Thursday, June 19, 2014

Non-Cooperative: NBC News' White House Bloviator Chuck Todd Actually Declares Obama Presidency "Over" in the Eyes of the Public Based on Recent Dismal Poll Numbers. Man, Chuck Could Sure Use Some Straightenin' Out!

Doesn't this Todd guy know you can't just go around talking like that?  Who the fuck does this guy think he is, anyway?  I say give his sorry beltway reporter ass the complete Nixonian treatment, Mr. President.  Just like you're best at!

First, get the IRS all up in this dude's shit, Mr. President, since he's obviously a racist and likely a closet tea partier. He deserves it!  Just be sure to Deep Six into oblivion any and all emails discussing the need for the harassment (errr, attitude adjustment).

Next, Mr. President, get Holder and Justice, or the NSA or CIA, or whomever the fuck may be required, to get up and runnin' on this asshole's phones, computers, mobile devices, texts, email accounts, etc., etc. The whole nine yards.  The full-on Sharyl Attkisson playbook and then some, Your Majesty. Remember: You can't make a bull into a steer without breaking a few laws.

And just for good measure, Mr. President, crank up your social media minions to put this enemy in his place. Methinks there's nary a disagreeable opinion out there that can't be squelched out with a few well-chosen boycott campaigns, calls for firing, and/or hashtag movements. Sky's the limit, baby!

So Let's Move on this, Mr. President!  Allowing critical or dissenting viewpoints like Todd's to go undeterred and unpunished simply cannot be tolerated in any civil leftist society. You know that! So that's my pep talk. Now get to work on it, ya silly 20 percenter bastard, ya!