Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Boring-Old-Party: Looks Like Leftist 20 Percenters Need Not Worry About Romney Selecting Marco Rubio or Any Other "Sexy" VP Pick...

...what with (after a few weeks of complete silence on the Romney VP front) Monday's seemingly well-researched and well-written article at Politico.com (by Mike Allen & Jim "G. Castanza" Vandehei) reporting that the Romney camp plans (and is reportedly actually looking very forward to) selecting an "Incredibly Boring White Guy" to be Romney's running mate.

Gee whiz:  (1) republic partisan gop-er party and (2) "incredibly boring white guys."  Never would a' thunk to put those two descriptions together before.

(Must say, these two rotten parties really do excel at making it so easy to be (and remain) an Independent.  That's perhaps their most high-level and consistent talent, truth be told.)
