Sunday, July 31, 2011

Just What I Said on Thursday: "Neither [the democrat nor gop] Debt Ceiling Plan Protects the Nation's AAA Credit Rating," Says Moody's. Pathetic.

While this pronouncement of credit rating agency Moody's came this weekend (link at bottom), the worst part is that Standard & Poor has been telling both of our pathetic political parties the same thing for over a week, and yet the partisan slimeballs on both sides ignored the advice.

Simply put, neither the Boehner republic partisan plan nor the Reid democrat party plan cuts nearly enough from future deficit spending to ensure that the federal government's Triple A bond rating continues.

That means that all this partisan venom of recent days over the two competing "plans" has been insulting to the intelligence, largely irrelevant, and not worth a minute of your time to pay attention to. These slimy parties will likely reach a "deal" very soon to increase the debt ceiling, but the "deal" will very much risk a downgrade in the U.S. credit rating.

There are no winners here. No good guys. Don't give either party any credit whatsoever when they reach their "deal." And most certainly don't afford an ounce of credit to Obama -- who never offered his own plan in this whole debacle and showed all the leadership ability of a swamp slug. If ever there was a need for a strong third political party in this country, it is now. But it's almost too late.