The new survey data from a marketing agency called 11mark reveals several startling and rather unsanitary trends in Americans' crapper usage, which is apparently becoming more and more indistinguishable from Americans' phone usage:
-"75% of people have texted, emailed, used apps or surfed the web while nature calls."
-"More than 90% of people between 28 and 35 will return a call or text" while seated in the sh*tter.

I can just imagine that last one would "sit" real well with the bossman and/or a client or customer upon discovery: "Jimmy, what gives with all the waterfall noises on your end? And did someone there just break wind? If I didn't know better, I'd say you were taking this important call from a damn shithouse."
As for me, I'm sticking with the 20 percenter anti-pooper surfer minority. We're a small group. And we have no lobby. But you can be damn sure glad if you ever have occasion to need to borrow one of our smartphones in a fix.