Now "the deranged Brooklyn man" has opened up to the media, and it's hard to believe some of the things that poured out of his mouth as he reportedly ranted and "raved" at reporters (link to full story at bottom).
During a jailhouse interview dubbed "the psycho babbles on and on" -- and marked by "fragmented, disjointed sentences" and a healthy dose of "paranoia" -- the scuzbucket Gelman first took a rather dim view of himself, "declaring that he has mental issues" and observing that "sometimes, my mind isn't right." NO! What is he, a shrink? How could he ever possibly come to that particular conclusion?!
Next up, the sleazewad starts blaming his rampage on a big government "conspiracy" faster than you can say loony left-winger or deranged right-winger. "The DEA set me up," spouted the demented scumjob. "They were there the whole time. They let this happen, they're going to kill me! It's a conspiracy!"
He apparently also thought that the reporters interviewing him might be in on the big conspiracy. Said scuzjam: "How do I know you're who say you are? If you are who you say you are, you have to look into this."
And of course, this slippery sleazejacket had to play the victim card, claiming that he's just a patsy in a big "set-up" and a "sacrificial lamb." A regular Lee Harvey Oswald!
On the victim front, he's also charging police brutality: "I'm in a lot of pain. I've been hurting. I've been beaten. They choked me. They tied me at the precinct. I was in the dark. They didn't let me see a lawyer." So he's in "a lot of pain," uh? Really "hurting"? My heart bleeds. It really does.
When asked what he thinks about his alleged grisly crimes, this creep resorted to jailhouse clichés: "The proof is in the pudding. I'm trying to make my peace with God!"
Then this madman really started to work himself up into a twisted frenzy: The Post reports that "after one outburst, the wild-eyed, drug-addled psycho demanded that guards take him away, prompting a female guard to warn, 'You got to be careful, you don’t want to get him agitated, he might hit you.' "
BTW, a boyfriend of one of the victims questioned the whole "set-up" charge: "It's obviously not a set-up. He did this of his own free will." Oh, C'mon victim's boyfriend! Can't you do any better than that? Let's at least work Sarah Palin or some radio talking heads into the mix!
During a jailhouse interview dubbed "the psycho babbles on and on" -- and marked by "fragmented, disjointed sentences" and a healthy dose of "paranoia" -- the scuzbucket Gelman first took a rather dim view of himself, "declaring that he has mental issues" and observing that "sometimes, my mind isn't right." NO! What is he, a shrink? How could he ever possibly come to that particular conclusion?!
Next up, the sleazewad starts blaming his rampage on a big government "conspiracy" faster than you can say loony left-winger or deranged right-winger. "The DEA set me up," spouted the demented scumjob. "They were there the whole time. They let this happen, they're going to kill me! It's a conspiracy!"
He apparently also thought that the reporters interviewing him might be in on the big conspiracy. Said scuzjam: "How do I know you're who say you are? If you are who you say you are, you have to look into this."
And of course, this slippery sleazejacket had to play the victim card, claiming that he's just a patsy in a big "set-up" and a "sacrificial lamb." A regular Lee Harvey Oswald!
On the victim front, he's also charging police brutality: "I'm in a lot of pain. I've been hurting. I've been beaten. They choked me. They tied me at the precinct. I was in the dark. They didn't let me see a lawyer." So he's in "a lot of pain," uh? Really "hurting"? My heart bleeds. It really does.
When asked what he thinks about his alleged grisly crimes, this creep resorted to jailhouse clichés: "The proof is in the pudding. I'm trying to make my peace with God!"
Then this madman really started to work himself up into a twisted frenzy: The Post reports that "after one outburst, the wild-eyed, drug-addled psycho demanded that guards take him away, prompting a female guard to warn, 'You got to be careful, you don’t want to get him agitated, he might hit you.' "
BTW, a boyfriend of one of the victims questioned the whole "set-up" charge: "It's obviously not a set-up. He did this of his own free will." Oh, C'mon victim's boyfriend! Can't you do any better than that? Let's at least work Sarah Palin or some radio talking heads into the mix!