Monday, September 30, 2013

I Do Not Agree With gop-er party Threatening a Government Shutdown Unless the democrat party Agrees to a Delay or Defunding of Obamacare. And I Have My Own Particular, Independent Reasons...

I really despise commenting on this ongoing drama. I hate letting these two rotten parties dictate anything to me, such as what I must comment on in terms of political stories. But this one is of a magnitude that I would feel negligent if I was not to comment...

As should be obvious, I would love the far leftist monstrosity known as Obamacare to be thwarted or to be delayed. Obamacare is one of the ugliest pieces of legislation ever passed in American history -- massive, historically huge doctrinaire legislation foisted into law, for the first time in history, on a straight party-line vote.

And against the will of the American people, who have consistently opposed this leftist turd before and after its passing. That said, the gop-ers need to find a different route to try to defeat or delay Obamacare.

This is an issue that revolves around the mentality that the "ends justify the means." The leftists who control the democrat party and the right-wingers who control the gop-er party believe, to the last, that the ends always justify the means. Always.

Just like we saw the leftists strong-arm Obamacare into law on a tidal wave of legislative bribery, procedural gimmicks, and utter disregard for the sentiments of the American people. And just like the gop-ers would now use similar tactics, by trying to derail unpopular leftist legislation, which did legally pass, through political standoffs and high drama rather than by legitimately winning enough seats and votes in Congress to bring an end to this ill-conceived piece of leftist cow dung legislation.

I worry about the precedent this will set. Since once the gop-ers do it, the democrat party will look for their first opportunity to derail a passed gop-er law through threats of tying it to some completely unrelated issue (like the continued funding of the federal government, as the gop-ers push now)...

Much like the gop-ers in the future will look for their first opportunity to foist some right-winger piece of legislation into law through buying off senators and shady use of procedural gimmicks like "reconciliation" -- just as the democrat party used to force Obamacare down our throats.

This is a never-ending cycle. These two rotten parties using rotten tactics, incessantly providing the other side with an excuse to do the very same thing in the future. These are not decent parties. They are not parties of good will towards the American people. These are a disease, closely resembling an evil, which this country needs to biopsy, remove and exorcise. Just in case anyone thought that I didn't have an opinion.