The hour-long show on the website Ustream.tv reportedly garnered over 100,000 viewers (but is that really even very many in this day & age?) in its first 15 minutes, but those numbers plummeted as the train wreck TV show stumbled and bumbled its way towards its thankful ending. Even Sheen himself disavowed the show afterwards on Twitter (read on). And it's little wonder why.
The show was basically little more than Sheen "blabbering endlessly" through a bizarre monologue and rant, with the "visibly sweating" non-A-list actor in a dollar-sign T-shirt and constantly reading from cue cards and notes as if it was a Rush Slimebaugh radio show rather than a visual presentation. Many of Sheen's words were "unintelligible."
The motley crew of oddballs hanging around didn't help either. First among the "misfit pals," there was one of his multiple girlfriends – 24-year-old marijuana magazine model Natalie "Nattie Baby" Kenly, who at one point sat on Sheen's lap (first picture above). Kenly didn't have much to say, but she did provide an incessant stream of giggles from back in the cheap seats.
Also present was Sheen's old freaky-looking personal assistant Rick Calamaro (the other dude sporting the black hat) and some other hanger-on in the background.
The show started with a real bang – "fart noises and endless references to 'winning' " – and ended on a similar high note: Sheen "drinking from a sippy cup," "repeating the word 'duh' " over and over again, and reading poetry. But you can't have a show without a middle as well, and that's where the insanity really got rolling:
-Charlie has a new tattoo that he wants everyone to see! It says "WINNING." Wow, breaking news on that one. Stop the damn press! (Picture above)
-Ranted Sheen: "Guess what we were doing all day, every second of the day? Winning!"
-Responding the recent statement of addiction expert Dr. Drew Pinsky that Sheen is bi-polar, Sheen shot back, "I'm not bi-bolar, I'm bi-winning." Very lame, BTW, but if he had said "bi-curious", then he might have actually broke some news during this tirade! Not that there's anything wrong with that.
-He also had this blast aimed at Pinsky and TV host Nancy Grace: "You wish you guys were winning but you're not. What's the opposite of winning? Losing." Gee -- Profound, to the last. NOW I really know why those 100,000 were tuning in! (Or not).
-Sheen also put his John Hancock on a Polaroid pic and promised a fan that he'd be mailing it to him. Said Sheen: "Even though the post office is closed tomorrow . . . we are winning so we'll get this out immediately." [Still bet it doesn't go out til Monday morning at the earliest -- winning or succeeding has little to do with the U.S. Post Office or any most other federal government business venture.]
-Although he obviously hasn't abandoned the "winning" concept, Sheen during the show also broke out what appears to be his new catchphrase – "PLAN BETTER." For example, when girlfriend Nattie Kenly said she'd recently "stepped on her dress and tripped up the stairs," Sheen proclaimed, "Plan Better!" A more original line or catchphrase has perhaps never been uttered in the history of civilized man. (Or not).
-Sheen said during the broadcast that Obama was going to be calling in at any moment. When that never happened, Sheen told the audience to "have absolute faith that it will." News Flash to the Deranged One known as Charlie: If you're waiting around for Obama to do much of anything that people in general or Middle America expect him to do, then you're in store for a very long wait, pal.
-Sheen also spoke on current events, such as BYU mindlessly kicking basketball player Brandon Davies off the team for having pre-marital sex: "Dude, you knew the rules going in," Sheen attempted to reason. With color commentary like that, who needs Troy Aikman! And this from a slimeball in 46-year-old Sheen who goes around banging 19-year-old porn stars as a hobby! Hypocrite.
Although Sheen promised at the end of the show to return the next night, I don't think we're going to see an Episode 2 of this sad display anytime soon. Viewers and Net critics alike have been blasting the show ever since it mercifully left the air the other night.
Even Sheen himself seems to have an ounce of sound mind when it comes to the issue, Tweeting afterward: "Last night was treasonous to the movement. My bad. A video solution coming soon."
For that, Sheen at least gets an "A" for exhibiting some rational thought for once, although the "video solution" pledge sounds only too ominous. I really wish he hadn't said that part. Really though.