Lewinsky, of course, was the just 22-year-old White House intern when she first blew the horn of the 50-year-old dirty old man and Charlie Sheen hero, President Clinton. Lewinsky – by my reckoning the first person in American pop culture history to have the act of fellatio nicknamed after her ("she gave him a Lewinsky") – even spoke into Clinton's mike right there in the middle of the Oval Office!
Then this unofficial alum of Oral Roberts made the mistake of blabbing about the affair to co-worker Linda Tripp, who recorded their phone conversations concerning Lewinsky's dirty act of giving Scully to the nation's top knob.
Tripp turned the Gobble Gobble taped account over to independent prosecutor Kenneth Starr, who had a fellatio field day with the Oralgamie-In-Chief Clinton. Then the Prominent Proponent of the Penile Tonsil Hockey Clinton looked the American people right in eye, under oath, with his finger waggin' right in our face, and spouted his now infamous, "I did not have sexual relations with THAT woman!"
Starr eventually hauled the pink oboe playin' Lewinsky into court for her side of the calf feedin' occurrences. The yogurt cannon yafflin' Lewinsky then shook up the world with accounts of semen-stained blue dresses and one of the civilized world's first recorded "oral" accounts of the utilization of a cigar as a makeshift dildo.
The republican-controlled U.S. House later impeached bojo jobber Clinton for lying under oath, although the whaps-gettin' president kept his job when things stalled out in the Senate trial.
Clinton ultimately admitted having an "improper relationship" with the cheese eatin' Lewinsky, but he never admitted much of anything else, including any description that had the word "sex" or "sexual" in it.
And to think I actually voted for "that man" in 1992 (the only time in my life, BTW, that I've ever voted for a democrat party candidate or republican for president). Just shoot me. Really though. Or consider giving me a pass: I was only 21, ignorant, and still under the influence of the entire leftist indoctrination from college and earlier. But I digress.
That lying slimeball, Clinton. Own up to what happened after the fact, and I could have easily gotten past the affair. But look me in the eye and lie about it and wag your finger at me, and then thereafter never fully admit it, then I'm going to call you a sleazejob.
And when I say he's a sleazejob, I mean he "is" a scumjacket, as opposed to merely asserting that he "is" a mere creep. And if you ask me to define the term "is," I promise to clock ya one right in the kisser. But I digress again.
So that brings us to the 37-year-old Lewinsky of today, who lives in L.A. This bonophone talkin' dame reportedly claims to friends that she has never married or had kids because she is still in love and always will be with the cone-gettin' Clinton.
The Lewinsky-givin' Lewinsky also reportedly tells friends that she's never gotten over her brain salad surgery mate Clinton and "would take him back in a second."
This oralizing ice cream aficionado Lewinsky further waxes poetic to friends, reportedly, that she "still carries a flame" for the cigar-rollin' ex-president and has "never been able to get Bill out of her heart."
To think, Lewinsky could have been the much-more-attractive-than-Hillary hummer that just kept hummin', but Bubba felt it more important to lie about it and stay with his battle axe left-wing partisan hag of a spouse. But folks perplexed by the meaning of the English language's "to be" infinitive do tend to be mentally challenged like that.
That lying slimeball, Clinton. Own up to what happened after the fact, and I could have easily gotten past the affair. But look me in the eye and lie about it and wag your finger at me, and then thereafter never fully admit it, then I'm going to call you a sleazejob.
And when I say he's a sleazejob, I mean he "is" a scumjacket, as opposed to merely asserting that he "is" a mere creep. And if you ask me to define the term "is," I promise to clock ya one right in the kisser. But I digress again.
So that brings us to the 37-year-old Lewinsky of today, who lives in L.A. This bonophone talkin' dame reportedly claims to friends that she has never married or had kids because she is still in love and always will be with the cone-gettin' Clinton.
The Lewinsky-givin' Lewinsky also reportedly tells friends that she's never gotten over her brain salad surgery mate Clinton and "would take him back in a second."
This oralizing ice cream aficionado Lewinsky further waxes poetic to friends, reportedly, that she "still carries a flame" for the cigar-rollin' ex-president and has "never been able to get Bill out of her heart."
To think, Lewinsky could have been the much-more-attractive-than-Hillary hummer that just kept hummin', but Bubba felt it more important to lie about it and stay with his battle axe left-wing partisan hag of a spouse. But folks perplexed by the meaning of the English language's "to be" infinitive do tend to be mentally challenged like that.