Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Deranged Right-Wingers & Loony Left-Wingers Run Amok, Seek to Form New Leftist 51st State and to Allow Students to Pack Heat in College Classrooms...

They really are devoted to this shit. When they're not busy running the country and its economy into the ground, then their primary devotion is always to turn this into a country that most of us in middle America do not know and do not want to see. And so it is on Tuesday that we get just two more insane examples of the leftist 20 percenters who control the democrat party and deranged right-winger conservatives who control the republicans going apeshit on the country's fringes. If only those fringes didn't control our two political parties. (Links at bottom).

Nothing Says the Need for Concealed Firearm Protection Quite Like a Stuffy College Classroom

Look at these right-winger republicans in Texas, led by goofwad governor Rick Perry (pictured above firing off a pistol like he was Yosemite Sam). To the deranged right-wingers, our right to bear arms (as protected by the Second Amendment) should extend to everything and with no limitations: To them, you should be allowed to carry a concealed firearm, any firearm, any damn place you want and any damn time you want to do so. Just like the old Wild West!

And so we get Texas senate republican lawmakers (with Perry's encouragement) doing their best impersonation of DC leftist 20 percenter lawmakers in 2009 and 2010 and jamming through a measure that would permit the carrying of concealed firearms in Texas college classrooms. Yep, they rammed it right on through, "attaching it to a spending bill after failing to pass it alone." Sure sounds familiar. Can you say health care monstrosity, Black Christmas and Sunday Bloody Sunday?

Of course, goof-job conservative freaks will point to isolated instances such as the Virginia Tech massacre from a few years ago as supposed justification for such a crazy measure. But what about the much more common occurrence of some deranged teen going Columbine in some secondary school? Happens all the time. So why don't we arm high schoolers and middle schoolers too? Likewise, violence much more frequently breaks out in courtrooms and at sporting events. So let's make a law saying I carry a cannon into those places as well?

This is just more out-of-touch right-wing radicalism the like of which does not play at all in middle America and only reinforces my view that while I may completely fear the leftist 20 percenters and what they want to accomplish, I've got no place in my life for the right-wingers or the party they control, either. They can feel free to go f*ck themselves just the same.

Does This Mean the 3 or 4 Non-Leftist 20 Percenters Who Live in San Francisco Can Break Off and Form Their Own 52nd State?

Also in the news Tuesday are leftist 20 percenter loons in southern Arizona who want to break away and form their own 51st state called "Baja Arizona." While they're at it, why don't they go back and re-fight the Civil War, since that was the last time that a new state (West Virginia) successfully broke off from an existing state.

Of course, this kind of talk is just as radical, stupid and crazy as when the right-wingers make noises about breaking entire states (such as Texas) completely away from the union. Wait, I've got an idea:

How about if some of us Independents here in Kansas City take a portion of midtown and break away from Kansas and Missouri and form a new state? We could call it Ragertopia. All we want is a little self-governance, after all. We don't feel our interests are being that well-represented by the deranged-right wingers of Kansas and the loony left-wingers that control Kansas City, Missouri. Give us a new state, damn it! And while you're at it, give us our two U.S. Senators!

Of course, that would be insane. Demented. Reckless. Extreme. In other words, the precise image that I wake up with every day when I look at this once-great country which I scarcely recognize any longer.
