Over the past day, an Italian judge handed down an indictment under which Berlusconi is charged on prostitution and abuse of power charges. Under the Italian legal system, accused criminals are typically bound over for trial following a preliminary hearing, and the quicker indictment procedure is only used in cases of "overwhelming evidence."
Translation: Berlusconi is up the Rubicon River without a paddle. Not only that -- he's actually facing some serious time in the hoosegow: Four to twelve years on the abuse of power charge and six months to three years on the prostitution charge.
The more serious abuse of power charge alleges that the PM (at some point after allegedly having sex with the Moroccan-born Ruby) used his influence to get her out of the can after she was arrested in an unrelated incident for allegedly heisting over $4,000 from someone.
Prosecutors say Berlusconi made the call to the cops because he was afraid that Ruby would spill the beans about gettin' busy with the PM. Berlusconi admits making the phone call, but he (rather outlandishly) claims he only made it because he thought Ruby was the daughter of former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak.
Therefore, Berlusconi actually claims, the call was necessary to avoid an "international incident"! R-i-g-h-t! Tell it to the judge and jury, pal. For good measure, the accused john dismisses the charges against him as "groundless" and just a huge "farce."
If the charges are true, then Berlusconi is one hell of a perv – especially given the fact that banging a hooker is perfectly legal under Italian law just so long as the prostitute is at least 18 years old!
So the old man could have easily gotten his Sheen on with an 18 or 19-year-old, but NO! He had to have someone under 18! Slimeball (allegedly).
Well, the ladies of Italy are none too happy with this alleged scuzbucket. Recently "tens of thousands of women have staged rallies across Italy to denounce Berlusconi's conduct with young women, which they say degrades female dignity."
Contrast that with the United States, where virtually every democrat party partisan (women and men alike, including my own family members) to this day defends Bill Clinton's infamous hummer at the "hands" of the very young Monica Lewinsky (not to mention his subsequent blatant lying about it) as being no big deal. [BTW, I could have gotten past it too if he hadn't had the gall to look the American people in the eye and outright lie about the affair].
Final factoids: Berlusconi is also a billionaire and media tycoon who has previously faced a number of criminal charges connected to his business, but he's always beaten the rap. Sort of Italy's version of deceased New York City mob boss "Teflon Don" John Gotti.
But now Berlusconi not only faces the charges connected to Ruby, but also three separate (and unrelated) criminal proceedings on charges of bribery and tax fraud. And as we ultimately learned with Gotti, every Teflon Don – or Teflon john, as the case may be – eventually has his day. Methinks the sun's rising on Berlusconi's.