Harvey (of Vero Beach, Florida) was previously convicted for repeatedly finding her sweet spot and having sex with her son's 16-year-old friend and teammate from the local high school baseball team.
Now Harvey's reportedly on the lam to foul territory following a February 25 deadline to turn herself in to start serving her 30-year bit in the pokey. She took her ball and left home, you might say.
After her conviction, Harvey was let out of the can on a $150,000 bond while she tried to have her conviction thrown out at second base. But with her appeals now being exhausted, this daisy cuttin' dame was supposed to report for freezer duty by February 25. She never showed up.
Prosecutors say that Harvey's now on the run faster than a Stephen Strasburg heater, and she could be anywhere. Better put a tarp over the ball field, a lock on the stadium gate, and call Dog the Bounty Hunter.
You can't really say this ballpark cougar has played the smartest or best baseball during the course of her criminal case – no spot in Cooperstown for her. First she rejected a plea deal that would have given her around 11 years in the hoosegow – a veritable free pass.
But instead of taking the intentional walk, this hardballin' hussy won the Triple Crown -- 30 years in the joint -- by forcing prosecutors to take the case to trial. That's gotta hurt worse than a 95 mph beanball right to the melon.
And now Harvey's looking at even more years being tacked on to her time in the ice house for her current little home run trot.
"She never acknowledged she had sex. She continued to deny, deny," said one of the prosecutors. And apparently this base knock broad's not the only one in denial. At her trial, Harvey's hubby testified that his wife "was just trying to counsel a troubled boy."
But somehow I think the only "counseling" this big fly bimbo could ever give would be a course on hitting illegal home runs, Sammy Sosa-style.
Harvey's conviction, BTW, came after she hit for the cycle and then some. Specifically, prosecutors say this horny head of lettuce got into scoring position and then rounded third base and headed home five different times with the 16-year-old ball player. (Not quite what Yogi Berra had in mind when he spouted, "déjà vu all over again").
It wasn't exactly what you'd call an innocent game of pepper. This occurred on various occasions "between her work and his baseball games or attending athletic events."
The 16-year-old victim testified at trial that things led off with a long make-out session in a car in front of the high school, and the rally only got bigger from there – sometimes involving Harvey capturing the pennant after putting on the squeeze play in her own office, while other times she'd take a curtain call after hitting a grand slam at the kid's home.
Any place that was private, I suppose – "hit 'em where they ain't," as they say. Just watch out you don't get caught stealing on the next pitch.