Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Oscar Grouch" TV Executive Lays the Smack Down on Fifth-Grade Choir Who Performed at the Oscars, and Now the Kids Want to Smack Him Down!

His name is Andy Cohen (pictured on the right). He's a TV executive for Bravo Network, and he didn't care too much for the rendition of "Over the Rainbow" delivered at the Oscars by the 10-year-olds in New York's Public School "PS" 22 Chorus. Not by a long shot! (Link to full story at bottom).

The Grumpy Gus Cohen totally trashes PS 22 in comments made this week to MSNBC: "The end of the Oscars, we don't want to see this. You just ruined everything."

Ouch. And this, as the New York Post aptly points out, comes from a dude who's the mind "behind such sophisticated entertainment as the 'Real Housewives' series"! Indeed, Cohen is known for overseeing those great bastions of high entertainment known as reality series, with "Real Housewives" probably being the best known.

And Cohen's blast has really stirred up the kids in the choir. Said one 10-year-old female member, Abigail Sarfo: "He's so mean! He should stop being so mean to us – we're little kids!"

But before you worry too much about any damage to the choir kids' psyches as a result of the curmudgeon Cohen's little tirade, consider the fact that Cohen has some of these kids fightin' mad! Said one 10-year-old male member of the choir, Antonio Perez: "He's gonna get a piece of me!"

I don't think Cohen probably wants any part of that. Final thought: Take a gander at those "googly eyes" in Cohen’s picture above. Much more than Oscar the Grouch, he reminds me of Cookie Monster!