One of the 15-year-old male attendees allegedly had an altercation with a 12-year-old girl also in attendance, reportedly knocking the girl to the floor and then clocking her one right in the kisser. And that's when business really started picking up (allegedly)!
This little alleged beat down apparently didn't sit too well with the 12-year-old girl's main squeeze chute (errr, boyfriend) – himself 15. That lady allegedly hosting the teen booze fest says someone called said boyfriend, who then crashed the scene faster than you can say stench in a Mississippi $hithouse.
And the boyfriend allegedly came packin' heat (among other things)! He reportedly held at gunpoint his fellow 15-year-old bruiser who had allegedly pounded down his little girlfriend. And it appears that holding the alleged assailant at gunpoint was necessary in order to give boyfriend some time to fire up his branding iron!
The boyfriend reportedly sported a rather crude, makeshift branding iron conjured up from a coat hanger! But this ranch hand wannabe apparently knew something of what he was doing, as he allegedly shaped and manipulated the branding iron into the form of various letters, like so many "Lazy V's", "Flying J's" and "Bar S's" in the hands of an experienced stockman.
Using his rudimentary firebrand skills, the cattle man boyfriend allegedly then branded his various letters and symbols into the bruiser's hide, reportedly spelling both the girl's name and the date upon the person of the bullying quarter horse bruiser (allegedly)!
But the branding boyfriend may soon have to fire up his livestock in the much bigger corral known as the proverbial Big House. That's because cops are reportedly prepared to throw the Brand Book at him, having charged this midnight cowboy with kidnapping and aggravated assault.
Although, on the bright side for him: I hear the "Striped C's" in the hoosegow also very much enjoy perfecting the lost arts of the firebranding conquistador. He may well feel right at home. Just watch out you don't get burned, there, Young Gun.