So it's just a big coincidence that she happened to have sex with Sheen last month? OK, I guess, if you say so. But methinks something may be rotten in Denmark.
The only thing uglier about this story than the completely unplanned pregnancy of this very young lady is the fact that Jordan is receiving death threats from anti-abortion radicals "since hinting that she might abort the pregnancy."
"I'm getting a lot of anti-abortion people who are saying they want to kill me," said Jordan. "I’m getting threats, people calling me a murderer."
How nice. People who (whether rightly or wrongly) think abortion is murder turning around and threatening to murder someone who may have an abortion. Twisted, sick, fanatical stuff.
Jordan also says that "people are saying, 'her and Charlie would create the worst child ever.' " Well, let's see:
The seed of (1) a drug-addicted, has-been big screen actor obsessed with banging porn babes less than half his age and (2) a dame who broke into the porn world just as quickly as she legally could upon turning 18. The worst set of parents ever – THAT I could agree with.
Jordan's quotes also seem to indicate that the same people threatening to murder her if she has an abortion are also the ones hanging "the worst child ever" label. Now that really makes a lot of sense! But if you're looking for logic and reason in 2011 America and Planet Earth, you better look elsewhere.