Reports say these crazy kooks were absolutely stoked when they saw the gnarly tsunami warnings on TV Thursday night. They loaded up their woodies and hung ten towards the nearest coastline – some driving hours to get there.
At the beaches on Friday, these radical riptiders hit the waters faster than a Chinese wax job at Dead Man's Curve. These Bra Boys were so anxious to get their goofy foot on that they actually turtle rolled right over all the warnings from cops and lifeguards to eschew the wild incoming surf.
No time for Beach Blanket Bingo on this day. Not by a longshot. These wetsuited wipe-outs were just itchin' to get Out in the Soup faster than an Andy Warhol inspiration at a Watusi hop headlined by Jan & Dean.
Luckily, from reports and from the pictures, it appears that the woodies carrying the beach boys' surfboards didn't arrive too far behind the T-Birds and Little Deuce Coupes that transported these Liquid Time lovin' Lords of Dogtown to the wild awaiting waters along the coast. As you can see, they had their boards in hand as the tsunami turned Surf City into a Surfin' Safari.
No word yet whether these epic tubular sensations screamed "Cowabunga" as the tsunami hit, but if ever there was a time…