Thursday, October 27, 2011
Falling on Deaf Ears: "Pass This Jobs Bill Now . . . We Can't Wait!"
With unemployment at 10%, there was plenty of time for waiting around in 2009 AD, when this individual spent 10 months focusing on his far leftist monstrosity of a health care bill.
And there was plenty of time for waiting around in 2010 AD, when this individual played a ton of golf and enjoyed his vacationing.
And there was plenty of time for waiting around in the first half of 2011 AD, when this individual focused on unnecessary neoconservative military involvements in Libya and bragging up the execution of Bin Laden.
Meantime the employment rate has hovered between 8% and 10% since 2009 AD. But nothing like an election one year out to finally get an individual's attention.
America's unemployment nightmare is, after all, a great crisis to be capitalized upon by half-hearted leftist spending legislation (titled "jobs bill") never intended to pass but instead concocted to create campaign talking points.
And we the American people ever did what, precisely, to deserve 12 years of ruin wrought by this individual and his equally incompetent and moronic predecessor?