Hottie Garcia is seeking political asylum in the United States after having her life threatened by these sub-human pieces of reptilian slime known as the Mexican drug cartels. These are total scuzbucket cowards who go around raping and beheading women and gunning down and knifing men in the backside -- You SLIMES.
The news today is that hot toots Garcia did not show up for work and has been given her walking papers by the town (link to full story at bottom). I'm sure this Latin firebrand and devoted criminology student is all torn up over the town's decision. Good riddance, more like it.
There also seems to be a lot of Net discussion that she may be denied political asylum by Obama's government. So let me get this straight: We care little about securing the Mexican border and letting illegals (and likely Al Qaeda alike) pour across it daily like it was a feces hole in an Alabama $hithouse, but we won't let this brave and gorgeous honeybaby into the United States on grounds of political persecution?
Well, I suppose there is a reason (or thousands) why I will never in my life ever vote for anyone in the 20-percenter democrat party ever again. But that aside, if this sweetcheeks is ultimately granted asylum, I will be the first to applaud our leftist-controlled federal government for the decision, because it'll be the right one – which is all that matters in the final estimation.
BTW, from the criteria for political asylum set forth in the linked story – persecution based on (among other things) political views or membership in a particular social group suffices – I have no earthly idea why this sweetcakes would not be accepted.
Ain't rocket science: She's being persecuted for a political view – being anti-Drug Cartel sleazewads – and for a being a member of a particular social group – i.e. decent human beings opposed to the social group inhabited by the bullying, murderous, cowardly scum known as the Mexican Drug Cartels.
So let's permit this Miss Hotcakes Garcia into the United States. Sounds like she'd be a real credit to our American population. Hell, as Burgess Meredith's Mickey Goldmill character from Rocky might say, "Ah, she'd be an improvement!"