And I truly wonder how many of the "I like him personally" respondents in these polls are really being honest. I believe many of them are probably just saying that to be politically correct, since in today's venomous American political culture (venomous due to the equal contributions of both the left and right extremes, BTW), saying anything negative about Obama threatens to have you labeled a "racist" by the American left.
The new poll referenced at the top, BTW, comes from Quinnipiac University, as reported in Politico.com over the past day (link to full story at bottom). It reports that Obama's job approval ratings (i.e. the "policies" part of the equation) are split at 46 percent among registered voters. In contrast, on the "likability" side of the equation, 74 percent of voters say they "personally like the president."
Well, if you know me at all, then you know that I'm not much on spouting the politically correct line. Not only do I disagree with most of Obama's left-wing policies, I also personally don't like the man. Just don't care for him. I find him to be a thin-skinned, arrogant, condescending, oftentimes disingenuous, prototypical politician and a devout far-leftist.
Not quite up my alley, you might say. [I was about to say "not quite my cup of tea," but that sounds like something a tea partier would say, and I don't much care for them either].
Now, while I may not like Obama, I certainly don't hate him. I wouldn't even say I disdain him. I'm not a right-winger or a conservative – the ones whom I believe do disdain him (although I wouldn't say "hate" even with respect to them either) and look to find something wrong with every single action Obama takes and every single word that comes out of his mouth.
And while I think it probably true that more than half of American voters do honestly "like" Obama personally, I must question that 74% figure (and I'm not questioning the poll, but rather the honesty of the responses). Simply put: He's not that likable. Sorry. Or you can just choose to call me racist.