements about past events and (2) a person who simply misremembers the past after losing their marbles to Alzeimer's.

I just haven't seen any credible evidence that Hilary currently has on-set Alzeimer's symptoms, a la right-winger hero Ronald Reagan in his second term.  Hilary may be pushing 70, but she ain't quite arrived at ol' Ronnie's mid-1980s age just yet.  Give her to around 2018, however, and let's reconvene on the issue.  Deal?