Specifically, the new poll reports that Obama's job approval ratings among Independents took a "sharp dive" over the past month, to a rather pathetic 37% from 47%. When Obama feigned a "move to center" act after the 2010 midterm elections and "compromised" with republicans in late 2010 on an extension of current income tax rates across the board, His Majesty's polls numbers went up a bit in the last few months with Independents.
But it's good to see that Majesty's completely disingenuous "march to the center" has started to ring rather hollow with my fellow Independents. Pollsters are chalking up Obama's plunge with the Independents solely to higher gas prices recently. Of course that's a factor, but the only one? Please.
I'm sure the Big Collapse has had absolutely nothing to do with the utterly pathetic 2011 budget that Obama offered up recently which does truly nothing to make a significant dent in our current $14.2 Trillion Dollar National Debt, nor to the historically record-breaking and massive deficits that the 20 percenter leftists have been running up the past few years – officially making equally awful president W Bush look like a penny pinchin' miserly figure (a very difficult task) by comparison.
[I get the sense that Obama's much alleged and maligned lack of action and wavering on the Egyptian and Libyan situations may have also cut into his numbers a bit, although you won't hear me pounding him on those issues: I have to say that Obama's obvious reluctance to initiate American military involvement on the Libyan situation is something that I, so far, support. Don't put our boys at risk unless we have one hell of a good reason for doing so. And so far, Libya ain't it!]
BTW, I almost said the national debt was $14.1 trillion just now, but being the prudent, responsible blogger that I am, I made a quick visit over to the U.S National Debt Clock (a wonderful website – http://www.usdebtclock.org/). There, I quickly realized that we've in recent days surpassed $14.2 trillion in national debt – with the extra point-one trillion representing little more than an extra 100 Billion Dollars being tossed into the kitty of national debt which, on the whole, very much threatens the end of this wonderful country as we know it inside of 10 years.
A few other observations from the Reuters polling numbers: First, I see that that the number of people who think the country is on the wrong track now stands at 64 percent. Significantly, that's the highest that number has stood at any point during Obama’s disastrous leftist presidency.
Finally, I see a reference in the linked story to the contention that Obama has been able to grow his Independent approval ratings (until this month, at least) with post-2010 midterm speeches that give a ton of lip service to finding "common ground" and "the need for compromise in Washington, the kind of rhetoric that [allegedly] appeals to Independents."
Do generalized references to "compromise" and "common ground" truly register positively with you, my fellow Independents? I think it surely does with some of you, but I'd question just how many. Here's my thing: How can you even answer a polling question that in the abstract asks if you positively view such concepts as "compromising more" or "finding common ground"?
I would refuse to answer such a polling question. How in the hell can you speak to the merits of a "compromise" or "finding common ground" unless you have in front of you what the specific "compromise" is that's been reached? Because finding "compromise" or "common ground" simply for the sake of doing so is the realm of the mindless mealy-mouth.
Stand for something. Reach a position on a particular issue, whether it come out on the right, left or somewhere in between. Then ponder that position in contrast to a particular "compromise" that has actually been reached. Then decide whether the "compromise" is acceptable or not. I have no earthly idea how that can be done in the vacuum of stupid questions about whether "compromise" and "finding common ground" are good concepts in the abstract.
Sometimes it's necessary and/or advisable to compromise and find common ground, but other times it's much more prudent, principled and right to stick to your guns. Every situation is different. Short concise bottom line: If you go around celebrating "compromise" and "finding common ground" as if those are somehow wonderful principles to always pursue and achieve, then you really should reconsider and re-evaluate. Because that thought process is about as ignorant as being an ideological, blinded partisan.