This rather pathetic story began when 28-year-old Australian Navy Seaman Warren Clark (pictured above) broke up with his girlfriend and asked her to move out of his apartment. Can't have that, now can we?!? So his old lady -- 22-year-old Kira Lee Gould -- naturally tried to take out her revenge (and then some) by doing a makeup job on her melon to make it look like the old man had slapped her all 'round the joint.
Next up was a trip down to the local police station, where the old lady -- full phony makeup get-up and all -- allegedly reported to cops that the old man had raped and beaten the shit out of her. Based on those allegations, cops tossed Clark's ass right in the hoosegow and raided his apartment, where they found weed (AKA la paca lolo!) and an illegal stun gun.

Never mind that the old lady's makeup masquerade and rape-and-battery tale were reportedly found by cops to be a "complete fabrication." And the saddest part of this story ain't even the old man's plight. Possess and get caught with illegal weapons and drugs and be prepared to pay the piper, young man.
Nope, the most pathetic thing here is that Aussie cops declined to level any charges against the old lady for her completely fraudulent and false felony police report! So apparently crime and falsehood pretenses pay in Australia, boys and girls (just like everything else that's backwards and upside down there). Just so long as you don't toss a "Before Christ" into the equation.