Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Who's Van Jones?" VP Joe Biden Claims He's Not Familiar With Obama's Former "Green Jobs" Czar. And You Know What? I Might Actually Believe Him...

True, there seems to be no shortage of Obama underlings these days claiming they're not familiar with things when it seems obvious from documentary evidence that they are (see Obama's absolutely disgraceful attorney general, Eric Holder, and the ongoing "Fast & Furious" scandal -- third link at bottom). But Biden making the facially preposterous claim this week that he's not sure who former Obama "czar" Van Jones is (first link at bottom) may actually be a distinguishable situation.

After all, Jones -- the self-described "communist" and admitted 9/11 conspiracy theorist -- wasn't around very long following his appointment by Obama in 2009 AD. Once Jones' rather radical (about the nicest way I can put it) viewpoints came to light in public, Obama forced his ass to the curb (errr, to resign) around midnight on a Saturday night in early September 2009 AD.

(Jones, BTW, was back in the news this week as he likened the largely incoherent, leftist 20-something Wall Street protesters (pictured below) to the so-called "Arab Spring" revolutions and called on the Wall Street protesters to mount an "October offensive" here in the United States (second link at bottom). Swell dude, no?)

So we're talking about one of Obama's crazy czars who wasn't around long in that position and then took a midnight train going anywhere so that the story could be buried with scant media attention over a weekend back in September 2009 AD. Given those oddball circumstances, how in the hell was Biden supposed to know about Jones or who he was??? (Not to mention, Biden's never been accused of being the brightest firefly in the Shit House.)

I can still recall the complete chickenshit move that was Jones' "resignation" late that Saturday night (my blog post from that weekend is the fourth link at bottom). But then again, I follow this crap rather closely (don't ever let all my crazy crime and T&A coverage fool ya) -- more closely, apparently, than even the vice president of the United States. Or so he'd have you believe.



