Monday, August 1, 2011

The Worst Nightmare of the gop: Donald Trump Again Floats the Idea of Running for President as an Independent...

The latest pronouncement from Trumper has him saying he will strongly consider tossing his hat into the ring as an Independent if the economy "continues to be bad" and if the republic partisans "pick the wrong candidate" as their nominee (link at bottom). As I've said before, I'd love him to jump in.

I question whether I could ever actually vote for him. While he's part crazy like a fox, he's also part just plain crazy. He's also very volatile and prone to politically stupid moves (see embracing the "birthers"). But it's just that unpredictability that leads me to encourage him to run.

Can you imagine the high entertainment that the normally snooze-fest general election debates would become with the Donald in there? Him mixing it up with the sorry likes of Obama and whatever stiff the republic partisans nominate would be something I'd pay money to see.

And yes, I'm fully aware that Trump running as an Independent would basically guarantee Obama wins re-election. I couldn't care less. As I often say, while Obama is one of the two worst presidents of my lifetime, guess whom the other is?

That's right, his republic partisan predecessor W Bush. I have absolutely no confidence that whomever the republic partisans nominate will be any less destructive and any better than Obama and W. So let Obama win if it means we get to see Trumper raisin' a ruckus in the general election. It's worth the price of admission.