Thursday, April 21, 2011

He Was a Nicotine Fiend, Literally: Subway Hobo Allegedly Goes Joe Pesci, Slashes Up Woman's Face w/ a Pen, After She Asks Him Not to Smoke on Train!

This was like something out of the '90s motion picture Casino (video at the top). In that scene, Joe Pesci takes exception to a few choice words uttered by another guy at a bar and then proceeds to stab the guy about the head, neck and breast with a pen. (Amusingly, that scene was not even close to being the most violent scene in that film, but I digress).

That scene showed that it's never a good idea to insult a "Friend of Mine" of a Made Man, just like (apparently) it's a not good idea on the subway to try to stop a homeless bum from lighting up a cigarette. And I betcha 45-year-old Evelyn Seeger won't ever try that one again.

Cops in the Big Apple say it all started earlier this week when 35-year-old vagrant Caroberto Cordero tried to fire up a fag right there on the train. Mind you, smoking's not allowed on NYC subways, as you might've guessed.

Evelyn got wind of what this tobacco-tokin' tramp was trying to pull off and asked him not to smoke on the train. But all that accomplished was to get the ciggy-lovin' vagabond all riled up, turning him into one "All-American Nightmare" (allegedly)!

First he reportedly "produced a huge lighter" and "began waving a high flame in front of [Evelyn's] face." Said one eyewitness: "I saw the flame from the lighter - it was a few inches high. It was pretty hardcore."

This little cat-and-mouse flame game apparently went on for a spell, as one witness says "he was lighting the flame in her face, taunting her with the flame, and she was yelling 'stop it!'"

The next thing you know, Evelyn was reportedly all up in this flaming floater's grill and trying to snatch the huge cigarette lighter from his hands -- an effort that witnesses say was ultimately successful. But that's when all hell broke loose!

His lovable lighter now confiscated, witnesses say Coroberto proceeded to "throw a nicotine fit," "whipped out a pen, and plunged it into the woman's head." Witnesses say the "crazed homeless man" used the pen to slash Evelyn's face "right from her temple to her nose." This homeless hack the ripper also allegedly stabbed Evelyn in the eye just for good measure.

[The linked account from Britain's Daily Mail actually makes a joke about this deranged gypsy not having access to a Blackberry like the ordinary subway commuter, which forced the gasper-puffing gasher to "resort to more old-fashioned technology" when it came to his weapon of choice (allegedly). That's sick.]

With "blood gushing" from Evelyn's face, "pandemonium broke out as passengers desperately tried to get out of the way." Some of the passengers also ran to tell the conductor what had happened.

While I'd think that getting the quickest medical attention for Evelyn would have been the top priority, the conductor reportedly slowed down the train because he wanted to make sure the cops had time to get to the station before the train arrived there.

Meantime, Evelyn was still bleeding. Passengers reportedly ran from car to car shouting the proverbial "is there a doctor in the house," which apparently yielded no takers.

Ultimately, about the only medical attention Evelyn received on the train came in the form of some paltry napkins from fellow passengers "to staunch her wounds." She was finally taken to a hospital, where the latest reports list her in stable condition. "It was the craziest train ride I've ever had," spouted one passenger.

As for that coffin nailin' crazy, Cordero -- cops busted his homeless hide on charges of felony assault and criminal possession of a weapon. So it looks like this face-hacking hobo (allegedly) will be inhaling his cancer sticks inside a different kind of "pen" for quite some time to come. Maybe he can try his "big flame" trick on some of the cons and bulls when they inevitably order him to cease his little smoke job?