Cops says the reptile's name was "Wally the Watchgator," and that he alone garnered watch duty around his alleged Hog Leg owners' weed compound, serving (allegedly) as the primary protection for some 2,300 Mary Jane vines.
When cops busted out this alleged La La Limbo "joint" this week, they subdued and seized the gator and chomped him off to a Cali animal sanctuary since the Bayou reptile is highly illegal to own as a pet in the Land of Fruits & Nuts.
Cops were also chomping at the proverbial bit to throw the book at compound resident, 29-year-old John Nathan Donna. He got sent to the pokey on Mr. J cultivation and possession charges, although he bonded out for a little more than 420 -- a hundred grand to be exact.
OK, so as teased, here are the two ways in which the allegedly Kind Bud Onion Lovin' inhabitants of this compound went way off track in their little security efforts: First – DUDES: At least get a FULL-SIZE gator to safeguard your stash!!! Little Wally was reportedly a midget gator, measuring in at a mere four feet long! (A picture of some dork holding the little guy is above).
Second, GET A DAMN CROCODILE if you want to Jib the potential jokers looking to heist your Jay! Alligators are wusses. They're afraid of humans and will only act aggressively towards a man if they feel cornered. Crocodiles, in contrast, represent a very different animal, both literally and figuratively.
A crocodile has no fear of a man, and will actually actively stalk and hunt a man for a meal if he feels like it. Put in simple terms – (1) Alligator watchdog: won't do $hit to protect your stash unless the burglar happens to actually step on the alligator; versus (2) Crocodile watchdog: Will be proactive and start hunting the burglar as soon as the Croc gets a whiff of the bozo being on the property!
Oh well. Stupid criminals (allegedly).